Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

just show and talk about all of them, i WOULD LIKE them to be backcrossed, would like to share this plan with the community. and probably save them that way,


I’m growing some of the vietnamese @HappyTrees23s worked on outdoors this summer. It seems really interesting. I’m hoping his results are repeated. Perhaps we should discuss this elsewhere so we dont sidetrack @HeadyBearAdventures thread

Lol. I think there’s more cats hiding in your bag than anyone elses. You’ve been busy😁


Discuss away if you so desire. There is no track to stay on, except the one people choose!
People can filter the thread if they need to see my posts


Delta has chosen death.
I got excited today because there are sparkly trichomes on him… but alas, I also found a whole branch of pistils.
Bye bye Delta!
Pictures tomorrow because it’s been a busy week. I let everybody dry out for several days because it’s been cold and humid.
Echo looks like a nightmare, but he/she is alive. I still see preflowers that look like balls, but I’m not certain. We shall see.


Updates baby! I like @Pigeonman style, so here’s some vibes while you scroll:

LBF Ladies: Alpha is beginning her stack. Really good trichome coverage, but still not looking great for yield. I see lots of open branch space, and I don’t expect it to fill in much. Longer veg would have helped, which is one of the reasons why I’m currently shopping for another 2x4 tent… because who doesn’t need two 2x4 grow tents in their 12 x 12 bedroom?
Good thing I’m single.
Charlie is a looker! She is a little taller than Alpha now, and is only subtly different to her sis. Pistils are longer than they were on Alpha, budsites appear more prolific, and her structure is immaculate. Beta pollen definitely took on her lowers.
Alpha-46 days flower

Charlie- 12 days flower

Delta- 1 day in the JLF bucket :black_heart::skull:

MaMaHaze: These plants have been a PITA; admittedly I’m no professional gardener, but the LBF before, and now the Trainwreck have thrived with this method, and I have struggled with MaMaHaze from “go”. Echo is recovering from her water sensitivity and those little balls I thought I saw have developed 1 or 2 pistils. Fox looks about a week behind in terms of development. Slowest growing weed plant ever.
Echo-2 days since flip

Fox-26 days veg

Arcata Trainwreck: Now these are fun, so far! They were up potted the day before yesterday as they had been showing roots out the bottom of the bag for several days. They are so strong and straight, I feel like they look as though they have a purpose!

Ivan: I have heard tales of a wide open space called “flower tent”
Jammer: Yes, they say that when we come of age, there is more earth, more light, more room to grow!"
Kelly: Onward sisters! We rise toward the light!
Ivan, Jammer, and Kelly 11 days veg

Alright, it’s been fun, thanks as always, for stopping by! :bear::purple_heart::+1:


Non cannabis update:

We have 4 Douglahs, and 2 Chocolate Habs above ground (1 CH not shown). Fatalii Citron are still underground, as are 2 Chocolate Hab.
I’m gonna trade 2 of the Douglah for 2 bhut jolokia starts that my buddy has going. It’s going to be a capsicum summer!


Alright, I had to face the reality that Alpha is going to be harvested soon, and I have no drying strategy.
To address this, I ordered a new tent.

It buys me an extra 4 square feet of floor real estate, and the opportunity to have space to clone, keep a mother plant, etc. Alternately I can remove the wall and just run an extra 2 sq. feet of floor, without the shelf. About 4.5 ft/1.25m tall

My current veg tent (the 2x2x4), is going to become my drying tent, and I’m going to need another inkbird humidity controller, a diy air conditioner, and another small exhaust fan to keep it where I want it during the process.
I gotta find this shit on sale.


I need this but already have 6 tents and need to stop :rofl:

(*my “fucking chamber” 2x2 will be the drying chamber when there’s no plant fucking. :ok_hand:


So much classier than what I came up with. :laughing: Think two carboard boxes, one for carbon filter, one for hanging plants. Some holes and filter fabric for ducting and my ghetto dry box is a go! The ac controller kicks on at 60%.


