Help with yellowing and drooping

Look smart

what do you mean lol?

No comment to the plant issue, just to say stonington is working just fine over here


Love to see it!!

Ya I don’t have any exp using Super Soil I have made 3000 other mistakes tho. I learn something every time I grow. Still missing curve balls just not as many. I say grow how you want learn at your own pace. Peace.

Everyone before the guy who just posted that I’ve seen use it. Lol

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Many times I’ve had to fully transplant my plants, even near to flower, because I fucked up the soil mix, which screwed the Ph. Even to the point where I rinsed off the roots of a fully developed plant b4 flower under the sink lol.
It actually worked with a new soil mix


So what happened? What’s the verdict? How are the plants looking now?

Hi Jovice, welcome to OG, dig in and have fun

Well they are still alive. So far I let them dry out for 6 days. Watered with ph 6.5 tap water and humic acid. Cal/Mag foliar spray. Temp brought to 75 f and rH 65% New growth is green, but starting to yellow a bit. Going to try and get them in raised bed in the next few days. Also they have changed homes and have much more room and airflow. Starting to think my light was just too powerful for veg plants. It is now much further away from them in my new tent.


One month into their healing. Still in the coast of main stockington added a bit more perlite and watered much less. They look a bit strange because I am pheno hunting and sexing in a raised bed. Gotta cut the males out as I see them, then figure the canopy out lol. May just do some staking. In the end I think they were just overwatered and didn’t have the best drainage.


Great to see them recovering so well!
Thanks for the update. :slight_smile: