Hempire's Tent Garden

After 3 months of just reading and hardly posting thought it was about time I started a grow diary and show what I have going.

This won’t be a very structured diary, just a place to post some pics and document what I’m brewing in my tent.

Late August I started a Berry Bomb mother from seed and have been shaping her and getting the hang of cloning again.
She clones really well and I haven’t lost one cutting yet.
I’m growing her in a mix of Coco/perlite and feeding her h3ad formula.
Flowered in a 2x4 tent with sil’s @ ~30 watt per SF

Here on the right are 6 clones of her, they are just 2 days short of 4 weeks from flip.

They look a bit behind for 4 weeks but considering the abuse and neglect they suffered I think it’s a miracle they are flowering at all, and I’m quite happy with the results.
I had some problems with yellowing of fan leaves, mainly bottom ones, and I think the problem is I might have overdone it with lifta.
That’s why they were defoliated.
I was watering the plants every few days allowing the top of the pot to almost dry and I think that was the cause of the yellowing.
Since I started watering every day the plants are looking much happier and growing much vigorously so next round of clones should look much better.

A few closeups



Looks nice brother. Keeping an eye on this one.


Glad you overcame the hurdle. :wink: Welcome to the party. :wave:



:partying_face: Welcome! Looking good!


Taking a seat, up in this bioch!!


Pretty cool looking army you got there @Hempire420 did you do 12/12 all the way through?


Thanks @TrevorLahey,

That was the initial idea, to flip them as soon as they had rooted because I’m going for perpetual sog with fortnightly harvests.

But the flower tent wasn’t ready when they were so ended up vegging them for close to two weeks.


And here is my Berry Bomb mother

This is an older picture from when I was training her, you can see her braces.

And these ones ware taken today.

Her stems are a nice red colour and she’s producing a good number of cuttings, way more than I need for sure.
Need to give her another trim soon!

And for the curious here’s some info on her:


few pics from earlier.

Slowly but surely getting fuller every day :slight_smile:


Berry Bomb Day 36.


Looking great right now! :+1::seedling:


Looking sweet @Hempire420. How many clones will fit in your tent at a single time?


Thanks for the kind words guys.

@Foreigner with the pot size I’m using (11cm) I can fit a total 36 clones in the tent.
And that is the plan, a perpetual harvest with 8 clones going in and 8 coming out every 2 weeks.

But I’m starting to question my decision, fist of all because I underestimated how labor intensive it would be to handwater them all, and the tent is not even 1/3 full yet!

And I’ve also got ahead of myself because I don’t even know if this Berry Bomb will be finished in 8 weeks.


Frosting up nicely!


Bit of a strange update this one, 3 days ago I soaked 4 seeds of Apollo 11 X ( F13 X Apollo 11)

I got them from @Sebring and were originally donated by @Howard.Crane, so thanks guys.

Soaked them for 24h by then all 4 had tap roots so into pots they went.

Today I went to check them as they been potted for 48h and no helmets yet.

Had a closer look and looks like one actually broke the surface but got eaten by something.

Had a closer look and realized this maverick is actually growing upside down!

This one is special, don’t know what kind of special yet but I’m keeping an eye on it.


Nice brother. Someone else with a Berry bomb too is always good. They look mighty :heart_eyes: definitely following this

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What the heck, lol. That’s a trip. I hope the other ones work out better!


Never seen that before, very weird lol. Are you gonna try to flip it over?

That perpetual setup sounds awesome, you could buy some rubbermaid tubs that hold 8 of those pots…they come in pretty much every size now. Then you could just fill the tray a couple inches each day to water them all and still be able to feed different nutes to the varying stages.

Just a thought, I use those plastic tubs for everything they make life alot easier


Grow is looking good.
I’m a dtw cocoholic. For sure hand watering can become a drag. I still do it in veg mostly. But in flower I automate because I feed 4x a day.

Tray with gravity drain. Heaven.


Cheers @anon58740919, do grab a seat mate :slight_smile:
These 1st lot are the test drive and didn’t have the best start in life so I don’t think we’ll see mighty.
But hey they plowed through the abuse and recovered well so I can’t wait to see what it’s like when I have this dialed in.

@Howard.Crane yeah it’s pretty mad, 1st time I see it.
But I don’t mind if they want to come upside down or even sideways, as long as they sprout I’m a happy chap.

@beacher it did get flipped over as soon as I took the pictures, I’m not taking that kind of behaviour lol

The trays are a good shout, I have already thought of them but haven’t been able to find any with the right size.
They all get fed the same diet so a table might be an option too.

Thanks @GramTorino nice setup you have there too.
Automation is definitely part of the plan, although I’m more inclined to the likes of autopots or blumats.
You see the tent is in my bedroom and between the fans and extraction there is already more than enough noise so I don’t want to add to it with pumps and running/dripping water.