Help diagnosing this

My plant showed some deficiencies of some sort, and I simply handled it the way I always do. I repotted and hoped for the best. Lol. The plant has since recovered, but the damaged leaves remain. In order to become a better grower and learn about my plants’ individual needs I would like to learn how to diagnose this. I am curious to hear any of your thoughts on the matter.


Are they naturally that colour of dark green? Looks to me like maybe a slight nitrogen toxicity issue instead of a deficiency


Hear this might help you out.


I would say the start of a Potassium deficiency if the leaf tips were curling upwards, but they look like they are curling downwards in the pic, so maybe nute burn? :thinking:


Too much nitregen in your feed , your plants are too dark green and some leaf tips on fan leafs are clawing , also low on p and k ie the yellowing , as feed is mostly n , for a plant that size / time in veg , a 1/1/1 type feed would be better ( a more balanced feed 20/20/20 , 10/10/10 , 1/1/1 etc ) what ever your feeding now , keep that for stretch on next grow , week 1 and 2 after flip as its only then the plant can use that level of n : )

Long veg 2+ weeks 1/1/1 type

Short veg and after flip for 2w ( stretch ) 2/1/1 type

W3 and w4 1/3/3 type

W4-7 1/4/4 type

W8 to finish 1/2/6 type , lowering ppm till end

This is what the plant needs at every stage : )


Holy dark green…I’ll weigh in and say it looks like you’ve pushed the N juuust a little too far. Multiple tip burns. You didn’t tell us much about how you do things so i suggest doing a bit less. ^^^^^ All good advice above me in previous posts.


Im no pro but first thing i thought was same as said above. Cut your feeds. N is high. Try some plain water phed til a good runoff. . Litfa and see how they respond.

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Check your PH run off first, high PH will lock in High N.

If run off PH is good then back off on the high Nitrogen feed.


Thanks for all the replies. It is grown in only Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. No other nutrients. I have since begun mixing it 50/50 with Happy Frog since the soil was too hot for my plants.

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If it were me , I would change to the one @Papalag uses , get back in control : )

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I find the fox Fran great product but way too hot for me
The plants don’t like it at all
I use promix bx and control what I give them I feel the plant like it much better and easier for me to control what they get . At the right Amounts


soils too hot, flush until your ph is at a 6 let dry first feed add a kelp supplement to help the plant bounce back and get the overload under control

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Thank you guys for all the input. It was very helpful and gave me numerous things to think about. I remember the old OG, perhaps even with rose colored glasses, but I have to say that this new community is everything that the old community ever was or hoped to be. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion.


Looks like nitrogen toxicity. Step away from the fertilizer and flush the hell out of that plant with plain tap water