So long as you have the room… simply draw up a new org chart with 7 boxes…
(make a few copies of the blank)
Spark a nice one and contemplate the requirements of your future efforts.
You can add floor space calculations. isolation requirements, thermal management and power requirements… Lots more! :crazy_face: :wink:

I’ll bet you can work up a case to prove that 7 tents will have a synergistic leap in potential capabilities over your current 6 tent setup that would even convince a bank manager… :+1:

Just spark up a fat one, it will come to you…



Hey fellow adventurers, this is not a giveaway (it might be a little later today)! Just so they’re all in one place, I wanted to post the list of folks who are eligible for all giveaways in perpetuity. You have supported me and participated in this thread, and I feel blessed by this community!

Next list is those members who may participate in any giveaway between now, and the next strain selection poll. Much love for helping to choose the adventure!

Again, due to an error in the way I set up the first poll, I cannot see all 45 members who voted, only the 21 members who “liked” the post. If you voted in this poll, and don’t see your username, let me know. I’ll be sure to get you added.
This will be the list until we select the next round in a few weeks.
When the time comes for the next set of seeds to pop, the category will be BREEDER PACKS, and could be THSeeds, Bodhi, BadDawg, SpaceBound, Hazeman, or NugLifeFarms!
So if you aren’t on the list, smash that “watching” button, and get in on the next round. :bear: :smiley:
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Oh since I tagged a boatload of folks, lemme share one more cool thing:
My homie gave me 3 seeds in a vial labeled “Trident Seeds #rarepurple”. Looking it up, it’s a selection from a landrace accession from Wailing Valley in the Malana region of India.
Check out this description:
Wailing is a sub valley, inside the Malana region situated at an height of 3200 meteres from sea level. While scouting through the Wailing valley fields last season, we found this very special looking, properly faded into purple female standing elegantly and it is very rare to find a properly faded phenotype where each bud/leaf is faded purple in such a vast, constantly diversifying genral cannabis population, which every year goes through natural selection and many other factors before it spreads seeds or pollen.
This plant was glittering dark purple from a considerable distance.
Standing 8-9 feet tall it had ample side branching and upon smelling, a funky combination of naphthalene (moth ball) and sulphur with a proper burnt meat/rubbery ending note, which intrigued us even more about this unique find. After a short time period of assessment it was clear that, this is a one in a million phenotype from Wailing valley general population. Therefore, we asked our farmer friend to harvest this plant for its genetic preservation.
Native temperature: 9°c to 25°c (summer) -16°c to 9°c (winters)
Flowering Time: 10 to 14 weeks.
Yield: Medium – High.
Effect from Wailing Valley handrubbed hash : Very euphoric and heady in the start which dissolves into a mind soothing, energetic state.

Sounds like fun! Anyone heard of Trident Seeds? Its a new one on me


I haven’t heard of trident seeds. These sound very good though. Might even pair well with @Upstate current run


That’s a beautiful plant they found. I find it strange that completely purple plants are rare in the Himalayas. You’d think it would be a common trait.
Landrace Mafia is a Trident affiliate with Trident handling sales and LM the fieldwork/advertising.
Wailing valley produces shorter plants than other Himalayan varieties.
I’ve ordered from Trident Seeds. Nice packaging but MY seeds were likely irradiated during transit early covid. I tried popping kali ram and wailing valley last summer. 48 duds. This is atypical.


Wailing valley is related to Malana but is higher up and more selection work over the years. Bigger buds, more “kush” like smells rather than fruity
They have a couple neat Nepalese selections too. Penauti Village and chiptowk( certainly spelled wrong)
I’d order from them again
Not their fault about the seeds


Thanks for putting me on your list brother. Fun thread where we kinda get to take turns at the steering wheel.

I wonder if these are the same as Magic Valley Malana seeds? Or is that a different region?


Close. Magic is another side valley. Super popular. Wailing is harder to get to and a locals only place.
They are each cultivars of the same landrace…
Magic, Malana, Nirang Top/ Wailing/ Kali Ram
Different side valleys that run into the main valley.


full power selections also has some for sale


I haven’t heard of it
but that is a real homie to toss you that pack can’t wait to see that one
have a great day everyone


He had 5 failed germination attempts, so I only have 3, but I reached out to Landrace Mafia on IG to ask if there are more, and to see if they’d be open to a seed increase.
If @Upstate is right about irradiation, I may not have any more luck than my buddy