Hello new here want to share my genetics with yall...

I’m confused as this is variegated
Lemon, perhaps it means something else in canna?
The pics I see look like N hungry.


It means pretty much the same thing. Variegated/albino plants are unusual-looking, but it’s a negative mutation - plants without chlorophyll tend not to do so well. People on here have had a few over time, and typically nothing special about them on review other than their looks. If you want an ornamental cannabis plant, I guess it’s interesting, though. I wasn’t aware they bred true in the first place to actually be able to get a variegated/albino strain.


I disagree! Mine has higher gland production, lowers that fatten to be buds than larf, zero stretching, and I’ll definitely go on a limb to say it’s potency is STRONGER than it’s original parent, so to say there’s nothing special isn’t factual, and yes I’ve been saying over and over, CripXmas is a new line that breeds true, and the new BX2 shows consistency across the board.


I want to see some pics bad… stop teasing us!

Random google pic


I said typically nothing special, not never - and I’ll go out on a limb here and say that, however good your variegated plant is, it’s just not as fast-growing as if you found one with most of the same traits that’s not variegated. Potency has nothing to do with chlorophyll, so that wouldn’t be impacted one way or another, nor would bud density. It just can’t produce energy as fast as one that’s not variegated, that’s all. I’m sure it’s a nice line, but I’m still not paying you for any CripXmas seeds, no offense. :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome to OG @LunarGardensGojira.

Sounds like some very cool projects, and pics would be grand!

Here’s a little one from earlier this year with a little variegated filigree around a couple leaves.


A Cobra Quiver that I have in veg right now. Long touted as a genetic marker for the Chem D but I’ve also seen the 50/50 leafs, like @CocoaCoir posted, in a Sativa Spirt from Paradise seeds, circa 2000ish. That plant had such great effects that I backcrosses to the clone, using a brother to start, a couple times until I lost the clone and then I ran out it out to f4 , starting with seed from the last bx. Anyhow, through all the different generations I got those 50/50 leaf phenos and they where the ones I would look for, as they had the effects I was hunting in the highest concentrations. But I would agree that they didn’t grow as well as the all green phenotypes. Just one lay man’s observation.


I wanna see pics of that albino plant that seems really cool

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Actually Xmas grows a bit slower, so that would be hard to differentiate as a ‘cause’ for slower growth, be that as it may, the original plant is breeding material, all other traits carry over, it’s variegated leaf is a mutation I saw in the first generation, though not as prevalent as the 3rd with the dwarf then the 4th, let’s not forget it’s more than the variegation here. It’s a dwarf WITH a terp profile. Dude, that’s your prerogative. I’ve alread hady 6 individuals overjoyed and grateful to get lineage combined like this, one being very accomplished in the industry, partnership with Truelive, who recognized my passion for the plant and to revitalize the pinene terps for breeding purposes and showed a lot of respect for my efforts. I’ve already come to realize there’s people who dislike what I have to say, as an autistic I just don’t care who does :stuck_out_tongue:

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blueberry comes to mind as a genetic. it is also a symptom of septoria so if it doesnt present early in the plants life i think im culling that and treating the whole area for it.

I do tend to dislike it when people derail conversations in order to try to sell their genetics, yes. It’s also against the rules. The mods might not be smacking you down for it because you’re not annoying enough people with it, but people have been suspended for it before.

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Welcome to the OG @LunarGardensGojira

I am down for some Variegated Canna porn!

show em what you got

Show us or get out :fire::fire::fire:

With love


Pics or it didnt happen !!!

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Here’s what I’ve got since OP left us all hanging… show us homie!!

Chem D (clone from local shop).

Sweet tooth #4 started off with a little helmet head but the white sections kept up each new node, also didn’t take well to the nutes… she’s in the compost now :cry:

Whoa! I haven’t put ANY links up, so I don’t consider it “selling” I’ve MENTIONED and that’s all to the extent I’ve done without paying for sponsorship!

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I had one of those growing Blues by Underground Originals, weird when you first see it but apparently not that rare.

I’m skeptical about an albino plant. I’ve seen a bunch of fake pics tho.
