Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Thanks my friend, I’m veeeery patient. I figure out what I want, and then I just watch.
This sale wasn’t happening yesterday, but I caught it first thing this morning.
My philosophy: Why pay what they ask when it will be available at 1/2 price somewhere/time else?
Just have to know exactly what you want


You have to pay for customs forms? In NY they are free…

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Maybe it was just the size/weight of the package then. Idk, lol. :crazy_face:

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Day 43 Flower for the Trainwreck girls, day 72 Flower for the lone MaMaHaze. (@Guitarzan since I made F3s and this plant is going to flower for 12+ weeks, does that make me an honorary Freaker?:thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::bear::sweat_smile:
I kid.)



Hey @BeagleZ @bassman5420 , what would your thoughts be on the number of plants that can be comfortable and healthy in a 2x4 bed?
The new tent is going toward an exterior corner of the house, so the weight won’t be an issue. I still have it here, collecting dust; I would just need to get the PVC, and make a pile of soil! Ohhhh…or maybe wait until I can afford the build out on the SIP style Grassroots bed…no no, HeadyBear, you gotta walk before you run.


What’s the pvc for?
Better get that soil cooking first thing… if you add hot nutes, that is. How does the grassroots bed work? Mimicking outdoor basically?


2-4 plants max would be ideal. I have packed it full before and was not the best idea for me heh.

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The need comes with the PVC fittings necessary, but not the actual pipe

I will! It’s not going into immediate use, because I want to get it cooking, and have some cover crop started in there, before the first cannabis plants go in. There’s still 12 sq ft of room in the tent, even with the bed in it.

Thanks brother! Yeah I was thinking 3 would be good, 4 might get tight, and more would only happen if the plants are small. I appreciate the input.


Smart! :+1:
…Going for the one with the liner…

I’ve been running their 5Gal in side by side comparisons… The liner makes a positive difference.



I’m with @bassman5420, somewhere between 2-4 with a sweet spot prob with 3.
Stoked for you on the new tent, that is one hell of a steal brother. Can’t wait to see you fill it up :crazy_face:


Nice! I love hearing those reports from folks who have seen it!

First: that’s what she said. Second: thank you dude, I’m thinking I’ll ultimately run the bed, plus another 4-5 plants in air-pots for strains that would go crazy if I give them too much leg room


Very cool! I might grab one or two of those. Great idea and not at all what I pictured.


If you check out @Beaglez or @bassman5420 grow threads, and you can see them in action. :+1:

In other news our Maui Mango Haze is actually almost finished.
She’s thrown about a dozen nanners at week 10.5, I plucked, inspected, and haven’t seen any more with daily searches.
Trichomes are predominantly milky on the apical bud, but about 50/50 clear/milky on the rest, so I’m gonna let her ride for another week-barring a bunch more male flowers.


Tent arrived early!
Not exactly…discrete… but whatever!


Damn that was fast as hell

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Right?! Especially from ebay!

Looks like your UPS guy likes you about as much as mine likes me lol. My boxes are always stepped on and smashed.

But it did get there early so you have that going for you :crazy_face:


Seriously! It’s like they say: “well USPS has rollers… but we got BOOTS!”


That’s how it got there so fast. They just dropped it out of a plane for you haha.


I just got mine in today too! Less crushed but no more discreet lol glad I live in a legal state and the dude just brought me 8CF of perlite two days ago :upside_down_face:

It’s got 16 x 0.8mm poles, steel corner brackets, and the fabric is definitely not Oxford but it is the decent textured stuff inside, so far seems pretty legit for the price! We’ll see how it assembles though… @HeadyBearAdventures you definitely got the guaranteed success, we’re gonna see how much I can cut corners here and still find adequate gear lol!

I have a feeling this one might need some black silicone goop on some seams or maybe more zipper guards but I’m not planning on using it for flowering so who cares?