Heeeeere's Johnny! (again)

Hi All, been gone for a while - a lot of personal issues, but I’ve continued growing - successfully thanks to sites like this.

(5) Herijuana (reg. seeds made by me)
(3) Malana Cream (reg. seeds sourced HERE! - Thank you!)

I’m starting a new grow in my 4x8x6.5 with a mixed bag of lights - a pair of growdaddy rack lights (mixed 2,700k & 5,000k bars) and a bunch of old burples.
(total watts appx 2,000).

The plants will start and finish in 5 gal pots using Recipe 420 soil.
Fox Farms Japanese Maple 4-3-4 is being considered for veg (worked great with Herijuana); probably getting a bag of Flower Girl 9-6-3 (IIRC) for flowering).

Time - I stopped trying to time my veg / flower cycles and just let the plants talk to me. Malana is a pure, landrace Sativa, and I haven’t grown it before - so I have no idea how they’ll run.
Herijuana has done well for me with as little as 4 weeks veg, and as much as 8 with about an 8 week flowering time, so the plan is to let Malana do most of the talking. Being a pure, old school Sativa, I’m expecting a LONG flowering cycle.

I’ll try to put up some pics as the room comes together - I still have remnants of my last grow (Herijuana, Kashmir, and a couple of Strawberry Kush) - pots to clean, timers to check and a DIRTY floor to deal with.

More details soon.


Good to see you back! :raising_hand_woman:t3: I am looking forward to photos.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Hey brother, great to see you back in town. Positive vibes for your grow. You never give less than 100%.


Hope you have some headspace for the Malana Cream. These are tall lanky plants with long internodes. My advice is to top several times to keep their hiegth in check:


I’ve read that Malana grows quick & tall.

I only have 6’ of ceiling when lights are factored in, so I’m really hoping they respond well to topping!

If this grow goes well, I’m really want to get another tent up to do a seed run of Malana.

A bit of a side-note / motivation to grow Malana (a hash strain):

  • I’ve been smoking less and less - maybe .5 gram per week total; but I’ve re-discovered the benefits of eating decarbed kief (90u).
    A SMALL pinch- about half of a bowl topper - eaten in the early evening kicks in gently, eases minor aches & pains, and keeps me smiling till it eases me off to a GREAT night’s sleep and a clear head in the morning! (I’ve had bad insomnia for a while now)

@DougDawson @G-paS
Good to be back!
Looking forward to posting photos soon. Not much to see right now - just a dirty floor, empty pots and extension cords waiting for lights! :laughing:


Just great to see you popping back up brother. Hope you are doing well. I look forward to watching your grow. :v:


Welcome back! Heri!?! I’m definitely watching this!

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Welcome back ! Looking forward to these. Glad all is well and you’re still doing what you love!

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Didn’t even think of that as I don’t smoke at all. That would save a bunch of calories.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Huh, only one of the Malana cracked; and just barely.

Looking like this will be a Heri grow…

Temps are too warm - 78 lights out, 85 lights on.
Humid too, but that will change before it’s a problem - sept-november are usually dry here.

Right now I have 400w hanging 24" over the babies - they already have their first true leaves.

Issue - while filling the pots I saw a few gnats fly out of my pots - great…
I’ve had good success with diatomaceous earth, so I’ll put it on the surface if I see more activity.

I took one seed pick (heri) and one baby pic.
Gardening Track: The Peddlers, on a Clear Day.



8 days in the soil today.

I ended up with a single Malana sprout - so all is not lost, strain-wise. BUT…

The smallest seedling is the Malana. I’m a bit concerned; it’s green, but I’m not seeing any growth at all. - not much to do but watch, wait, and hope she takes hold and grows.

The 7 Heri plants have some variation in size - the shortest is about 2 inches tall and looks good with 2 sets of true leaves. The largest has started her 4th set of leaves and is about 4 inches across (leaf tip to leaf tip).

