Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Nope, Old Ass by @Jamescoldflame crossed with @Upstate’s Old Silver Thai.

Works out to about 50/50 indica/sativa, I guess? Maybe slightly more sativa, since the ASS is Bodhi’s Appalachia male. If I remember right, that’s a bit of a sativa leaner.

Gotcha, you said you were gonna run something by @Skunkhunt101 for next run… which I guess will be 3-6 months from now, so we’ll all have forgotten by then. :stuck_out_tongue: I certainly will, anyway.


I’ll count on the Canadians because:


Eventually I’m going to riff on this technique, but don’t worry; I’ll always credit you:
This plant? Yeah, I used Cormorans Square… that one? Cormorans Bowline.


Ass used in doc d whoop ass (Ass×afkansastan ×18 paki) Ass is not the appy super skunk…it’s the hippy slayer hybrid.


Wow just big lists of fire smoke!


I think that (lack of potency) comes from the relatively uselected Thai I used in the OST. I need to do a couple rounds of selections to isolate the keeper pheno, which is special. (Very special.) And then re make the cross. I still have my favorite cutting, which is what brings the sauce to the hybrid dish. The keepers make it worth looking thru, even in this early tester batch.
I see the Thai influence in the growth pattern of the crazy plant. Branching is nearly identical.


Hahaha! YES!
If Bloodhound is selected, then each update will be paired with a Bloodhound Gang song. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


A little yellowing at the top of the plants… light stress methinks.
I ran out of cord on my yoyos, and I got lazy about rigging the lights up higher because it’s a pain in the ass.
Anyway, they got about 10 inches from the light, and I had clicked it up to 70% instead of 60 where it had been sitting.

Nothing too serious, and I’m giving them a “cloudy” day today, at about 20% to let them recover a bit.


Lol look at all that string!
They all have a web of nylon cord and simple bights to keep them from sprawling all over the tent :sweat_smile::crazy_face::laughing::rofl:

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Nice problem to have friend.

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Thanks brother, I agree.
Something I hadn’t considered until yesterday is that if I keep the 2x4x7, the footprint is only 2 square feet larger than keeping the 2x3x5.5.
If I do that, then I don’t have to be as strict about which is the “flower” tent and which is “veg”
Longflowering sativa in the 4x4? Do a smaller start to finish run of something else in the 2x4.
Co-op Run? Separate the males into the 2x4 for pollen collection so that late flowering males have equal opportunity in the gene pool.
4x4 is completely stuffed? Autoflowers in the 2x4
Best smoke of my life? Clone it and grow it in a 20 gallon SCROG in the 2x4, run plants start to finish in the 4x4
Can you tell I’m excited? :crazy_face:
Because the height of my current veg tent is always the limiting factor, eliminating it changes everything.
With some good strategy, I can probably triple the number of strains I can explore in a year, just by adding 8 sq. ft of grow space.


Okay Bear fam, I want to check interest.
@MyLittleGrundle received 11 seeds from the LBF F3 run. Of those 11, only 7 popped.
So, what I want to know is: does anybody want me to give away these seeds with a pretty low tested germ rate? Waiting for a minimum of 25 votes.

Are there folks who want to try their luck?
  • Yeah Heady, bring on the beans!
  • Hell no! Keep your fucking hemp seeds

0 voters



I find that with some seeds the germination rate improved after some more time passed.
Some pop just fine just after shucking.


Agreed. They were stored with silica for 72 hours, and only “cured” for about a month before going out to Grundle. Germ rates may improve… cold stratification recommended


I think the key is just give folks the whole story and then they can choose.


That’s the point of the whole thread! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear:
I’m just always looking for an excuse to empower the people!


Lol, I get it. Just thinking this more a grower by grower decision and not a group one. But that’s just me, what do I know :thinking:


Ey! You handle your thread and I’ll handle mine!

thumbs-up-keanu-reeves (1)


OK, back to my corner I go.
