Heat Wave Insanity

Your kidding me :rofl:
Bro it pisses down here 99% of the time.
This heat is glorious.
My outdoors plants are loving it. They are about 8ft tall now :rofl:


This is what Google weather is saying. Today said 24c and is 24c. And tbh I’m not a fan of much over 21c :joy:

Edit. @Esrgood4u not all of us are used to that Spanish heat :joy: your outdoor plants are looking good. All your neighbours said so too :shushing_face::eyes: jokes. Depends what I gotta do in the heat but if it’s stuff then nope I don’t like it. If it’s beer by a river. All day :sunglasses::100:


Haha I’m a ginga ninja , 21 for me too lol


Yeah but even Colorado is dealing with the heat now (higher elevations I assume are still tolerable)


$600 powerbill last month… yeah heat…


My better half (pubes) are ginger. So is the Mrs :joy::joy::joy:


ouch! whats your $/kwh?
paying about .10/kwh(usd) bills up to $250 which sure isnt bad! got everything running on timers and digital controls though(dehu, ac, lights). helps out some.

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Slates are grey in colour and burn your ass when you touch them so the pub it is :rofl:

Man after my own heart :green_heart: if all else fails head to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over :joy: (let’s see who can get the reference)


The grow house outback is not insulated very well and I am the process of fixing that. I live in an area (south) that is very humid and very hot the last 3 weeks. I also live with a menopausal wife and she keeps the temps at 67f inside the house (while i freeze). I would say $400.00 is the grow. Still high though.


I am also changing my schedules for 2023 and won;t be growing July & 1/2 aug and Jan & 1/2 feb to off set some cost and not to chase the weather dragon during those times.


It’s not so hot today but the humidity has got to be 100%

I walked down the street with no shirt and got some interesting looks. Some good, some not :joy:


Same here. Down in s.fl thank gosh the ocean breeze helps but have to run the dehu almost 24/7, then the ac fights the dehu heat so it’s always a give and take battle. I wish you luck with the greenhouse it must be nice to be able to use the sun!

that would be shaun of the dead

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Kudos for you lime you beautiful bastard :green_heart:

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Oh it’s not a greenhouse… Window unit, dehumidifier, two tents with 3 lights - 200 watts each. We in the same boat mate :slight_smile:

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mrs lime and me first and only date :rofl:

You know you’re off to a good start if your first date is Shaun of the dead. Think I’m going to watch it again tonight now it’s In my head.


oh shoot! yes we are! 1000w of led is still not easy to keep cool! at least i dont have 1500w of hps going anymore!!! that was a killer. good luck and happy growing!

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Oklahoma City officially has had 23 days over 100 degrees. My town to the west of OKC has had 29 days over 100. Couple days ago i was going to the bank. My car said outside was 109. Thats pretty warm.