Help Me Find My Medicine

I’m pretty simple when it comes to making caps…get coconut oil, doesn’t have to be cold pressed. Coconut oil just has a high fat content and all the metabolites we are trying to get are fat soluble. I have a tiny crock pot that heats to around 200F so I take and powder enough cannabis [put in blender and grind to powder] to get a dry cup of cannabis then i dump it into crock pot and add 1 cup of coconut oil… and one tablespoon of sunflower lecithin then heat and stir for 24 hrs…I start mine in the am and heat and stir till bed time then turn it off and let it sit…once it has cooled some I draw off the coconut oil on the top when I have all the oil off the top, i take a coffee filter and put it under a lid ring on a mason jar and let the rest drain a day or so… Then i just take “00” gel caps and fill, this makes around 60-70 give or take…I have a high …very high tolerance so 3 in the am and 2 at lunch and 2 around 4-5 in the evening for me.


You guys are giving me some great advice! When I’m not at work I’m going to re-read and reply… You guys rock!

This just came to my head, what if you mix cannabis tincture with the Valerian?


Doesn’t change a thing, a shitty movie is still a shitty movie no matter how high you are :smile:

I’m not sure what you mean? Valerian root is rather effective for my anxiety.

i guess its also the name of a shitty movie, idk i don’t watch tv

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Hmmm, I had no idea.

Wow super serious thread, yes just a joke indeed
If you mix tincture with Valerian you will get the effects of tincture plus the effect of Valerian just like if you mix with chamomille you’ll get the addition of the camomille effect. I drink all kind of homemade herbal teas and no magic synergy just 1+1 which is good enough for me


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@TukTuk I’m not super serious at all. I’ve never heard of the movie so I thought in some strange metaphor you were calling Valerian root shitty and it’s helped me a lot. Game on.