Hemp CBG outdoor grow Hoku Circles f2

Just as the title says this is my outdoor organic CBG grow. I grew this strain last year and have really enjoyed smoking it (it has a nice smooth fruity flavour that comes through in smell and taste), using it in homemade salves, infusing with coconut oil and eating raw or adding to food. I find it really helps with anxiety, arthritis, herniated disks in lower back for myself. As the year has went on I’ve had several people locally ask me about cbg and hit me up for product so this year I’m hoping to grow enough to make a bit of money off of it at the same time as growing medicine for myself for the year. The strain is from Hoku called Circles f2. I have four plants out on my property that just went into 50 gallon planters. They are not sexed yet so probably a male or two or three in there. Really hoping for 2 females but would be over the top with 3. I have them in my homemade mix of soil which is just pro mix hp and some sheep manure compost. I have to clean the area up a little bit to get better pics for the journal of the plants. There are four planters one is just buried behind foliage I’ll get cleaned up soon.

This is the one plant that made it to harvest last year. I had aphids and ants come in early flowering last year. I ripped out all the plants but this one. I treated it with Pure Crop 1 and hit the soil heavily with DE and never seen another aphid or ant the rest of the grow. I’m in Northern Ontario


Put some chicken wire fencing around those younger plants to prevent animals from eating them.


Looks beautiful! I’ll be in the corner watching!


Awesome @Player0685 looking forward to this! Since my OD days are non existent atm I’ll live vicariously through guys like yourself and few others. Plus I enjoy watching your work as you are clearly a talented green thumb bro :facepunch:t2:


Last year’s looked amazing!

Hoping you get your 3 girls, beautiful scenery up there as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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I put wire mesh for concrete around them in couple weeks. In 25 years of growing outdoor I’ve lost one plant, it was due to an angry moose not liking where the plant was located and he didn’t eat it just destroyed it fully.

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Thanks for checking it out!

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Thanks for follow and kind words again! Its nice making a couple friends around here :slight_smile:


Thank you kindly! Last years was my first grow of cbg/hemp and it definitely changed my mind on the value of hemp fully. I can’t see me not planting hemp now every outdoor year with the benefits I feel it has given my quality of life.


That’s killer! That would be a sight to behold!


This is my second year growing under a hemp license. The CBG plants have been my favorite to smoke. I make a really nice CO2 extract that’s 90% CBG. It crystallizes at room temp and I just dab it straight from the jar. Very medicinal with a great body high. There is so much more to cannabis than THC


Very interesting to have a hemp license. Here in Canada they consider hemp and marijuana the same thing which is stupid, but hey when was the last thing your government did that made any sense. Your definitely right about there being so much more to the plant than just thc!

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Coming along nicely. We have been getting heat of low to mid 30’s Celsius lately so giving them frequent small shots of water every couple days. Usually a dose of cal mag, Botanicare flowering at 1/2 strength, real growers recharge. I must made a fresh batch of homemade fish emulsion so it will be ready to use shortly and that stuff is magic.


Sorry for lack of updates. Ended up with two confirmed males both were composted. One female that is really starting to put out flower and the other has even spot out one pistel yet so I’d assume she won’t cross the finish line here with temps already starting to drop into low 20’s as daytime highs. These girls have only been watered a couple times mostly lived off rain water and the Bio live I boosted the soil with. I’ll probably top dress this coming weekend and leave them go from there.


Your plants look great! I have some Circles I haven’t tried yet but I gave a 72 year old woman who’s an avid gardener one of Hoku’s OC V2 plants and it’s looking similar, maybe bigger buds? She’s at 40N and that pot is a hot mix I gave her to topdress/mix in to her normal potting mix, two cups total (Talenti gelato jar) of Tomato-Tone, Bio-Fish, Stonington mix and fish bone meal and other stuff:


That’s a beauty of a plant she has going and should be some good medicine when it’s done. You won’t be disappointed in the flower from Circles. I should have taken clones off the early plant here I’m just north of Ottawa around 45N. I’ll leave the late flowering plant go and hope that it comes close and the weather hangs in there till later in Oct but doubtful here morning are already getting to mid single digits so frost is coming soon. However this week is heat wave coming of 35-40 c


Just a heads up to you CBD and CBG growers out there. If you want to turn your plants into CO2 extract. With the terps, fats/waxes, and cannabinoids fractioned off without any ethanol or winterization. I can make that happen if you send at least 5 lbs but preferably 10 for a full run. We split the oil 50/50 afterwards


Most recent pics a couple days ago. Going to top dress later today and leave them go from there. Need to do a touch more defoliation in a week or two. Was super sunny when I was there yesterday and this plant is on a hill and hard to take pics of so not the best quality shots for sure.


They’re looking good! I have a sample pack in my cart from Hoku rn lol just waiting to be able to afford it.

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If you get them and journal them feel free to tag me to follow along. Hoko has really good prices of beans and gives a ton of freebies. Last order I bought 30 seeds came with almost an extra 20 seeds for 50 seeds of the strain I bought and a freebie pack of 20 seeds of a cbd mix.