Herbie's Hothouse

Yeah that’s why. Mine was a mixed pack. Probably didn’t have any from this girl as none of mine really turned out looking like yours. Yours look like grohio’s plants.

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Hey @Herbie thanks for the tag. Nice looking girls!! Excited to hear the smoke reports.

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Always trying to make things easier and to that end bought a couple of the knockoff sip basins and rigged them up. There are 2 of these and #4 and #6 have been up potted to them. The remaining (10,11,2) girls all got one gallons for the moment.

Numbers 4,6, 8 and 9 all cloned well. The potency has been good on all that I have tasted but of the 3 early girls #4 checked the most boxes and is going again. #6 because of the late girls it cloned easiest. I have chucked 8 for being too earthy/raw and 9 for low yields. The last 4 are not quite ready to close the jar on. I will update with a better smoke report and some finished bud pics later.


It has been a bit since the last update. Those pots (2) got the fastest rooting cuts. That turned out to be 4, 6 and 8; however, 8 was eliminated during taste tests. They now look like… 4 on the right.

Had to set #6 on a 6 inch styrofoam box to get it as tall as #4 and even up the canopy/

The best girl so far was 4 for flavor, yield, early finisher and good potency. So far 2 is awesome smoke and have not really tried 10 or 11 enough to say about those. A picture of a couple nugs of #2 before it all goes up in smoke!

What follows are all of 5 remaining clones to be flowered seedless hopefully. Then perhaps bean sprouts! :slight_smile: #2 is in the back.

#10 and #11 were both late finishers but good yield. Will get to these later.


Cleaned the legs and twisted the tops but it all still keeps stretching. Crushing stems, but will probably wind up raising the light a bit and lowering the intensity. Maybe a week of stretch left (fingers crossed)

6 on the left and 4 on the right.

Of the 3 late girls, they are all great. Gonna have to grow them out again seedless to make a selection.


After some serious and intensive research into all the females involved… it is determined to move forward with #2 and #11 from the last batch. Although 6 and 4 are being grown again and 4 at the least may reserve a spot, 2 and 11 are excellent. 11 in particular has sticky dense nugs and a deep stone, smooth and tasty. 2 could be an excellent daytime smoke. Will have more to say after they get another turn. 10 is 11 but not as dense or sticky so no point in going again.

Trimmed under the canopy again. Nice to have new goggles, no doubts as to the stress level and easier to read the girls. I did stress number 4 badly. Meter had gone south and the feed was too rich…leaves curled and the roots were getting problematic perhaps. Lefthandseeds recommended Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide as a product he has used and I added a bit of that and diluted the feed. The plants leaves didn’t curl too badly and it was only one feed so they seem to be doing well since.

It will be interesting to see how large these colas grow as many as there are in these little 2 gallon earth pots. They are in 3 gallon plastic and full to the handles of the 2 gallons pots. They seem to be wicking nicely and I ran my hand between the two and it was wicking well along the side. They do bottom the float indicator within 24 hours but they are not completely dry in that time.

In about 5 quarts of filtered water I add a milliliter of each of Superthrive and StoutMSA. Then I add Megacrop v3 to get to 620 ppms or something close. The media is coco and perlite because I cannot get Tupur anymore. No one carries it locally.

I sift the fines out of the coco and perlite and soak it in the same solution above for about 4-6 hours and reuse it.


Mother’s Milk f2’s coming along. #4 , #6 and side by side, 6 is on the left.

This is the last run for 6. Will be up potting #2 and #11 and flowering them as soon as these finish.


Mother’s Milk f2
#4 is doing well and getting very frosty. It is consuming at least 4-16 oz cups of feed a day.

Sadly this little float thing stuck on the other one…

and it suffered from leaf drop when it ran dry. It always did use less but still… I shouldn’t have let it go that far.

Not really a fan of those level indicators from the jump.


Mother’s Milk f2

#4 is still drinking a half gallon of nute solution a day. Starting to fatten up and checking back they are ~49 days. Seems like I may have dropped to 14/10 first few days.

#6 drinks far less since I stunted her. She never did drink as much, but has some more rounded tops rather than those ‘witch’ hats on 4 above.


What kinda smells are you getting from the Mother Milk ? :milk_glass:


Changes as the day goes. When the lights first come on, they smell a bit sharper…more citrus and pine. After the lights are on a while, they smell softer and sweeter. Well, actually I am describing #4. It kind of took over and is covering about 2/3 of the 6 ft^2

IME if you wet one of these things they can smell pretty raw. I wonder if perhaps some of those skunk smells everyone remembers from when the windows were down were after a rain…then again maybe it really was a skunk.


Mother’s Milk F2

Leaf patterns of the MaMilks to come.
#11 followed by #2

And the 2 recently up potted. These will be replacing the ones flowering.

Meanwhile #4 is getting close to done.

Took clones a couple days ago of these and the OG Kush, all are in the bubble cloner. Using new razor blades to take clones instead of scissors these days.


ooh nice! They’re looking great! Apparently the double serrations come from the Appalachia male :thinking:


All had doubles to some degree except #8 It had the nicest single cola top though. There was/is some earthiness in all of them, that was not a significant part of the taste on most after the cure. Especially in the sugar leaves if included. Potency varied from good to great. Of the ‘types’ had perhaps 4 with numbers 4,10 and 11 being very close to each other in form and yield at the least. Numbers 2 and 6 were lower stretch and branching but slightly different buds and potency. 8 was an outlier among the double serrations. I have seeds from them all, though not in great quantity.

The best tastes are hashy, salted caramel maybe.


Mother’s Milk f2s
#4 is down and done. Some photos from the last couple days.

So it was hung and dried in the new setup

Yielded well. Though still burping and some stems and, the bag weighed in at 12 grams. 7 -30 gram jars.

and we still have #6 to hang in a couple days. The trichomes on it are not yet turning amber though most have been cloudy for a couple days …It won’t be long now. Should be at least 3+ oz yield from it and that would be 10 oz from a 6 sq foot cabinet. I would attribute that to the wicking SIPs mostly.

#2 is ready to go in

and #11 is already almost a week into stretch.


Mother’s Milk f2 #6 hung

Dried to 5 and a half oz Which with #4 from the two plants makes 12+ from a 6 sq ft cab or 2oz/sq ft. Not too shabby.

Those were 2 gallon fabric inside 3 gallon plastic. This time we are going with 3 gallon fabric inside the 3 gallon plastic. #11 on the left is getting close to 3 weeks of stretch. And #2 is just getting started.

Oh…almost forgot. #4 is now growing outside :wink:


Well, let us all catch up a bit on some of the Mother’s Milk f2’s The #4 plant is pretty racy. I don’t have much of an issue with it, but I tend to smoke small doses at a session and it doesn’t seem to have a ceiling. Further it is almost too smooth and sneaks up on people. Reported has been cream, vanilla and does have that hash thing going on in the sweet spot of the joint. There were two reports of some tightness in the chest and one of it dropping a persons blood sugar. I may have experienced that on some level myself but am not monitoring my sugar like they do.

#6 is now being sampled. Not as racy but it went a few days more.

#2 and #11 from left to right in 3 photo’s

since #11 is starting to get it on a bit a couple extra pics. I did some minor trim last week to take some lowers and am considering stripping the fans. This was the one I like the best…but also most difficult to clone. I do have clones of these last two.

#4 is outdoor. Update later :wink:


This thing went that way →