Hello new here want to share my genetics with yall...

Please keep in mind, Albino seedlings look healthy at first but lack Chlorophyll. thus will die about 1 week after germination. If you want to keep it alive, please graft it on an established green plant.



How do I post pics

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albino trait for albino flower :open_mouth: it would be the frostiest bud ever…

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Hello @LunarGardensGojira! Cool pics but what’s the appeal here? Do you just like the look or are you saying they are better in some way?

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The best I’ve got to contribute…lol


These are the two eternal sunshine I have from bodhi. Both showing variegation to some degree! One spotty all over and the other just on a few leaves. They went through a little pH swing but I think it’s genetic since it’s both


This is not variegation my friend…

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Oh yes it is

It’s certainly NOT cal-mag deficient. The plant started this way so it is genetic.

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Right I understand bro …but unfortunately it’s a zinc or Sulphur poisoning possibly deficiency…I’m not talking smack bud…ive grown all forms of variegation that cannabis and hops can express …this is not variegation … the yellowing of the leaves is either natural nitro loss or its toxicity …I’ve been breeding True Variegation and true Albinism in Cannabis for Nearly a decade…I’ve s3en this countless times…If you would like to experience or experiment with True Variegated canna I can help ya aquire some beans …


Unfortunately you’re wrong, otherwise all my other plants would show this poisoning you refer to or deficiency using the same feed. Besides it’s pointless wether it is or isn’t variegated. At the very least it’s a pigment mutation showing. So we will agree to disagree on “cause” I do know the plant is a mutant dwarf and nobody is going to tell me otherwise.

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