Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

No, it’s pretty much a coots mix which is the base I used in my beds. I actually prefer the light mix with some amendments. It has less compost as a percentage which I think is better for young seedlings or if I plan to supplement with something like Jack’s 321.

Edit: mind you I mix my own using their recipes and have never used their pre-made soils.


I made my own living soil. It was years ago. One batch has been cooking for almost two years, the other about 9 months. I made the second to cut the first. It was hot! :grimacing:
I’ve still got about two 55 gallon drums over half full sealed up outside. I had to thaw out a bunch and bring it back to life in the indoor heat for my grow this year. Seems to still be working with very little amendments. Checked a little run-off out of curiosity the other day. 1350ppm. :astonished:
I’ll have to find the recipe I used eventually, lol. But for now, I reuse the mix and at some oanic compost and EWC from time to time. :+1:


That’s a pretty sweet spot for a flowering mix! If you find that recipe I’d love to take a look. ATM I, like @ReikoX, and BAS, am thinking I’ll use the Coots base, and really put my JADAM inputs to the test.

In other news, I may have gone a bit crazy with pepper seed planting, and Ihappen to know there are some more on the way from Thailand!
I had a 0 germ rate on the fatalii from @potpotpot , but that’s on me; I’ve been trying to cut corners with seed germination by starting them in fabric starter pots instead of flats. I don’t think the heat mat is as effective through so much soil, and it’s difficult to keep the moisture level correct. In going back to my tried and true to-go containers and short Tupperware on a heat pad.
I planted every damn pepper!
Gold, Omni(color),Fantasy, and Dulce are all varieties of Aji, the Hab is more chocolate habanero because the 2 I got past germination are iffy. 6 of each plus 9 more Fatalii Citron.
There’s a plant swap in my neighborhood, so if I get good germination, I’m going to be very popular! :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::+1:


How cool is that. If I did a plant swap in my "neighborhood"it would be only me and my one neighbor lol.


It’s super cool! There’s also a table on the side of the street, and people put out rooted cuttings, starts, pups, etc, as well as used garden pots and the like.
Pretty nifty


I’ll post a picture later, but I’m organizing all of my seed packs into cryo tubes, and I went to open the Azad Kashmir from @lambchopedd by way of diggy, and check this shit out: the top of the package is sealed, but the bottom of the package is sliced open, the vial is inside, but empty! No dust, no crushed beans.
The cut on the bottom is so clean that I didn’t even notice it until right now when I went to transfer them to the tube!


Whew. That took a long fucking time. Gotta get another pack of cryo tubes as a backup so I can add beans as I go…I had over a years worth of beans to put into storage, and create the numerical cross reference in Google docs. I’m pretty beat, but everything that was here:

Is now here:

And I’m all set for packaging when I do giveaways and trades:

Feels damn good.
Except I found a blank pack. No idea what it is and it’s like 15 beans…a mystery! I think it was from when JPS did his holiday seed sale a couple years back, but I took it out of its packaging, and put it in a container labeled B5… historical spreadsheet says: empty cell.
I’ll try to narrow it down.
Edit: Lol. Appropriately it’s the JohnnyPotseed freebie pack of mystery beans!


Are those blue screw on top vials called cryo tubes?

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Where did you get the 100 site storage unit?

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Nice job of organizing your seed collection I need to do something like that.


I had heard them called cryo tubes or cryovials. That’s what I Googled to find em.

I hate Amazon, but I got it on Amazon. Send Bezos and Musk both into space on a one way trip, and the world starts looking brighter to me.

Thank you brother. I’ve been meaning to get it done, and it really feels so good. The downside is that now I don’t get to swim through my seed vault like Scrooge McDuck!


I use eBay for alot of my online shopping, looks like Amazon is a little cheaper for this particular item. Thanks for the info my friend.


I trimmed down the first half of Alpha today. Very airy; I think she needed the last couple weeks, that I didn’t give her, to fill in.
I’m gonna let Charlie go for the full 9 weeks unless she’s clearly finished. Fade has started on her, so I’m watching trichomes.
I haven’t shucked the beans from the seeded branches yet, but I told you all that I experienced how tricksy pollen is:

These first 50 or so beans came off of parts of Alpha that I didn’t directly pollinate, so I’m figuring there’s at least another 50 (maybe 100?!) in the seeded lowers. I will absolutely have packs of LBF F3 to give to some of you!


But it will be so much easier to find a certain strain. I had to search through a jungle of seed puck and flips to find the LPC for the competition. Ill pick one of these up and get organized.


Now that is organization! Iove the whole vial and holder. You could stack those so easily and save so much space. I spent 45 mins looking for a flip yesterday. Have it listed but not organized.


For folks with ADHD we have a name for this behavior: we call it DOOM ing. It means Didn’t organize, only moved. Hence my giant pile of seed flips!


haha this is awesome!

Still got the pic? That’s sounds like some carefully calculated precision. May that thief suffer the wrath of a thousand paper cuts. I missed out on the AG repro from something similar but they just straight up nabbed the whole vial.


What’s crazy is that @lambchopedd sent these in the same package as the Acapulco Gold, and the AG was untouched! Maybe the post person already had that cut. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear:


I didn’t move them in same box I just made a list of what I have and where I got them from lol no organize just listed


A tester bud smoke report from the LBF F2

I won’t report on flavor for obvious reasons, but even even quick dried there’s a sticky, tangy mouthfeel, like when you’ve sucked a hard candy until it’s gone, but the feeling is still in your mouth.

First bong rip took about 5-10 minutes to really settle in. Then i did another one. At this stage, it’s a very directable high. If I lie down on the couch I’m really comfy (not couch locked, but cozy as hell).
If I get up, I can handle all the housework, cooking, anything that doesn’t require human interaction.
About that: it’s heady, but in a spacey kind of way. If I focus on something (like this post), I feel like I’m, deadass, on-point… everything is clicking. But if I get up and wander the house or garden, my senses are so heightened that I’m just feeling/ hearing/ seeing everything at once, and no way am I gonna try to focus on any one thing, or anyone with all that going on!
My body is heavy in a pleasant way, like I’m wearing an invisible weighted blanket.
Physical sensations of anxiety are diminished.
I’m high enough that I don’t feel like testing the ceiling with additional rips.
Dang. I feel good.
Thanks @oleskool830 , hope you can see this.
Onward through the fog.