Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!


Yo! What’s on that menu?!

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Went to the hydro shop today to get a bag of BAS 3.0… not gonna use the ultra clean for my cannabis plants anymore because the texture is trash IMHO. It forms a “crust” when it’s dry, which is bad for my bottom watering style because the top is always dry.
While I was there I picked up a toy:

Never had a loupe before! I’ve been playing with my phone camera in conjunction… can’t get a clear shot yet, but I’ll keep experimenting.

I also gifted a few Vietnam Black fems to my buddy over there. We were talking about stuff last time I was there, and I mentioned my interest in landrace genetics, and he didn’t have any idea wtf was talking about :sweat_smile:
So we got to talking and I asked “If I give you a few beans will you try em out this year?” He said he’d get em going ASAP, so I brought them with when I made the trip today. He wasn’t working, but another homie was up front, so I left the seeds with him… hope they get that far, because this guy was keenly interested in the pack that was labeled “1970 Vietnam fems” :sweat_smile::rofl::crazy_face::grin::bear:


Lol, who wouldn’t be? Hope they make it to him


I’m sure they will, but the other guy may ask for a few :sunglasses:
2x2 update:
Important note for anyone growing MaMaHaze- they do not like having their feet wet.
I slightly over watered Echo and it is pissed!

Check out the comparison of color with Fox:

Both plants drink way less than the LBF’s, so I’m pumping the brakes on their watering. They even got finicky about water as seedlings.

And the Trainwreck Fems are moving right along!


Nice @HeadyBearAdventures, I grew out some of what they called vietnam black, back in the late 90s. It was a powder blue color when it was done.


Cool! These were gifted to me by @CADMAN about a year ago, but I don’t know their history prior to that.
Any info you can provide about the 1970 Vietnam Black fems Cad?


Either I just haven’t crossed paths with him in some time, or he’s become quite the lurker, lol.
You still with us @CADMAN ?


He posts every few days, and I’m patient :sunglasses::bear:


Thanks @HeadyBearAdventures

Fat Grape x Blueberry

I’m excited for a a good blueberry pheno


My pleasure, brother! Hope you find what you seek.



I received the long flowering Sativa:
1970 Vietnam Black Fems from @YoBigdaddy as a gift for doing work with freakers ball preservation group by designing a logo for the group back I’m 2021.

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This link should help you with regards to the strain. https://wayofleaf.com/cannabis/strains/vietnam-black-strain

That’s pretty much all I know about them…

@blowdout2269 I’m here, lurking between shifts.


Thanks buddy, appreciate you!


The viet are from yobigdaddy. Some gems in there for sure. Ooops im late lol. Sorry @CADMAN .


I followed one thread by @YoBigdaddy (Hunting Unicorns), but I thought the Vietnam Black were pollinated with pollen from Snowhigh Vietnam Black.

I didn’t see any reversals in that thread.
I also saw Diggy’s run with Kiona and Snowhigh VB that appeared not to produce any males, so I thought it was more likely these came from that run.
YoBigDaddy, can you share more about how we got to VietBlack fems from cadman?
Or if @Upstate or anyone else can shed some light, that would be cool.
Also, how do those differ from the Vietnam Black from @deeez99 ?


The Vietblack I have were from a reproduction of Snowhigh’s that I picked up from this auction:

I then inbred one male with two females with the resulting seeds being the ones I sent to you labeled as F3 (not sure if that is technically a correct labeling). I’ll have to dig around to see if I have any pics of the females but they never finished outdoors here although I do have one revegging at the moment. The male that was used is shown in this thread:


theyre all he same line. snowhigh, kiona, magicspiritcompany or how called… deezers vietblack all are the same EXACT line
I know that i hunt vietnamese only, plus turkish … for 7 years i dont even hunt thai, just vietnamese, (1)they are the same exact line, trust me

the only other wellknown vietnamese line is cursating under the name (2)dalat

(oh and: (3) hoabac - reeferman but i dont count it, its 13 weeker shortflowering vietnamese… well and some couple others such as, (4)vietnam combo from fet… (wich is two lines combined, one is the widely cusating vietblack x fets vietnamese), ah, ask snowhigh he has it and some (5) others, relatively shortflowering ones … he can tell you about those other lines. but i just choose the widly cursating one, im bizzy with real stuff… its all a bit meh… but veeery cool weed,

As you see , i put numbers infront so you know how to differ each from the other.
Snowhigh has em all, including (5 ) the others , ask him i suppose if want


incase you dont want to talk to slowrespomding (good guy) mr.snowhigh, and want to get them free on og , then listen to this:

Gogle now on any forum of choce for following words:

whenever a guy says he has Vietblack, its most likely (1) . I dont mean to claim it, but avoid you getting 10 different vietblacks from 10 guys, and most likely 9 out of 10 will be the same line…

whenever a guy says he has Dalat, then its (2) .Again, most likely it will be , with a 99 percent chance…

whenever a guy says Hoabac, then its (3).

whenever a guy say Vietnam Combo, then its (4)


And last bt Least the original Sources:
(1) Australian guy crossed a true Vietnames x northern Vietnames, sells it at Cannbisauction in year 2000
(2) Dalat is collected in 2004 by a ex Veteran gouing back to find the od Weed, and spread by other guys ,i recall Marksurf in the community…
(3) Hoabac - Reeferman, collected in 2008, from southern Vietnam.
(4) Is a Cross made by FET: Ther widly cursating vietnamblack from the Australian guy i mentioned X an alleged old Vietnamese, but i find it looks more awful than an old Vietnamese, looks just ok.
(5) im not entirely shure, but snowhigh says one of his lines is a heriloom vietnamese, and middleshort flowering, the description doesent remind me of any of the other lines.

Ok, .


@deeez99 :pray: Thank you so much for providing some additional background! It seems likely that the next landrace selected will be the VietBlack (based on the previous poll), so I’m preparing myself.

@romanoweed Your experience and input are most welcome here! Thank you for sharing both. Based on what you’re saying, perhaps I’ll pop both some fems and some regs when the time comes, and pollinate the fems to bring their genes back into regular seed format.
From your searches and cultivation efforts, have you cone across any alternative sources/ rare regional genetics beyond the 5 you listed? Or is that pretty much what’s out there?