Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

:arrow_up::arrow_up:Post 420!:arrow_up::arrow_up:
Interesting development:
Charlie not only has more prolific budsites, and more frost, but also is now producing super dank aromas. Gentle right now, but at higher intensity I think they’ll wrinkle up your nose!
This is a big difference to Alpha who has been notably fruity and sweet.
Exciting phenotypic variation, and I’m so glad to have seeds from both moms.
Finally, I laid on my bed to write this post, and now I’m not allowed to move:

Have a good one everybody!


Lol. I see you have a monkey on your back😁. I get those, too.
Did you get a cutting of Charlie?


Tried and failed.
Along with understanding male plants, cloning is a skill I didn’t acquire in my past growing life.
Maybe I can practice revegging!
That monkey is pissed about the collar, so she’s extra pushy right now


Looks like a baby turtle shell lol :joy: good job

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Thanks homie! Now if I can only find some “Ooze”

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Settle for pizza over the ooze lol just watch out for shredder @HeadyBearAdventures

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Well I’m mildly annoyed.
Fox, now 2 days after her watering, is super droop.

No idea.
The Trainwreck gals are doing great. I honestly think that MaMaHaze should be top watered, and then only minimally. She is a whiny baby, and she’s about thiiiis close to getting chopped and thrown in the liquid fertilizer bucket.
Hmmm… not a big loss, and I could start some auto fems with the extra space. Maybe 2 to kill time until I can pop the Oaxaca?
Seems like it’s time to:


Your plant is a sensitive baby, hopelessly dwarfed, and taking up valuable space. Do you:
  • spare it’s life in search of gold :1st_place_medal:
  • Mutter blessings as the blades close :scissors:

0 voters


:arrow_up::arrow_up: New poll, so I’m tagging my support system. What say you my friends? Also, the next time I tag you all, I promise it will be for free seeds.


Which strains would you run?

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Excellent question! Let me take a look!

Toss it into flower! Run it into the ground that way vs scissors. :v:


My tiny purple pheno Sour Bubble that topped itself at the first node turned out to be the best of the batch. I would defiantly let it go IMO.


A son must be loved even if it is stupid.

I’m not a fan of culling.
Recently I have a seed, that has twins. I separated the two and at first appear that they don’t live, one leaf, a little distorted… well the ugly ducks with hump. Leaved them, and one self topped with two main branches, the other with three, and if you see them now could not differ from the ones that born beautiful
Next, a SKLKZ3 from a OG, the same, appear to die, only one leave and apparently no tail. I leave on his own… now is growing like a bush, internodes at 1cm or less. Surprise!

Don’t cut it, love it. :rofl:



Auto fem options would be Blackstrap Crosses from @hollyho , or a cross of Strawberry Nuggets x Creme de la Chem (both Mephisto). I have some Black and Blue Jack somewhere, but u didn’t see it right away

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Since you’d have to wait to pop the Oaxaca anyway I think I’m with the others. :peace:


I can say from personal experience these are fantastic when grown out.


I agree with the squad. I’ve got a Guerrilla Fume going outside that did the exact same thing. 4 days later now and she’s definitely perking up and I KNOW these are fantastic plants according to several peeps I trust on this site.


Off with its head if this is the case haha

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This is my favorite suggestion so far, and, given the outcome of the poll:


She lives… but she goes to the gladiator ring. Flower time baybeee!


Just my 2 cents… but when I have a mutant or a struggler. It’s gets a chance of 2 weeks or so. If it improves with just fish shit and water, it gets to live. If not it’s the end for it.
If it improves in that time, it’s a survivor and a fighter. It gets a special place in the garden.
To much going on to continue a problem plant for me, when there’s so many other strains.