Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Indeed. I’ve got 2 up and 2 more planted, and now I have 13 total seedlings up, and 5 cups waiting to sprout…18 seems like enough to fill my 4x5 and my 2x4 :grin::crazy_face:


same theory …seems to be something i hear alot around the growers world…

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Those tents are gonna be packed to the hilt brother! First they give you oxygen, then they make you cough.


The circle of life :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m hoping for no more than 11 out of 18 to go the distance. I have Oaxaca pollen, and Shiskaberry pollen, so I can do some seed production (Vietnam Bomb x Oaxaca sounds fun!), and depending on how many females there are, I may collect powder from males produced by the Silver Haze x Sowahh and/or the Blue Dream x Azure Haze. If I have 11 females, all males will be culled, or brought outside for the remainder of their lives.


Ladies and gents, I’m going to start a new thread!
I’ve loved and appreciated all the participation here.
As I’ve dug into researching the strains for the “choose your own adventure”, as well as seeing things that have really caught my eye around Overgrow, I realized that I actually have a clear vision of what I want my next several strains to be, so I gotta take bank the reins of this wagon! :racehorse::racehorse::railway_car:
I’m leaving this thread open, because I have giveaways to host once life is feeling back to normal, and at least 1 more adventure for you folks to choose… but that won’t be until 2024 (very exciting! Don’t miss!).
If you want to keep up with the new round, well, here in a minute, you can click the link below.


have heard of them before (Trident) so time ago

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Do you soak? I found once I started scuffing then soaking in h202+H20 at around 25c I only have fails when the seed wouldn’t have grown anyways. The combo aids in floating the seed, moisture penetration of the shell, and kills any pathogens that may be on the seed’s casing.

Glad you’d doing better bud! Growmie high-fives!



Give us a link


Lol, I feel asleep!
@Pigeonman I’m generally a direct sow-er, but I do a LABS treatment with the seedling soil when I moisten it to allow those bacteria an advantage over pathogens, or I soak seeds in RO and aloe leaf puree which is also anti microbial.
On a related note, both new Oaxaca are above ground about 60 hours after sowing, and we’re still waiting on the Beyond the Brain to show themselves.
Edit: what I really wanna try is the JPS casting tek for germination but I don’t have any fresh castings.


That’s the ticket right there, but I found that it makes a difference if there are no worms. They are necessary to continually aerate the heavy castings. That’s why he germs on top of and not in the castings.
Glad the Oaxaca are up. The moon makes a difference. Last time the moon was shrinking, This time it is growing.


Thanks for not calling that out when I did the first round…I would have said you jinxed it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll begin paying attention to the lunar cycle and see what the evidence I experience supports.


With mosr fresh seed it doesn’t seem to matter. Older seed it does.

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Let’s continue our discussions in different accommodations!


Just catching up. Hope you’re doing well @HeadyBearAdventures.
Guess I’ll catch ya on the next one! :wink:

Question though…

Where the hell do you find one a these? :joy:


Okay friends, gotta own something kinda shitty:
@BeagleZ and @BCC after sifting through all my pollinated branches, it seems that only 1 plant produced seed, and not very much.
I collected a literal 10 pack of the TW Chernobyl, and about 20 TW MaMaHaze. :disappointed::pensive:

My sincere apologies to those of you following in hopes of snagging some beans; I let you down.

Beaglez- it’s not much, but I can get you some of the TW x Maui Mango Haze seeds if you want.


BCC- I’ll happily send you those 10 seeds that were made with your pollen. LMK

Everyone else, this is obviously not my last run, so there will be more seeds and I will take care of each and every one of you in time! :bear::purple_heart::+1:


Damn, that sucks bud. So sorry to hear that.
This was like the third story I’ve read like this recently too. Kinda glad I just went ahead and pollinated a whole plant, lol.
Well, except for the days of shucking I have coming my way! :rofl:


Yeah I’m not liking this method of selective pollination in terms of consistency.


How do you apply it, a little brush?
I’ve recently been thinking about how I would do it. I’m thinking about brushing on the selected branch and covering it for like 24hrs. Them removing the bag and spraying it with water so pollen isn’t all over the place.
I think its @GrouchyOldMan that’s done a great write-up about this very topic. And also has great success.
I’m still at the drawing board for my next pollination attempt. Because I do not want pollen everywhere, lol.


Well shucks! That is a bit of a bummer but surely no one is let down by your efforts brother!
Shit happens, no worries, you hold onto the beans, maybe we can find some more TW in the future to cross those with.


No worries. You keep them.