Help please, very rapid yellowing of leaves on 1 out of 4

Soil FF Happy Frog 70% 20% Coco Coir 10% Perlite
Watering PH 6.0
No nutes yet. Week 7-8 from seed
Farmers Lab Seeds - White Widow Fem
Lighting - 300watt Mars LED on 150watt Veg setting
Lighting Cycle - 18hrs on 6 Off
Temp - 70 Deg while lights on 64 when off

One plant out of 4 just started getting very light coloring on it’s leaves. It was the plant closest to the heater in the tent which I have since moved away from all plants. Any thoughts.


up your ph, she be hungry


Maybe start using .5 tea of cal mag may help. With the led light.


Happy Frog is pretty light soil. They probably just need some food. I’m surprised they went that long without adding anything. Maybe that one is just hungrier than the others.

What do you plan on feeding them?


I’d say feed them 500 ppm of veg nutes including cal mag . They’ve used what nutrients that were in the medium .


Happy frog is good for seedlings, but bigger plants need more. If you were going to, I’d just up pot now and it should take care itself with fresh soil.


Definitely on a vegan diet. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming::rofl:
I to am a fan of FF and never have problems but like @schmarmpit and @Seamonkey84
Said she needs food. Brew em up a good tea.


Make sure the pot is draining water. Lack of oxygen will do that, and occurs quickly when over watered. Nutrient deficiency doesn’t turn a plant yellow top to bottom like that. Could be PH too, but why is only one affected? And yes. Time for some food, too.

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Just had a flashback…you better check for Russet mites…you on the West coast?

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Yip I’d say hungry. Feed your lady. What nutrients you plan to feed? And or check PH from water source.
I used bottled water to not have any ph issues.

After you water, if the container gets hot, it literally cooks ( steams) the root hairs and roots. 7-8 weeks is a long time with happy frog/ foxfarm only for food…so it could be that for sure, but since it’s only one plant, I’d look for another explanation too.


Yup first thing i noted. 6.0 in soil is low. Up to around 6.3-6.5 and everything will be available to the plant. I think you just got a slight ph lock out. Wheres that chart. Yup mag lockout.

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And no nutes yet. Start feed.

Wow, thank you so much for all of the extremely timely reply’s!! I will feed them asap. Any suggestions on what to start with besides Cal/Mag? It’s been about 4 years since my last grow and apparently my memory has been wiped since then. I don’t remember shit, any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Drainage is definitely good.
Wasn’t planning on up potting was going to keep these ladies small. switch to flower in another week as long as they are all healthy.

If someone has a strong objection to that let me know please! My reasoning is the following:

  1. I don’t need that much. (growing just for the fun of growing)
  2. Physical location is in a crawl space and therefore the tent is only 5’ tall (60" tall)
  3. Once I switch to 12/12 they still grow a good amount so that is why I want to only give it another week.
  4. Again pros/cons to doing this? Should I maybe wait a couple more weeks?

Totally open to suggestions

Do not flower until they are fully healthy, otherwise your just going to be playing catch-up the whole time. If it’s too tall, and you still need to veg some more to get them healthy, then do some chopping. But do it at least a week before you bloom.


I would say mega crop .

7-8 weeks is a long time to go without feed.

I prune my plants to be bushy and short. You can too. Trim them into any shape you want.

All the best

I balanced feed like 1/1/1 ( all numbers the same ) plus the calmag : )
Fully soluable , complete with all micros and no slow release ingredients : )

If you can keep mums , flower clones as they are as mature as the mum so you can flower them earlier etc keeping hieght down but still with a good yield : )

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