Help new growth is shriveled

Nats . There may be some there I’m not aware of

Right now fit to boot .can almost garuntee its the spray you used …
I’m No professional by any means…
But if you have claimed to inspect for insects on the undersides of the leafs and haven’t seen any even with a micro scope …usually I can notice them without one …but anyways …I would clean your plant right up give it a heavy shower of water and then go from there …
Deff don’t spray for more bugs …


Thanks bro


If you look for bugs, check underside of leaves, and the stem of the leaf. Check both the rough looking leaves and the good looking leaves, sometimes they’re hard to see/find. Sometimes you’ll still be able to see them without a scope or a loupe.

Also be careful of spraying anything on them while the lights are on them, they’ll burn/damage faster/easier. N try not to do too many things at once or any drastic actions. Sometimes we do more harm than good trying many different things and we never actually figure out what “fixed” it or what the actual issue was.

Damaged leaves don’t really ever get repaired, some do to a point, but keep looking for new growth to see if the problem is getting better. Happy growing n I hope you are able to get it under control. Best of luck to ya :pray:


I’d stop foliar feeding, leaves need to be able to breathe, soap and oil clogs the pores.

If you insist on foliar feeding I’d only do it once a month, max, and use a more diluted solution.
Apply just before dark cycle so they can absorb without being blasted with light.

You can also grow companion crops alongside your cannabis to lure insects away from the cannabis. Aphids and caterpillars much prefer field vetch than cannabis.
Thrips really love mint.


Thanks man

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@Rogue thanks bro

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I’m starting to think my ratio of oil to soap was off . I did have some aphids a few weeks back that never did come back. I’m also going to do a more thorough look under the microscope. I’m almost hoping for it to be broad mites even though it’s a headache atleast I could treat it and keep cuts. It’s it’s a virus I would have to start all over again.

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All the plants bounced back. Idk what it was but treated with sulfur and they’re looking great. I did find a dead grasshopper in the tent mahalo. New growth is coming back healthy so far


Curious what that means cuz I thought Dr Bronners is both soap and oil. Did you add an oil to Dr Bronners?

I usually mix bronners and oil with water to spray for bugs. Anyways the real problem we’re these beetles that I’ve found in the tent dead after I went the chemical route