Help with switching to Jacks fertilizer

@HighTilliDie it sounds like you would benefit from using a free nutrient calculator to figure out the combinations of products you need to hit your macros for weekly nutrients, the best one is Hydrobuddy, and there are some expert users on here especially @lefthandseeds who has taught a lot of folks about it, he mixes nutes from raw salts now after trying the Jacks route, in order to get more granular control every feed. Until you are doing the math you’re just going to be guessing using these sorts of different products in combination. Cutting and switching entirely between them is simpler but it’s still going to require some calculations about EC strength of your solutions and stuff, this makes that easy once you’re set up. I haven’t gone this way yet but I’ve been trying to learn Hydrobuddy through other peoples use of it here.

This is a great how to get started with Hydrobuddy tutorial from LeftHand

And here’s a video tutorial:

EDIT: This is Dr Daniel Fernandez’s site he’s the one who made the software:

It runs on desktop but in a simple version as a phone app too:

He goes really deep on his YouTube videos: