Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Wise words.


For the ultimate gladiator match- plant it outside and let it fend for itself. :grimacing:


I want to grow them all. Never going to happen :rofl:


Outa likes and think I missed the poll but I say move on brotha

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I’m a bleeding heart. You know my vote! Lol


I realize I am late to this but I would spare the little bastard.
Kind of…

I also hold the belief that those little sharts that give you all the trouble can turn out to be diamonds.

I know that I gave my parents a hard time growing up and look how I turned out :diamonds: :wink:

I do however like …@Bobgrows above approach as it sounds more than reasonable…

I also like @PineTarBastard’s Ultimate Gladiator Match Approach and Is actually what I end up doing myself…

If the plant can’t take the indoor conditions which should be optimal for a healthy plants fast growth then I’d put the little bastard outside to slow it down and let nature do it’s thing.

If it doesn’t correct itself guillotine emoji


Off with her head! :crown::heart:


Are we worried about plant count? :thinking: Running out of pots?

You did read what website this is, right? :joy:

:evergreen_tree: :cactus:

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Lol! I dunno some folks here are brutal with culling!
No worries on plant count, I’m still well under, even if I take a few clones.

I would do this if I didn’t have s shared backyard that backed up to railroad tracks. No we’d plant would last long back there… ripe or not.

Honestly, that’s where I was when I made the post, but I committed to the rule of the community, and I’m sticking to it! Not kidding, I had the pruning shears on top of the tent.

I’m like: “I’ll kill it, but you have to say it’s okay!”

I know, I know. Alright, well we are going to find out if these are diamonds or dirt I’ll up pot after Fox recovers, and then pop her into the flower tent.

Much love, and many thanks for all of the wisdom and input my friends.


Rofl :rofl:

Im dealing with that problem right now with mac1 x grape stomper og, it’s still going. Ill keep it until it stops growing. I guess my answer is litfa.:peace_symbol:


@HeadyBearAdventures I have issues with culling any plants myself. Although ATM I have 7 and 26 seeds in different days of germ so I’m gonna have to get over this really quick cause I can’t grow that many plants at once.:rofl::rofl:. At least they are regs so males aren’t that hard to pull.


L. O. Motherfucking. L.

Twice in two days I must make good on my agreements with those of you who walk this road with me.

Exhibit A)

Exhibit B)

To live up to that last sentence, I must share with you that Fox is not a little baby. Her cultivator just let her soil get bone dry. That’s right, I experienced a little human trait known as “confirmation bias”. In this case, she’s been water sensitive, she gets droopy when over watered, she was droopy, I thought “Fuck! Over watered!”.
Nope. The opposite. Watered her this morning (she was looking even worse!), and she regained turgor pressure in 15 minutes.

Fox thanks you for her stay of execution, because she was an innocent victim of the system!
This is like the Grower equivalent of “Is your computer plugged in?” Right @DougDawson ?


Well shit, what do I know lol

Maybe give that pot a good soaking, dunk it in a bucket for a bit?

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Done and done. Added a teaspoon of JWA (JADAM wetting agent, for the uninitiated), and I literally watched the water level drop by an inch once I dunked the pot.

A fucking lot, which actually makes me feel better that you were on my side!

Gotta be humble if I wanna play this game!


Like all of us here I have so many things I want to get to that I too easily dismiss things sometimes I guess. The curse of a hoarder lol


She was just too pretty to chunk her cause of a little droop bro.

  1. @Oldtimerunderground :-1:
  2. @Upstate👍
  3. @BeagleZ :-1:
  4. @HumblePie420 :+1:
  5. @Pigeonman
  6. @420noob :+1:t2:
  7. @THCeed :-1:
  8. @DesertHeartGardens👎
  9. @potpotpot :-1:
  10. @blowdout2269 :+1:
  11. @Big_Yeloe :+1:
  12. @CocoaCoir :+1:
  13. @Gpaw :-1:
  14. @DougDawson
  15. @GMan
  16. @Greenfingers :-1:
  17. @YoBigdaddy
  18. @deeez99
  19. @Emeraldgreen :-1:
  20. @ReikoX :+1:
  21. @Rhai88
  22. @cannabissequoia :+1:
  23. @herojuana.tom :-1:
  24. @Maddawg :-1:
  25. @Piter :+1:
  26. @patsnumone
  27. @OrganicGorilla
  28. @Jimdoors👍🏻
  29. @Tlander :+1:
  30. @Bobgrows :-1:
  31. @BudWhisperer :-1:
  32. @BRMTreefarmer :-1:
  33. @Weednerd.Anthony :+1:
  34. @CrunchBerries :-1:
  35. @ColeLennon :+1:
  36. @Mi-1000 :+1:
  37. @Faithisyours :+1:
  38. @PineTarBastard :+1:
  39. @Wuachuma
  40. @chronix :-1:
  41. @Kasper0909 :-1:
  42. @Cormoran :-1:

Dearly beloved, I have called you here today for the opportunity to win a pack of BOG Sour Bubble F2.
Doug, if you choose to play, and you win, we shall have a chat about what I might send your way.

These are the Sour Bubble reproduced by @DougDawson , and I realized that I won a pack and the card, but also received a pack via the co-op.
Remember: we can’t overgrow the planet if we hoard all the beans!

This is a reverse wiki! All names are already on the list, please don’t add any numbers! I’m leaving it up for either 24 hours, or until everyone has responded.

When editing, simply put a :+1: next to your name if you want to be eligible, or :-1: next to your name if you’d like to pass on this giveaway. Only because I have this awesome creation already. Good luck


Very cool hermano.


2 minutes and we’ve already had an overwrite. I hate wikis… :roll_eyes: