Help Identifying Bugs I'm Being Asked To Help With.... Bugs. What Are They?

That’s what they look like. Will they hurt a plant much? Or am I gonna have to spray. Thanks George. I couldn’t get a pic


It’s a question of number, hit them hard before they become a severe infestation … beer3|nullxnull


leafhoppers are bastages IMO - a couple years ago my friends left the front door of my house open for about 30 seconds to bring some equipment inside.

I went upstairs later than night and opened the door to my grow closet and there were 3-4 leafhoppers on the cannabis plants inside! They had flown in the front door and somehow figured out where the green plants were and crawled under the door. Fortunately they were big enough I could easily find them & crush them.

Since then I do my veg phase inside the grow tent in summertime, behind the bug screening material I taped over the air holes.


I started using women’s hosiery on intake ducts a long time ago, where needed. It is a much finer mesh than I have ever seen on any bug screens, and it still allows air to pass through it.



Here’s one there was about ten of these in my soil today


If those are legs I’m seeing, then those are little millipedes. They usually feed in dead and decaying plant matter. Usual soil/mulch inhabitants for outdoors.


So overall healthy for the soil ?

If they’re outdoors, then overall yes. Indoors they can become a nuisance.


I just found a couple of critters that had a couple of small lower leaves twisted around into a little cocoon like nest and they seemed to disappear when I pulled it apart fell out I suppose.
We have plenty of critters here in SEMO this time of year

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Some beneficial spiders will do that. If the bugs are bigger than mites and aphids it’s probably a friendly predator. I have those Colorado Jumping spiders here that do that. I let them camp out, cause they keep the rest of the plant pretty clean. If you don’t see mites or eggs near it, it’s good probably.


Thanks gman

Can anyone help me identify these bugs? I’ve seen them crawling around in the soil and also on the surface after waterings. They are about 3 mm in size. I have not seen them on my plants.

I was able to knock them back using Plant Therapy and sticky traps. I’m not super concerned because the plants are very healthy at day 30 of flower, but I do want to know what I’m dealing with.

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Look like root munching aphids. How long have you noticed them? They may have not colonized enough yet to do damage.


I suggest for any soil grower to add beneficial nematodes. Cant go wrong with it.

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Thank you!

I noticed them pre-flower, so I guess it has been about six weeks or so. I did two treatments with Plant Therapy, which helped, but they are coming back.

I just ordered some Neem Oil. Should be here on Sunday. I gather I can still safely use it on my plants? I’m at day 30 of flower.

At this stage of flower, should I use Neem, beneficial nematodes, or both? Sadly, this will be my last crop with this soil as I’m moving. (I’ve been using the same soil for a decade.)

Beneficial nematodes might be a little late in this stage and not worth it. They wont react quick enough? Not really familiar with any other methods of treating for them. Other than get some ants. They will make quick work of them.

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Could be springtails, not harmful if there are not big numbers … beer3|nullxnull

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Spring tails are white, not brown.

My cinderevil pot is loaded with them, and I’ll be honest. She has been packing weight on everyday. They are really great for soil grows.