Hello All! ElectricStoner here!

Would like to introduce myself. Alot of you might now me from Instagram or Discord. I am the proprietor of Dirty Worms Farm. We work on small Batch, craft cannabis selections. Currently working some Mother of Berries lines. Have held the cut for over 20yrs. Glad to be back on this platform after almost 20yrs, and excited to share our work and ongoing projects with yall!!

Stay Blessed,


Welcome to OG @Electric-Stoner :v:


Welcome to OG @Electric-Stoner :grin: excited to see what’s happening in your garden :metal::evergreen_tree:


Welcome to OG


Welcome to OG @Electric-Stoner.


Welcome to OG!

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Woooooo. Rocking some MOB from you right now. Thanks!


Welcome to OG ! Glad to have ya back

Good to see you in here man!

Welcome, @Electric-Stoner ! I’d love to hear more about the MOB or other local strains from up there, and any pictures you might have of plants or bud. That’s a New England classic that I don’t see much of on the forums but I’m very interested in getting to grow one of these years. I follow and grow a bunch of stuff from COPA Genetics up there, I know he’s always trying to find some of the old Maine standbys, he’s got a Burnham Red Eye now that I want to try.


I’ve never met you, but I just did. We’re glad to have you.


Welcome back!

Hell yes! She’s just a treat all around. If you like Blueberry your gonna love her. Plus all the other traits… fast flowering, really easy and forgiving to grow and she’s mold/mildew resistant. What’s your IG handle?


Thank you very much. Glad to be here. Was on here from 2002-2008 but for the love of me I can’t remember my OG handle/name


Welcome🪴 :v::sunglasses: 🪴

Badass welcome to OG. :fire: :sunglasses: :metal:


Most of the legend and lore behind this strain has been misrepresented by both HT mag and straight up fairytales by THSeeds… the only thing they get right is the lineage… its an accidental cross between a Freezeland Female(Friesland x Pluton BX2) to a Blueberry Male from DJ’s early work. There was a group of growers (my uncle included) who collectively would grow up in the hills of Maine. One season between 1983-1985 one Blueberry Male was missed and wasn’t culled until it was far too late. Quite a few females were pollinated including the Freezeland. The next year they decided to run those seeds. Out of the 50+ seeds they sprouted, they found the Mother of Berries phenotype/expression. It wasn’t dominant. Showing up only twice out of 36 females out of the 50 beans sprouted… out of the 14 males it showed up with 1 male. She was chosen, from what i can tell due to all her beneficial traits… fast flowering time, ease of growth, and she’s mold/mildew resistant. All of which are necessity growing outdoors here in the NorthEast US. She is one of the very few strains that I would put my name and reputation behind as far as lineage, provenance and pedigree goes. I’ve held her for over 20yrs and my uncle had her for since she was found. So all in all I can trace her back to the begining… about 38yrs of uninterrupted chain of custody

ThSeeds story is wildly inaccurate. Its just a simply manufactured, origin story. Adam and his partner got the Clone in Boston from my uncle. I’m not trying to talk poorly of someone, as it’s in bad taste and not who I am but I’ve run through over 5pks of MOB repro from THSEEDS and didn’t find anything that remotely resembled the original cut. They outcrossed to a Kush (master kush) I believe and then backcrossed to the MOB and released the project as is.


Thank you. And that’s her for sure. She’s one of the few cuts I can pick out of a mixed room :wink:


StunnA :fire:


Sign me up! Been looking for MOB somewhat seriously for a year now, remembering it from the THSeeds catalogs of the early 2000s when I was window-shopping genetics as a kid. Interesting history of their relationship to the cut. Since finding and trying to listen to Adam’s podcast (it’s generally really obnoxious and annoying) over the last year or so, and growing another long-lusted-after heirloom of mine my opinion of him has been shifting in the direction you suggest.

Hopefully one day I’ll be able to get my hands on the real deal. Pleasure to “meet” you and nice to have you on OG!

Interesting… https://dcseedexchange.com/product/berry-godmother-f1-mother-of-berries-x-blueberry-f9-15-regular-seeds/

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