I think I’m going to like starting in their final pots. The only real issue is making sure I don’t over-water them.

Temps are HOT - 87f right now with the 6" AC infinity set at 8. I think I’m goin to throw a little 4" fan and some more duct to pull in additional cool air.


It’s Friday, so I ate 2 pinches of decarbed Heri kief shortly before leaving work. It kicks in subtly at first, but a powerful, mostly clear-headed body stone is on its way!

As if that’s not enough - my Wife packed a cone for us to share while walking the dogs. I’m going to sleep well tonight!

Back for 2 weeks and I already had the opportunity to share - EXACTLY the reason I wanted to come back to OG. Now I need to get the second tent running so I can make more seeds of more strains!

Tonight’s gardening tune - Sister Nancy, Bam Bam


Good luck with that last Malana bud.


Sorry for the delays. I’ve been super busy & my plants thank me for that! :laughing:

The Heri are about 4 weeks old and I’ve done almost no maintenance; the 3 tallest are roughly 22 inches while the rest are 18-20" Unfortunately, I’ve found that the tallest Heri are usually boys that show big balls early - easy to spot.
I might give the Heri 1/4 dose of feed. Heri is a bit sensitive, so I’m moving slowly with feeding. Pretty sure Formula 420 is pretty hot as well.

After a tough start, the Malana has a few sets of branches now. Really hoping it’s female since it’s the only one that cracked!

Temps have eased a bit - 84-72 lights on.

Watering has been 1/gallon roughly every other day, but tonight I decided to try a gallon - except Malana, 1/4 gallon for her.

This weekend I’m taking the lower branches and starting to think on topping.
Debating how much understudy to remove, at least enough to make watering easier.

As you may have guessed, I take things less precisely than some. I’ve come to realize that they set the schedule, not me.

8/28 is the date these were taken from plates and put in the soil, I saw heads on 9/1 and that’s easier to remember.

A few pics:


5.5 weeks old and growing fast!

I removed a lot of low branches that weren’t going to produce much. This also makes watering and maintenance a lot easier.

I’ve noticed a few tri-node branches. Pic below.

Got a booster seat to bring the top even with the rest of the tent.

I’m planning to start topping soon - except for the Malana, I want her to get closer to the size of the others before topping.

Going to add a couple lights to the grow so that I can spread them out a bit more.

Pics below.


Oct.8 - reset the light timer to 12/12.

I decided based on overall size - they take up 6x4 of my 4x8 now. That will reduce when i cull the males.
I realized a while ago that my plants can’t read the calendar, so I go by their behavior.

They recovered from removing the understudy a few days ago, so I fimmed all but the shortest plants.

I figure I can still fim the last two next week when they’re a bit taller, as stretch takes hold.

I also did a first feed
1/4 strength 4-3-4 Fox Farms Japanese Maple (suggested by a friend, so I’m trying it.)
1/4 strength bud n bloom 7-3-4
We’ll see if they like it - I’ve found Heri can be sensitive.

They’re looking great.
The malana is still smaller, but the Heri are READY to flip.
The Heri have a burning tire, sandalwood aroma. Pretty gross actually, but it should change to a really nice scent that seems unique to Heri

Malana has a more herbal, green scent. I wonder how it will develop (assuming she’s a girl).

I’ll add some pics after lights-on.


10/14 FIVE MALES CULLED from the garden.

This is the downside of regular seeds - I started with eight, now I have three. Glad I found them before they opened!

All five males were Heri. If you’ve never seen male flowers (unopened), I’m attaching pics below.
I called it earlier - the tallest plants were the boys. The thickest, bushiest are the girls. They’re about chest high and stretching hard - I’m a bit concerned about the ceiling, it’s gonna be close!

The lone Malana is a confirmed girl, so that’s some good news. She’s half the height of her sisters, and not as densely foliage.
I haven’t topped her yet.

Song for last night’s cull: