Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Ive gotten mushroom pizza with extra sweet sauce recently


Was it awesome or just weird?


I fucks with jalapeño and pineapple pizza


Aww man, who doesn’t?!! I’m outta likes brother :heart: :heart_decoration:

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I fully support jalapeño and pineapple pizza!


the savory and meaty flavors are not my favorite… though i have a meatbreath #11 cross

I would think they would be a bit funky…but hell some people like black licorice

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Oh ho! Lol what showed up today:

#3 / 3 gallon equivalent Air Pots!

These will be the final homes for Fox, Ivan, Jammer, and Kelly, and later a whole host of other plant babies!
Pricy at 10 bucks ea. But absolutely worth every penny IMHO.
Gotta tag my inspiration: @Pigeonman

Oh yeah: I’m 0/2 on early plant sexing calls, but it looks like Fox is leaning female. Good for my headstash, bad for seed making.
@BeagleZ NEVER FEAR our fellow member @BCC has sent me a small batch of Chernobyl pollen (which also just arrived, thanks BCC!!), so if it’s viable, we will still have Trainwreck Bx1-ish (Trainwreck x Chernobyl) seeds.
TGA didn’t like the Arcata cut, so he sourced his own, so it’s not a clean backcross, but between Twenty20 TDub, the Arcata genes, and TGA’S selection in the mix, we may find a SUPER Trainwreck!


Are these better than fabric pots in your opinion?


IMO and limited experience, yes. In the fabric, the soil against the inside of the pot dries much more quickly, causing air pruning within the medium, and uneven drying. The air pots trap some moisture because of their texture, and so the root pruning occurs only where there are holes in the sidewall. There’s no comparison in terms of root development, the root system is convoluted throughout the fabric pots, but in the air pots, the entire pot is a dense mass of roots… truly a sight to behold.
Finally, a 3 gallon AP will fit inside a 5 gallon bucket, which cannot be said for the fabric pot of the same size. This may not seem important, until you realize I bottom water, so the bucket is way more convenient than the 8 gallon sterilite tub.


All great points. May have to give a few a whirl and see what up for myself.


Yes but reusable and uber bad-ass! :smiley:

It’s like the mad-max of gardening pots; much kvlt, very grow!

Congrats bud!! :smiley:


If anything @HumblePie420 they are very versatile :smiley:



Id pick that now. Picking time has REALLY changed over the last 25 years. Old harvest time was roughly 2 weeks after the stigmas began to turn color, and there was a 2 week window for peak potency. Clear trichome heads, if full sized, were considered ripe. For me, I still like my weed best picked at this time.
A few things pushed me in this early picking direction.
Thieves, mold and cops.
Does weed make you tired picked late? Knocks me right out. I’m not awake to enjoy it.
That pic of EEEvahn(:grin:)…is that day 16???


I am the same way, as soon as I start to get a few amber colored trichomes she’s yanking time. Just a few clear, to mostly opaque work best for me. I say like you 25 years ago we used to think a lot differently I used to think that a couple of frosts on the plant really helped it out. You probably could have made coffee the trichomes would have been so Amber, if they didn’t burst completely


ORLY?! Well I’m off today, and I could set up the dry tent, and then bring her down tomorrow morning before lights on. Let me go back and see when she was pollinated… found it, February 8. So 5 weeks since pollination. What say you adventurers? @Upstate? Will I have viable seeds? They aren’t peeking out to say hello yet.

Yip. He’s been runty the whole time; about half the size of the other 2. I’m saying “he” on purpose. That would be awesome, and I would keep a clone for sure.


I need to up my game when it comes to early life for my plants. Basically everything i grow is that size week 6 maybe. Are you starting out in bigger pots?

My bad. I thought the calyxes had swollen and she was seedless. she’s seeded? 5 weeks?
How many seeds? If it’s a partial pollination, say a branch, and seeds are at least light tan/ grey, they will ripen if you yank the plant out, (leaving the roots) and hang it whole in a cool dark place. As @George discovered its a good idea to wrap the rootball so dirt doesn’t get on your bud.
Here’s a trick for you. Pick the lowest seed on a Bud and scratch the edges of the calyx Until you can see the color of the seed. The seed will ripen within 2 days😁.
For years when growing guerrilla style, I made and picked my seed early because of thieves. I used to scratch my seeds to see how far along they were because sometimes they are finished even though the calyx looks intact and has not split yet. I noticed every single time the seeds that I scratched would finish right up quickly while the others did not. Make sense that a plant would protect its baby. If something is gnawing on a seed, the best plant defense is to get that thing to finish quickly before the seed eater comes back.
I’ve never tried this on lots of seeds, just a few at a time. If I scratch a few and nothing is finished ,I will wait a few more days before checking new ones but the scratched seed will be done in 2 days. Sometimes 1. . Typically, once you see that calyx split on 10% of the beans, the others pollinated at the same time are likely done too.


I start in 3 inch fabric mesh bags, in Royal Gold Tupur with a dash of good potting soil, and let them go about 5-7 days beyond when the roots start growing out of the bottom. I direct transplant the sprout bag into a 1 gallon Air-Pot until sexual maturity. Usually the 1 gallon is heavily rooted at this point and requires daily watering or more. Final transplant to 3 gallons. All plants are bottom watered for their whole lives after germination. So I guess what I’m saying is: I don’t do anything crazy, but maybe you can see some differences there.


That’s why. OK. I thought I was a shitty grower for a minute. I’ll settle for slightly below average then😁


I definitely know you’re full of :poop: now. You run circles around me. Or if you’re slightly below average, you’re calling me woefully inadequate! :bear::rofl:


Where’d you get the turd emoji? I want one.
Sounds like those crazy air pots are good stuff. Neat idea.