Hempire's Tent Garden

No worries bro. You’ve seen how i do starting beans right? :joy: Smoke always ends up spot on so no mither. That’s the important bit right. Chairs tucked right to the desk sir. I think I enjoy the dialling in more than getting it right :joy: least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it :wink:


So I think my Berry Bomb is growing balls!
Are those nanners?


You got anything throwing pollen nearby? They look like baby seeds to me, but I’ve got bad eyesight. Just wondering because of the proximity of browning pistils.

I usually have to look lower on the plant where it’s easier to isolate one to get a good view :frowning2:


No, no males that I know of yet.
Seed was my 1st thought too but even if I do have a male or two, which is possible, the only plants I have in bloom are females so it’s more than likely nanners.

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Berry Bomb at day 42

These pics show all the plants in my tent, berry bomb @ day 42 are the 1st two columns from the left.

I had 6 plants but one of them started producing what to me looked like nanners so I cut her down.
All remaining 5 were checked and nothing of the sort is growing on them.

On the 3rd column I have 2 more Berry Bomb at the back and a Big Bud at the front, all 3 @ 32 days since flipped.

Very compact this Big Bud plant, hardly any stretch to it and very “meaty”.


So after nearly 3 years of a break from growing anything I finally have the chance to get back at it.

About a month ago I started germinating some seeds, trying to more like, and thought by now I’d have something to show for it.

That’s not the case!
So instead I’ll document the struggles I’m having.

My seeds weren’t stored properly and that is showing now as I try to germinate them so BIG lesson learned here!

I have gone through:

16 G13HP88
12 GG4 X C99
10 C99

Out 163 seeds total I have I got 2 seedlings of Apollo11, one of them died after 3 days and the other one survived. The surviver is 3 and 1/2 weeks old and it has been like that since day 4.

And this healthy seedling of Highlighter, no pressure little one! :laughing:

I have been soaking the seeds for 24hour in water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and later transfer to a wet paper towel where they can slowly turn to mush and die.

Ga3 (Gibberlic acid) is not very easy to find around here and prices are prohitive, however, young sprouts and seedlings are rich in enzymes and gibberellins.

I have a small batch of mustard seeds sprouting and as soon they have reached close to 1" I’m going to to try a sprouted seed tea soak on the last beans I have. :crossed_fingers:


Oh man, that’s quite a lot of seeds that didn’t wanna cooperate! Hoping everything is gonna go smoother from here!! I too probably don’t store my seeds right. I have some seeds that are close to 7-8yrs old. I have recently this year reup’d some stock of seeds, so gonna let those older seeds stay getting older and start with some fresher beans.

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Seriously, it breaks my heart only thinking about it. Lost so many strains already! I haven’t lost hope of saving some of the ones I still have left thought.

I have ordered some ga3, should get to me next week, hopefully it helps them germinate and I can make fresh seeds of all my strains.


Looking forward to seeing how it goes!

Well I am germinating some C99 at the moment, from good stock though, so in a few days I should have something to show :slight_smile:

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Excellent, who’s the breeder of your C99? I know you’ve seen mine from Blimburn, seems either the genetics are wonky or I just messed up with her and stressed it a bit with all the foxtailing. But the nose on her is super funky rotting fruit with a sweet candy rub smell.

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These ones I’m germinating now are from Peakseeds. I have grown C99 before but from Fleur du Mal.

I followed many C99 grows and the foxtailing is not that unusual. Specially of you let it go longer, shell keep putting on weight and foxtailing. But the high also gets more vicious.
If you want to let it go much longer take one of those branches off now and then compare it with the ones you take at the end.

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Hahaha I love that! You are probably right about taking a branch off now and compare. I may do that in some hours when the lights come on.

Sorry to blow up your grow diary and I’ll sit quietly now and watch :laughing:

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I like it racy too, but it can get to a point where it just makes you paranoid and anxious.

Nothing to be sorry about brother and no need to be quite either, always welcome :slight_smile:

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