Help Id this damage

Any minor problems aside, I see a nice little Harvest there. Nice recovery. What are your thoughts now that the grow is almost over? What will you do differently? What will you do the same?


The same?Same strain sure.
Different?I Will experiment with nutrienti schedule half to One third strenght.I Will not mix amendants.Trying to go almost full organic.Water from bottom,fertigate from top.
Smaller pots,2 gallons.
That Is what I think at the Moment
My thoughts are that I want to become Better and bring the plants at flowering without lot of def or issues,I want to grow on and embrace this world.
Also,the plant recovered well,but,suddenly One day,It started going Yellow from top,and I suspect It Is my tap water that I started giving her a Little before seeing this deficiency…still,I have not dialed in the nutrients so,we don’t know It It was a pH or nutrienti lockout by bad tap water.Yes I dechlorinated water with ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid…good tip for people that use city tap water. Never heard of using it myself for chlorine. Even works for chloromines@ 1000mg/ 40 gallons. It does lower PH too, so perhaps thats what happened? Light color at the top of the plant could be ph related for sure. Maybe too much vitamin c?

I’ll give you a good tip. There is no almost full organic. It is or isn’t organic. Mixing the two types of fertilizer, organic, inorganic, confuses the plant and works against one another.
With organics, you are providing a buffet, and the plant decides when, if and what to eat. It “farms” microbes that help make food into a form the plant can eat. Kind of like with chickens. You don’t eat the feathers or the insides. It has been prepared for you already. ( Poor example i know…)it is with this goal the plant farms microbes, by ever so slightly changing conditions in the root zone that promote the microlife needed to help “harvest” the nutrients needed at that time. The plant fine tunes this relationship, with the proper microbes at all the food sources. When you put inorganic fertilizer into the equation, the salts kill these microlife, these little workers, and disrupts the system in place.
With non organics you are the one telling the plant when, if and what to eat. The plants relationship with the soil is changed. The plant no longer works with these microbes in the same fashion because the nutrients are already in a liquid or chelated form available to the plant. Additionally, The salty base of these non organic nutrients kills microlife, further placing dependence on application of the proper salt based nutrient at the time it is needed. When you use organic amendments with this grow style, they are not used or are inefficiency used by the plant, because the microlife needed for the use of these nutrients are in a state of dormancy, depletion, or commonly both.
So, the moral is, you should pick organic or not. Otherwise you are wasting money on nutrients your plant will not be able to use. Organic or inorganic.


Thanks for sharing, that’s an interesting point of view, so if you’re going with bottled nutes there’s no point to add mycorrhizal or similar products? beer3|nullxnull


Thank you friend,what about the stimulants,like aloe vera activera,and top max as flowering hormones?Are those ok to use with organic like Molasses or It Is detrimental also?
In the bottles of those product It s written organic and promoter of growing bacteria and food microlife


i don’t know for sure if mycos still works, just not at 100% of what it could do, or if it won’t work at all.


I’m sure that stuff is fine. Its purely salt based ferts mixed with organics we are speaking of. Miracle grow etc
I’m not familiar with top max, but aloe is fine.

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I have some guano for flowering and some worm castings.Not a lot of things for sure Other than that,I have the full biobizz line


Lots of people here on OG use liquid fertilizers to great effect, but I’m not one of them. Others can help you better in this department.

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