Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Good vibes brother! Do what you got to do for you!! Good luck on the job search


I’ve also been struggling with some things in my life as of late. I actually just opened up about it on here a couple days ago. Im not ashamed to say that the the conversations that followed and outputs of support damn near brought me to tears.
I find it quite a relief to know that I’m not the only weirdo around here. :wink:


just around the corner if you wanna sit around and chew the fat, smoke a blunt, and take in the morning sun with coffee…kinda in the same boat if you remember…


Almost ready for that, and it sounds damn good.
I also found those damn tent liners!


always here…and for certain, if we all came to a round table we could conquer it all…but in most cases, life makes us be stronger and make it thru the tougher times. with that being said, the workforce is not the same either…we are bigger then the force, and will always take a positive side before falling off. you know where i am if you need anything, glad to support a fellow og best i am able to…hit me up brother…help me get these plants to a full life so we can smoke…lolol


That’s a bear of an issue. That Oaxaca is special. I don’t believe anyone could have a bout of depression or anxiety after smoking it. Mexican happy weed😁 I sure hope it helps you, and if it does, maybe others will try it.
I recommend a three week veg for better floral expression, but of course 12 12 from seed is fine too.
It takes 3 weeks at my place to grow a 3 inch plant. So, maybe less than 3 weeks for most folks. Shoot for 3 or 4 sets.

About this size is perfect. A little smaller, even.


Thanks brother. I’ve been following your “keeping sativas small” thread, as well as following some other folks growing the Oaxacan. With all that, I think I’m about as confident as I can be!
Depending on how they grow, I may push them 1 more week in veg…I have the space, and if I end up with pearls or wheat I know I’ll appreciate the extra yield.


Little update:
2/5 Vietnam Bomb are above ground!
Also, 1 of the Oaxacan is about to surface; I can see where the soil is lifting at the emergence point.
Three up, 14 to go!


17 hours later, the Oaxacan sprout is not only above ground, but also 3 times the height of the Vietnam Bomb sprouts! There are also 2 new VB sprouts, so that’s 4/5 of those.
We also have 2 '95 Silver Haze x Sowahh up and at 'em, and 1 Blue Dream x Azure Haze, for a total of 8 here at about day 3 including the 12 hour initial soak.


Current count:
2/4 Oaxaca @upstate
4/5 Vietnam Bomb @Dirt_Wizard
3/4 '95 Silver Haze x Sowahh @SkunkHunt101
4/4 Azure Haze x Blue Dream @boatbum325

That’s 13/17 total. If the Oaxaca don’t show by Monday, I’m dropping 2 more, same goes for the 1 95 Silver that hasn’t emerged yet.
There were only 5 Vietnam Bomb beans to start with, and I’ll be perfectly happy to work with 4.

Everyone else is looking super healthy!


Separate, but also important, I’m really starting to feel like myself again. Thanks for everybody’s support and kindness, it really meant a lot to me.


2/3 of my Oaxacan took a bit longer than others when straight to soil. Hopefully they are looking at the sun by Monday. Beautiful line up!


Good to know!!!
I’m super stoked about this run.
Every strain was either gifted or traded or won; we’ve got 2 breeder packs (Hazeman and Swami Seeds), 1 fucking awesome member cross, and a certified fresh landrace with potential to murder depression and anxiety…I’m in heaven!


I know we’re all just folks on the internet, but I’m happy to hear this, OG has been a good place for me too when I’ve been struggling in the past year, glad to hear you’re getting the love here you needed

Dang and I was worried you wouldn’t end up with enough plants from that, nice job homie


Thanks my guy! I talked to a guy who grows that strain every single year. He said it’s one of his all time favorites.


No sign of the 2 Oaxaca, Vietnam Bomb, nor the last 95 silver Haze x sowahh.
I scuffed and planted 2 more Oaxaca, and decided to also plant 3 Beyond the Brain F2s (f1s by Mandala Seeds) these were gifted to me by @buck90 after I was looking for a trade, so I’m going to honor his gift by trying them out!


When you scuff a seed where do you scuff? Around the edges or seam where they split or on the shell itself? Glad to see you back and active!


Thank you my friend.
@Great_lakes_Genetics sends pop-top canisters lined with sandpaper as swag, I just toss them in, and shake them around for a minute or so before direct sowing.
I look for lightening around the seam to make sure I shook them enough.


Someone said once to put a piece of sandpaper in a paper towel cardboard tube and than just shake them in the tube.


Or inside a match box.
@HeadyBearAdventures Hopefully you can get a couple more to come up… You should plant 3 .
Moon cycle is getting good now