Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

I know, me too! Still probably 2-3 weeks, so they’ve got more stacking to do!
Trichomes have gone mostly milky on the MaMaHaze, but I’m gonna give her 1 more week to fill in some of the lowers. That will officially put her at a 12 week plant, and I kind of think she could go even longer if she doesn’t produce any more bananas.


Hey brother! I missed your comment on the feed, thanks for catching up :bear::grin:

I’m setting up the new tent today or tomorrow, and so if you want to see the Oaxaca run, it’s coming up very very soon!


Whew! I’m gonna tell you: tearing down 2 tents, and setting up a 4x5 and an 8 bar LED, along with fans and filters…solo… is a fucking project.

We’re in business!
@PhlizonGrowLight the big girl is up and running, and is looking beautiful.
Setup was easy and relatively quick, though I’d like to see something a little less fiddly than lining up a bracket with a floating bearing 16 different times when mounting the bars. That part was a bit of a PITA, and my fingertips are still sore from adjusting them. Beyond that though, everything was very intuitive!
The coverage is excellent, and visible brightness is comparable to the HLG I have in the other tent.
I’ll be finishing the Trainwreck girls and Echo in the new tent while I clean out and reset the 2x4 for the beginning of the Oaxaca run!


Looks excellent sounds like a lot of work to do it especially by yourself.


Thanks buddy.
The 4x5 barely fits, but I can still open the closet door, and I have 3/4 of my window. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::bear:
The @VIVOSUN tent that I picked up from ebay for half price was brand new and unopened.
Highly recommended seller when they have sales!
This tent was 99 dollars and change after tax, with free shipping, for a 2 in 1 4x5!


Dude! Dude! Dude those are some swoll as buds! Just amazingly fat rocket ship tips ready for blast off! Oaxacan run is this your first? I was just telling my girl I need to drop seeds this weekend and those are some that are hitting water. We can make mistakes I mean learn together. :+1:

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Yep yep yep!! I’m stoked! Gotta make some landrace soil…

Brother I am so down!

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I might throw some of these in also not sure which I’m gonna try yet.

these will be all gear from members. Actually my grow now is mostly members lol this is such an amazing site!


I have 12 breeder packs, and 138 OG crosses and reproductions. It’ll be a cold day in hell, or a a rare ass strain the next time I buy seeds.


Right I get that I still have to scratch the occasional itch. These are actual mostly members creations and crosses not just repro or trade for other breeders. This site rocks I couldnt even begin to say what I’ve received. To the point that I’m sending out 3-5 letters a week just to help spread the crazy generousity I’ve been shown!


Okay OG, the time has come.

Holding the six packs of beans, your mind reels with the possibilities. So many strains represented within such few seeds.
You pause to consider each in turn
For memories of Goldfish by Hazeman, turn to Page 847
To recall Vietnam Bomb, turn to Page 849
For considerations of Bloodhound turn to Page 855
Recollections of Swackhammer are found on Page 873
Musings regarding Lavender Jack can be found at Post 972
And a brief synopsis of A5 Haze x Dragon Energy is available at post 1045

Poll in the following post!

@Oldtimerunderground @Upstate @BeagleZ @HumblePie420 @Pigeonman @420noob @THCeed @DesertHeartGardens @potpotpot
@blowdout2269 @Big_Yeloe @CocoaCoir @Gpaw
@DougDawson @GMan @Greenfingers @YoBigdaddy @deeez99 @Emeraldgreen @ReikoX @Rhai88 @cannabissequoia @herojuana.tom @Maddawg @piter @patsnumone @OrganicGorilla @Jimdoors @Tlander @Bobgrows @BudWhisperer @BRMTreefarmer @Weednerd.Anthony @CrunchBerries @ColeLennon @Mi-1000 @Faithisyours @PineTarBastard @Wuachuma @chronix @Kasper0909 @Cormoran

Trembling with excitement, you open
  • Goldfish
  • Vietnam Bomb
  • Bloodhound
  • Swackhammer
  • Lavender Jack
  • A5 Haze x Dragon Energy

0 voters

All voters will be eligible for any giveaways following the Breeder Pack grow!


Voting doc d a5 x de think will be a awesome pair have been seeing some killer plants from both his a5 lines and his de so together should pair amazing as long as they make the travel popping some doc d beans next with franks little beauties x a5thaibx and choco trip x thunder gun express next even though there half packs thinking I’m going to try to make some beans seeing they where pretty limited


I must remain neutral as the vote proceeds, but definitely hit me up when you start those beans!


It is hard to decide, but I will go for Vietnam Bomb. Mostly for being landrace/heirloom.


I think also like that :pray: Best wishes :green_heart:


Those are some great choices and a tough decision…went with Bloodhound cause… nobody else had yet



I couldn’t vote for 2 , smh I’m torn! Lol between the A5 cross and the viet bomb! I voted but I say both :slight_smile:


I was torn between two and the one I didn’t pick has the most votes. I’ll take that as a win!


I really wanna see you run @DannyTerpintine gear! :grin: :+1:

Second vote would be Vietnam :bomb: :metal: .