Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

I’m sold on em… obviously. It can’t be that hard to replicate these damn things. It’s just heavy plastic that’s shaped and punched and cut! We need an OG version that’s cheap.
Hilariously it’s : poop :


Lol most keyboards on phones have the turd emoji. Looking good @HeadyBearAdventures


@upstate thanks for going back and adding those tips! I’m gonna take a peak at the seeded branches right now


:poop: there it is!


Well, well, motherfucking well:

We are good to go!
Lol @Upstate said scrape it, so of course I just pulled one off to look at it.
My mom used to say: “Heady Bear, you’re like a bull in a China closet!”
Oh btw… this is officially the first seed I’ve ever harvested from a cannabis plant!


Yay woohoo first meant bean production!


So my grow is requiring some investment sooner than anticipated (thought I had 2 weeks… thanks a lot @Upstate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).
Today I ordered an Inkbird combo that has a hygrostat, and a thermostat so I can control temp and moisture in the dry tent. For the same purpose I ordered a cheap Vivosun duct fan. All same day delivery; I avoid using Amazon, in general, but this is a bit urgent.
I also picked up a 10 pack of quarter pound Grove bags that I’ll be curing in after the dry.
I am not cutting corners on this!!!


I got 2 of the grove bags to test on the last harvest and like everyone else, I’m pretty much sold on them :+1::+1:


They seem like a godsend out here in the desert. Set it and forget it.

Logistics/Planning post-
Alpha comes down tomorrow, then Fox goes into her final pot, and heads into the flower tent.
Charlie has about a month and a little bit left if she’s similar to Alpha.
MaMaHaze is gonna go around 9 weeks, so Echo has 7 weeks left, and Fox will be about nine weeks exactly.
That means the Trainwreck ladies will have a 52 day veg, and will be living with Echo and Fox in the flower tent for about 2 weeks before Echo comes down. 5 plants in flower in a 2x4, and 3 of them are gonna be long-vegged (for me) Arcata Trainwreck. I’m probably going to top them twice each, and stake them after transplant to control them. This is gonna be fun.


Wow sounds fun! Love spending time with my plants.lmao. I think I need to get a real dedicated veg only tent. Seems like that would open whole new world.


Okay herewegoherewego okay!
New veg tent is up and running:

I also did a test run with no controllers (same day delivery, my ass), where I set up the dry tent with my a/c unit to see if it would get temps where I want.
15 minutes and the tent was at 57 degrees!
I’m very excited to take the initial dry nice and slow, as I’ve always had to dry at room temp. Out here that could be 80 degrees in the summer, easily.

Alpha comes down tomorrow now that I have all my equipment in hand.


Well this is getting out of hand!

Look at these Trainwreck ladies @ 20 days, compared to that little MaMaHaze @ 35 days!

I think I must have stunted them with the early over watering, because both MMH plants are wee.

Even after her stretch, Echo ended up at about 24 inches

The dry on Alpha is coming along; I left some lowers to continue to ripen so I can judge effects of later vs. this earlier harvest. The a/c and humidifier setup is definitely slowing things down considerably, and there’s no straw smell coming from my tent. Woo.
Yield doesn’t look to be impressive, probably top out at 1.5-2 oz. at most. We’ll see how Charlie compares.


It’s so interesting how these plants grow like mad and are so hardy outside. But once you put them in a tent or grow room setting, things get touchy. I’ve notice the same about having to ph water in inside grows but my outside ones I don’t have to do that. Even though my water comes in at 8.4 right outta the tap.

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Outside in soil there are more nature fixes that you take away when In a sterile environment they gave to rely on us to provide and protect it. Hope that makes sense not good at getting some info in my head into words that make sense if that makes sense.:thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Congratulations! That’s a big step!
If you lightly push on an attached seed, it will come loose if it’s fully ripe.
Now that you know they are ripe, you can pull other seeds off if they are located in the same portion of the flower.
Seeds ripen( obviously) in the order the flowers appear. Main stem first…then the Bottom of an upper bud, then the bottom of lower buds, then middle of upper buds, middle of lower buds etc etc.


Holy shit! Quite the process!


There’s the difference. I have closets in the upper 50’s low 60’s during outdoor harvest time. No A l/C required.


Wow that gear should really help control your temps for growing and drying.

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So far it’s been great, but only time will tell! If I had a closed environment, it would be much more consistent. I have to allow for about a 10 degree/percent temp/humidity swing, but it’s averaging around 60/60.
Gonna trim em, and bag em at 7 days.
I think I’ll let the Alpha lowers ripen for 7 more days after that.
I’m already liking how bud formation is looking on Charlie in comparison to Alpha. Almost definitely a better yielder, however I’m not sure she’s gonna be able to hold the weight. I like this potential problem.