Help, problems with plants, leaves curled down

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Can you give us a natural light pic? Windburn. Nitrogen overload, or a bug problem are your main things to look for. What’s your growing medium?

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to wet
nutrient salt toxicity
r.h to high


With the vast amount of info you gave us I’d say it’s CIA Chem trails that are the issue


Just looks like new growth to me.

Looks like another case of overwatering to me

Sorry for the lack of information, it’s the first time I ask for help in a forum. The grow box measures 120x120x200 cm; light hours 18/6 bulb hps 600w sylvania agro. Ventilation system controlled by thermostat, temperature during the day 29 Max at night 18 min. The relative humidity is around 50%, humidifier controlled by hygrostat. 6 plants in total 15lt air pot pot, 3 gorilla glue seeds purchased from zamnesia, and 3 with this problem dynamed cbd plus dinafem. I used 70 liters of biobizz all mix and 35lt light mix biobizz. I did not use fertilizers. From the first day of sowing the plants have 4 exact weeks, but they are in grow box under hps light from 2 weeks.


If you’ve used 2 lots of biobizz will that not be too hot for your plants?

You should take some more pictures


Do they all look like that one or is she the only problem child. Also, how often are you watering them.

It’s possible the soil mix is a tad bit hot, but if that were the case you’d see it effect them more as seedlings than larger plants.


I had to use two different lots of land by seller’s mistake. I always keep under control temperature and ph of the ground. For all vessels the temperature and ph is stable at 21 degrees Celsius, and pH 6.5. Only 3 plants are showing problems, of which one presents leaf twisting and very slow growth compared to the others. and I put water to the plants when the meter marks dry, one liter per vessel every 2 days or so. And sorry but I can put only two pictures a post, because I’m a new user

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It looks like one or more nutrients are locked out. PH isn’t the only thing that can cause a lock out, you can also get them from an overabundance of one nutrient that locks out others.

My advice is to topdress with some earthworm castings or high quality compost. If you don’t have any then I’d begrudgingly topdress it with an amendment mix like down to earth Bio-live or Bio-fish. Something that has a broad spectrum of things for the microbes to breakdown.


they are really expensive. I tried repotting a plant, using only a light mix. but nothing seems changed

So guys, do I have to fertilize the plants, or wash the fertilizers? Please

I’d say if all the problem plants are all the same from what I’m gathering my guess is that strain is a little sensitive to that mix you have maybe try repotting with a diluted 50/50 peat and maybe add a bit more aeration IMO most potting mixes are lacking enough perlite in them for adequate drainage material.

And what @DavesNotHere mentions EWC/ compost would help balance things nicely

What is your humidity? At night and day?

During the day the humidity is about 50 to 60 %, in the night not more then 80%

Maybe Just bad seeds and genetics :-/ some plants are Just bad and there is nothing you can do. The rest of the plants are ok and growing?

[quote=“Tinytuttle, post:14, topic:16231”]

I’d say if all the problem plants are all the same from what I’m gathering my guess is that strain is a little sensitive to that mix you have maybe try repotting with a diluted 50/50 peat and maybe add a bit more aeration IMO most potting mixes are lacking enough perlite in them for adequate drainage material.

And what @DavesNotHere mentions EWC/ compost would help balance things nicely
ok, today I will repot. I bought some non-fertilized biobizz soil and perlite. the ewc / compost that mentions @DavesNotHere are too expensive here, around € 200. Thank you all for your help.

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Hope to get ya on the right track buddy … one of the easiest ways might to go get a bit of compost or good humus, or EWC is take your self a half gallon bag and go find undisturbed pile of leaves on soil of coarse in nature and scope up a 1/4 inch under the pile and either top dress that or mix a little into the base soil.

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I have the same issue with expensive casting shipped out here in a rural area as well. You should make yourself a small worm bin, then you have access to fresh castings whenever you want. We even have a thread on worm bins lol.