Herijuana & Strawberry Kush - 4x8 flowering

Finally starting a journal here!
4x4 veg tent w/ (2) Viparspectra - appx 500w at the wall.
—All plants will start here. Herijuana is the focus of this grow. Hoping to do a seed run on the best looking girl & boy (more on that later).
—Herijuana will be vegging 4-7 weeks (harvesting the 4x8 & listening to the Heri are the variables)
—I also have a lot of Strawberry Kush and it has been a reliable strain so far; so I’m filling out this grow with more of those. Really dank & stony stuff, herms under 12/12, but is ok under 11.5/12.5.
—The idea is to overcrowd the 4x4. As room gets scarce, Strawberry Kush plants will be kicked out and moved into the 4x8 flowering tent; giving me a somewhat staggered harvest.

4x8 Flowering tent - a group of burple lights & (2) GrowDaddy 18"x36", Six bar frames (Four 2700k & 2 6500k each frame) . - Appx. 850 watts at the wall in total.
—Currently flowering OG Kush & Strawberry Kush. Another 4-6 weeks…I hope.

A lot of changes and challenges on this grow - new strain, new lights, attempting a seed run - really excited to see how it goes!

Seeds were plated on 420 (been too stoned & busy to start this journal till just now…)

Here’s a shot of the 4x8 a/o last night. I’m really digging on the new lights so far; I have some upgrades planned (hence the wide spacing), but they are really bright and even as they are.
Upgrading as budget allows - excuse the mess, I was still hanging and arranging lights in that shot - 3 aren’t even in the pic.


This should be good, gonna sit down on the grass over here and watch.


Hi there heri ok now I need to hang in

Who’s heri are you growing ?

I like the strawberry kush sounds amazing maybe you should cross the two

Also very clean setup :+1::+1::+1:



Ha ha thanks for typing what I was going to say.

@Johnny_Utah I have 4 heri seedlings going so
I really look forward to following along on this one. Nice setup :+1:


Likewise! Do you have a thread?
This strain is new to me and I’d love to see someone else’s as I / we go.

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I’v grown out sannies herijuana several times

And different crosses with herijuana , like huckleberry x heri , snow queen x heri , god smack ( god bud x heri )
I’v not tried woodhorse’s version
Very interested

It’s always produced rock hard buds and a heavy narcotics effect
Plants Always stayed short and bushy


After some reading - I’m growing Steve Tuck’s Heri, via Buzzer777 over at phenohunter.
In a bit of a small world circumstance, I got the seeds there - but they came from here! :laughing:

Excited for the medical benefits - my Wife has a hand injury that is causing long-term pain issues.
Smoking dispo weed & hash cut her pill intake noticeably. Hoping this is another step forward on that path.
Smoking our homegrown / processed weed / hash / edibles cut her intake by half! (freshness? Better cure?)
For me, temple ball hash helps my back — that and I like getting high! :grin:

Planning to seed run just Heri on this grow to preserve the strain - any crosses will be coming after I have a good stock (and passed around).

Strawberry Kush is what my growmie gave me to start out with - a gram container full.
My first grow hermed and I now have another eighth jar half full of seeds that I refuse to throw out lol.
IME the “Strawberry” only shows up during curing - a strong jam scent when burping the jars that fades to a solid Kush aroma & flavor as they get ready to smoke.
I like it, but I’m mostly growing it on this run in case I manage to torch the Heri. That was a screw up won’t cost an entire harvest.

(The other strain finishing in my tent now is Humboldt Seed Co’s OG Kush — I really enjoyed this strain and will probably try others from them)


never had herijuana but its on my list!


Me either - growing or sampling. Kinda hoping a local dispo will have some to try; would REALLY love it if I could find some heri-hash. I’m planning to make some anyway, just want a foretaste! :grin:


Im going to run some heri out, hopefully next fall ,got the seeds old sannie i think, want to see for myself that plant as it was one i had heard good things about.


05/02 One week down
Starting out nicely. The Heri are a bit larger than the SK, leaves (so far) are a lot longer and more pointed.

Guess I should mention now that I’m in FFOF and using the General Hydroponics trio for nutes - adding molasses in flower.
Everybody got their first (tiny) feeding - 1/4 tsp micro & 1/4 tsp Gro added to 1gal water.
Watered to runoff for the first time - appx. 1%

Here’s the most recent baby pics - Heri is on the bottom two rows, SK has the top two rows.


Awesome brother, going to be great.


05/05 - Another baby pic:
SK on the top 2 rows
Heri on the bottom 2 rows.
The Heri have outpaced the SK so far - I’d love for that to continue!
Lights were on, so I turned the shot B&W.


Quick baby pics.
Top 2 rows SK
Bottom 2 rows Heri
Close up - Heri
The SK have shown some mutated leaves on tehir first couple sets nearly every grow.
The Heri are beautiful - there’s one with freakishly long leaves, but other than that they all look great.


05/16 Update - Vegging nicely.

I haven’t been counting nodes or anything this round - finally not stressing through the baby phase!
The Heri are all up-potted to their 5gal homes.

  • Heri has been a vigorous grower for me so far - this is gonna be FUN!
    SK - 3 of them have been up-potted* – gotta get more soil for them tomorrow.
    As you can see, I have more plants than sq. ft. — the SK that don’t fit are going into the flowering tent. The Heri will be here a few more weeks - I’d like them to fill the tent before I move them to the flower tent.
    *Bottom 2, lower right, and the remaining plants in small bags are SK.
    Other news - got a 2x4 for breeding!

05/21 Update - crop splitting…

Began (almost) full feed schedule with GH trio:
Going from the label except for the Gro nute - it calls for 3 Tsp / Gal. - I went with 2 Tsp to ramp up the feed a bit. Full strength next watering.
Herijuana are growing like MAD! I really like these - although they all look like girls so far, being patient for the flip.
Lowering the lights a bit, internodes are kind of long…(lights on, sorry - flash on my phone said I need more battery…)

The news is:

  1. That I’m up-potting and moving ALL the Strawberry Kush into the 4x8 Flowering tent; the Heri will have the 4x4 to themselves.
  • Once that’s finished, the SK will get their own thread for flowering.
  1. I have a 2x4 to set up for pollen collection / application (I just need to clear a place for it)
  • All of (or best of) the males will go into the 2x4 for pollen collection - would high-times centerfolds and a blow-up plant help?
  • As pollen collection winds down / sq-ft allows, the queen(s) of the Herijuana (which will be flowering by now) will join the boys and pollen will be hand-applied.
  • Once the boys have served their purpose, they’ll be culled.

Maybe in the teen phase :rofl:

Any of the heri plants really stand out to you yet?

Not too much yet.
2 of them are taller than the others - but other than that they all look very much the same.
I’m going to number them and shuffle positions a bit to see if the tall ones are just needing more direct light.


I am gonna watch the grow! Hope it all works out and turns out to be a good quality bud


Wow, blank and white pics, so cool. Looking great brother.