Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that terp before.


Me either but it sounds like a meal I once had :joy:


On another note, I smoked a bowl of the dried, but uncured MaMaHaze (it’s summer in AZ…I had a humidifier in the tent, but it still dried in 4 days; gonna lose some terps).
Ground flower smells like ripe mango, and not much else. The high is creeper, onset about 10 minutes after smoking, slow buildup in the head with a sensation of expansiveness…almost as if my sinuses cleared, but the whole inside of my head “cleared”. The feeling spreads over the next five minutes until my whole body feels light, I can feel the air moving around me. After a second bowl there’s a little “wub wub” in my head, and my vision pulses very subtly along with it. I can feel where there’s tension in my muscles, and then let them relax.
Really pleasant buzz in my shoulders and chest.
I feel peaceful, but alert. I wouldn’t say it’s heavy or sedative in any way, but it has an interesting numbing effect at my fingertips and toes.
This could be really nice daytime vibes, but yield is gonna be low.
I have to recommend a longer veg time on these, despite the fact that the flower time has the potential to be a 100 days. So the question becomes: Does the finished product justify the grow time?
Other folks have found nice plants in the MaMaHaze pool, I just think I got unlucky in terms of this lower yielding, long flowering pheno, grown with a fair amount of stress over its life.
She only threw a few bananas at week 10, and didn’t produce any more after plucking.


Looks like it was already hanging! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol,yep! They’re floppy floppy!


My floppy Big Bud clone twins.


This guy gets it


Soil holds on to nutrients much better than soil less. The main difference Is that a plant is slower to get started in soil, taking some time for the root network to develop. Once the plants catch their stride they take right off.
It’s a great idea to make some homemade food spikes as an additional nutrient reserve. Just put some sticks or dowels of about a 1/2 inch diameter around the edges of your pot down to within an inch or a 1/2 inch of the bottom (but not to the bottom, or the food will wash out of plastic…fabric is different. )and fill with dry food. Some 555 is nice, and something with higher P% is nice too. Bat guano is great for high P spikes. So is fishbone meal. Make 4 spikes evenly spaced BEFORE there are roots nearby. I topdress with chicken poo for N, So I don’t use bloodmeal in spikes anymore, But they work great for nitrogen.
You can do smaller containers with higher nitrogen number spikes for earlier growth and then when you transplant Into your flowering container, use the other spikes. Don’t put four massive spikes into a small container. Spike size should be relative to the size of the plant. Small plants= no spikes.
Mid size= 2 spikes
Flowering =4 spikes.
I only use flowering spikes now


Glad to see you are back looking at screen and feeling better.:+1: @upstate.


Thanks, me too, but I just talked to a friend that had the same symptoms as me. Fever, sweats( just soaked each night)tired, etc and it was Lyme Disease, so I guess I’ll likely have to see a doctor after all, son of a bitch.


Good luck @Upstate been on Doxycycline for Lyme disease for 7 days just now starting to fill better been sick similar to you no bullseye so they didn’t test me first 2 times told me I had the flu started end of April got pretty rough so don’t hesitate go see a doc.


Better safe than sorry my friend.:peace_symbol:

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Hey everybody, I know I’ve been a ghost lately; life is hectic and busy, but all is well.
It’s trim day for the Trainwreck girls, and I’m going to try to make it to the hydro store for a couple bags of BAS Light mix in which I’ll be growing the Oaxaca.
If I can get the soil today, I’ll get beans wet tonight!


Getting beans wet is always a great way to start a grow. Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You are in desert maybe you can help with this.

Only getting big fan leaves outside grow. Thanks


hit me up if you need anything brother


Hey fam, still alive and kickin… well, alive.
Just dropped:
4 Oaxacan Gold @Upstate
5 Vietnam Bomb @Dirt_Wizard
4 '95 Silver Haze x Sowahh @SkunkHunt101
4 Blue Dream x Azure Haze @boatbum325

Soaking in RO water with some pureed aloe leaf.
They’ll go into fabric starter pots tomorrow :+1:


Glad you’re still vertical. Feels like we ain’t seen ya in a while! Well…ten days I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Feels like a while! I’ve been checking in, but I’m trying to switch jobs, which means all the applications and interviews, and I’ve just been feeling overwhelmed with life in general.
I don’t want posting here to feel like a task I have to check off a list, and I’m in a bit of a funk and feeling like being solitary.
I’ll be back in fighting form soon, and I’m not feeling anything like I do when I get into my depression or high anxiety, so that’s actually really positive.
Just trying to take care of myself


I get where you’re coming from bud. Sorry to hear that you are in a funk. Depression and anxiety can really get the best of us sometimes. When I get down on myself, I always have to remember that there is someone out there that has it way worse than me. This might not be the most respectful thought process, but it is true. Maybe that can help ya through some tough times? Either way, you still have an awesome online community here, with plenty who are willing to at the very least lend ya an ear. You can put me on that list if you’d like. Keep your head up bro. Life can really blow sometimes, but it gets better. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you my guy. I definitely appreciate it, and for me it’s just helpful to know that other folks are going through anything like what I am… helps me feel less crazy.