Help me calm down please!

My last Harley was a POS AMF ‘70 Sportster. I had a ‘86 Honda 600 XL Enduro at the same time, with a spring-clip on the license plate and shut offs for tail lights, break lights, and the headlight. One for rear, one for front. The AMF Sporty made my wrist numb after 20 min and needed work weekly, the Honda was a very reliable mule in late ‘80s early 90’s


You are absolutely right!!! But I like my Tequila at my bars, not used to anyone peeing in my playground. Don’t people know there are hundreds of hog farms close to my location…


Seriously though, I am not in to direct action (violence), prefer direct action ( Social)!!!


Well that happened to me in the streets one time. I just looked at the guy and asked him you alright man? Seems like something’s bothering you, I hope things get better for you! He just looked at me angry and then walked away?


A better one!


I was also going to say you have to leave because you are helping a friend/relative on their ranch/farm. :rofl: I would have to say Limousine cattle. A bred from France.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Appreciate the knowledge @G-paS !!! All I know about cattle is I like it Medium-Rare!!!


Me too! All you need to know as my hubby would say the hay/feed goes in one end and shit out the other.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Love simplicity, and appreciate the response. I am in the Corn fed Cattle Midwest area, and I had no idea what good beef was until I moved here. Sorry all you coasties, flyover country has the best beef!!!
I am from one of the following: Idaho, Ohio, Iowa. All the same to the fly-overs. Hint, no potatoes here!


Thanks all!!! You have chilled me out!!! Appreciate the conversation and comraderie! Sorry, not in to Russia here, not Comraderie, just brother and sister-hood!!!


@CornbreadJunior , appreciate your comment!

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Lol how the fuck does raising cattle make you more a man??.. pretty sure that just makes you a farmer.

I’ll tell you what…only a certain breed of woman would agree with that statement. A farmer woman.

Is your fiance a farmer? Did he knock her off her feet by smelling of manure? What did she have to say about this?

I would have just laughed hysterically when he said that… like to a point where he would have gotten mad. Then i would have left… and on the way out i would pay a server to bring him a glass of milk…“on the house”


If you want to talk shit to me that’s fine but my woman…not so good.


No @Stankonia , my woman thinks I am too hot-headed and she is probably right. However, not afraid to break a few eggs to make my point with this guy! Realize almost like the Middle East here, but cattle instead of goats!!!

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I am sorry brother but I guess I don’t get it. You know what he is saying is pure bullshit so why give his words any power?
Sounds to me like he is insecure and has to prop himself up by even saying such nonsense.
Laugh it off bro, it’s exactly what such a statement deserves.


Is this the bar?


Let him make a move. Take him down and choke him out. Leaves no marks, he will wake up soon enough. I just started jiu-jitsu so I understand what you can do to the guy.

Peace and love


Limosin. Beef master Belgian blue. Angus. Hereford. Randal linebacke. Wagyu Etc I’m sleepy so can’t remember all the breeds. But black baldies is generic. Usually mix breed. Alot of angus. But have white faces. Easy to remember and you don’t have to get into pedigrees. For some reason the black cattle sell better than the brown baldies. Photo of my black bull.


It sounds like the guy is trying to compensate for his own shortcomings (prolly a tiny pecker) I imagine he has a big truck too :joy:

I’d simply say “you’re entitled your own opinion on what constitutes a man sweetheart” blow him a kiss and skip away :100::sunglasses:


I haven’t had to in a while but my preference is to wait untill the shit is sober then have a real go back at him. Most assholes need booze to be brave. I don’t, I’m a happy drunk but I can be one mean bastard when sober :grin: