Help me calm down please!

Slow down some. 54 is a good age. Same as me. I’m a ex- kick ass guy. I get into fights. 2 a year or more. Not the younger man anymore. My rage can go from 0-1000 in a second. What I’m trying to say is. Slow down. Take a moment. Pray if you need it. Trust me I believe you can hurt this person. Same with me on Saturday. I could have hurt this man. I chose not to. Many of us here are made from the same mold. Let it ride. @Sasquatch im sure you would tell me the same. It not worth the pain. I know you could hurt him.


you have to be above this.

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He is upset. My friend want do anything wrong.


words are just words… laugh him off the pathetic dude. he sits alone you sit with your wife. kindly ask him to leave you alone. ask the cafe owner.With all the wisdom you have in martial arts, it’s not smart to use it unless you have no other choice.


Tell’em “ I might not raise cattle, but I smoke better weed. Need to with folks like you in the world”


Ah man, just don’t play his game brother. His goal is obviously to get a reaction but hey, it’s only words strung together to elicit a prescribed response. You will piss him off more by not reacting the way he wants, after all, you are the better man :slight_smile:


You have a fiance…you win.

Love your woman, enjoy your time…if your fiance wanted a response, re think. But if your fiance sees you are maintaining yourself for the longevity of your life together, she should respect you even more.

Humans are shit, until they prove themselves other wise …that dude is obviously insecure if he’s that big and giving u shit. U have what he wants…stay up!!!

Also…cattle is one major reason our earth is turning to a wasteland…so f him.


Some people are just assholes and likely forget about it the moment he stepped out of the situation, on to the next confrontation. They live and thrive on moments like this. Perhaps kindly invite him to the academy for some character building exercises. I avoid conflict as much as possible. Really, I promise!

You did the right thing Sasquatch! I know the feeling of wanting to do more and how it stresses ones thoughts for days at times. You’re a better man today cause of it!


Puff puff :wind_face:

-pass to @Sasquatch

Here homie, let’s enjoy all this summer solstice day has to offer, leave that interaction in the past where it belongs


Anger comes from fear, from what you said, it seems you may be afraid your fiance will think less of you for not standing up to him.

Ask her what she thought about what happened and what you should do.

As an ex nightclub bouncer I would get the drunken insults at the end of the night, trying to start something. I would just smile and laugh at them, and once out the door tell them they were banned don’t bother coming back again lol. That really pissed them off.


Skin him alive and roll blunts with him (most reasonable advice in the thread)


My brain hurts… maybe because he’s a guy that raises cattle, he is what he works with - shit? Or maybe, just maybe, that’s a ridiculous standard to judge people by in the first place, and you can feel free to disregard his opinion entirely from now on because he’s revealed himself to be a complete idiot. Certainly violence isn’t gonna solve anything, and it doesn’t sound like talking is either. Probably simplest to just treat him like he doesn’t exist unless he physically attacks you. :man_shrugging: Bullies usually stop bothering when they don’t get the reaction they want.

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Yes, but what if he continues with jerk behavior? Don’t go to that bar anymore?
I had a similar situation, a little harder. And after the third time I put him to sleep.


… or you could just whip his ass.


Just Kidding. Can’t go around whipping people’s asses these days.


Hell yeah! Good for you. I started a year ago. Love it👊🏽


Play with chickenshit & ya wind up wearing it .

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Something I learned from Ft. Lewis is that violence is for when all other options are exhausted. And of course, violence of action - he who is most violent, wins. But, he who fucks his wife makes two people happy.
So your other option when this happens is to wink at your wife, grab her arm, lead her into the bathroom, and fuck the shit out of her. You’ve got a better life than that impotent-rage asshole, so seize that blessing.

I mean, you can always wait to find where that guy lives and…
But, peace, love, sex, and drugs are a better option.

The guy merely used words, no need to escalate into the physical realm. Blow off steam with your wife and put a smile on both your and her face :wink:


:cowboy_hat_face:thats not much of a bull looks more like a good BBQ to me :mage:


i dig the looks of your barn there, how old is it?


I guess thats the difference between fiancé and wife.

When my wife guides me by the arm anywhere its usually followed by “Clean this up. Immediately.”

Guaranteed he took one look at your biceps and was instantly overwhelmed by insecurity and the desire to lash out. Happens to me all the time.