Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

probably ill find the real stuf…

Thats all thats out there, however, for me that is… for me modern collections from tlt Seeds, and such dont count as true landrace ,


One last question, if I may:
Is there much phenotypic variation among the Vietnam Black? Anything you suggest looking for as a marker of higher quality?
For you too, @deeez99 if you’re game


i cant say. i only open pollinated it.
A friend from the australian guy once started ery extended selections thowards the true Vietblack in the cross, and his selections are a bit more high praised-
he says hegot 85 there , to the true vietblck, however, i grew en, never smoked it actually, im sceptical to be honest…

if you ask me, i dont think even after 20 generations one can select for the true vb, and really get there…

i also found that his selections, while shurely smelling and feeling a bit tryppieer, they just flower so long like a true vietblack… so, but are still not true… so its not very efficient…

a ture vietblack would be morre efficent, right, and im not really thinking so much of flowerintimes, but , yeah, just another bummer…

– so thats what i heard or seen… i cant say what you have to select for tho.

well the northern vietnamese, go, google “north vietnam weed”, looks probably a bit like the various hemp-strains up there…
The northern vietnamese was also very weak, so you should select against this weak northern vietnamese, with hempy traits and smells… is suppose


Choose your own adventure looks like is choosing Vietnam blk.lmao

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Okay the Viet black that you got from cadman was from a 1970s viet black (very special) that I only had females, took some clones then STS a few. then I bred some to snow highs viet black. I sent some of the fems to cadman and exchange for his excellent work on the stickers I sent a bunch of the regs and fems to Romano. And I sent a bunch out to the overgrow nation. If you need more of either let me know. If I remember correctly snow high is finished in about 16 to 18 weeks the femmes can go 20 maybe 22 easy. When they start turning black you got another month month and a half to go. They can get huge if you let them, lots of bending lots of training lots of topping. I grow in living soil with dry amendments. I know the fems will not like bottled nutes at all I think snow highs might be able to handle it a little better, go easy, but I never use bottled nutes so can’t help you much there. I hope that helps


Is there a big difference other than the flowering weeks between the regulars and the feminized? You sent me some of the regulars. Big time on my bucket list grow so thank you for those!


I would say a definite difference in the two, as far as plant growth snow highs look like they’ve been worked a lot more they’re more uniform a little bit more manageable as far as size goes. Fems wild growth, a lot more touchy they don’t like Cold well water, my son used bottled nutes and killed his. As far as smoke report goes the plant the femmes came from is definitely one of my favorites we passed out mega doobies on the 4th of July a few years back and everybody said it intensified the lights and colors. I can’t believe I didn’t send you both shoot me addy and I’ll throw you some fems.


Thanks brother. Will do.


So helpful my brother! So in my little 2x4, you think 2 plants tops? 3? It’s 7ft tall with a possible 1 foot extension.
I really appreciate you chiming in.


The two females I had were quite similar looking, both grew in a Christmas tree shape. Neither seemed wild or untamed and they got to be about 6 ft tall untopped in a 3gal container.

I’ve seen claims of VB having THCV so I was quite curious if these might have some but when I did a TLC test on mine I didn’t find any. It did curiously show quite a bit of CBG. This test was done on the shriveled buds after the (multiple) below zero nights had killed them off sadly. Unfortunately I didn’t think to do a leaf test on the male at the time.

If you’re short on space and looking to just grow the fems, I do have a bit of pollen saved in the freezer from that male that you are welcome to use.


:dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: That would be outstanding!
We’re a good ways off from this still, as the Oaxacan Gold is coming up next, and then 3 more strains before we get back around to the landrace/heirlooms, but I will absolutely take you up on that if the offer is available when the time comes.
Much love. :bear::green_heart:


Hey buddy, i just wanted to announce all our Vietnamese Lines can be disscussed openly, happy growing


Well i’m happy the cats out of the bag lol I slipped up a couple of times.


weird you got such different results…
i found them to be more coldresistant than any other Strain (vietblack snowhigh, cambodianhaze, hoabac, whatever) .
They finished seeds more ripe than vietblack in the shortflowering pheno (not thlongflowering).

It has prooven the myth that SE Asians are coldresistent for me… funny…

But i know what you mean with beeing touchy, when theyre very little plants, once slightly dry, they let the head hang, slighty too wet, the same happens…
but later in age, the opposite. they were the only green plants at 1st December ive seen.


well, you been lucky


I certainly feel lucky.


@Upstate cambodain too…


I take it you got the regulars from Romano?

I’m sure it can be done. Keep your pot small. Send me a safe addy and I’ll get some more of them out to you.
@romanoweed did your experiment include cold temperatures and cold water are just cold temperatures ? They definitely hold up well to cold temperatures outside. but didn’t care much for almost 80° room and 40°water.


So , to anwser question: i think i only over- , and the next day underwatered them in my Party-cups… wich can happen easily. But i cant rule out it was watertemperature, and its only when theyre little. One of the 3 seeds i planted almost died like that.

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Yes I did. But I’m going to have to give them another go indoors I believe.

I might have missed some context as I didn’t know there was a cat in the bag but I’m assuming it’s related to the 70’s line?

No problem it’s here when you need it and hopefully it retains its viability.


Yeah there’s so many cats in the bag I don’t remember what I can and can’t talk about. If you want some of them fems deeez shoot me an addy