Here we Grow…

Sweet line up mate! Ill be excited to see the Hellbilly cross (ive got a jet fuel x hellbilly going right now) and the shell catcher (planning on popping some early 2024) :smiley:

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Got some Soil cooking
Went with about 15 gal worth of soil FF Happy frog amended with some Gaia green added a bunch of perlite among other things. Going to let it sit in a tote for a month or more while everything keeps growing. Planning on keeping 5 ladies and put them in 3gal fabric pots with the new soil concoction :test_tube::test_tube::test_tube:


Plants include
Cory the Monk
Red leb x puck
Cereal milk x wedding fuel
Trop cherry #8 x hellbilly
Orange Krush
Sour hashplant
Going to be really hard to only pick 5 I need a bigger tent :joy:

Looks like I’ve been having a virtual garden tour – so many impressive setups and plants!

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Wow! Your Willie’s myst looks really good after the chop and trim. :man_farmer: :green_heart: :partying_face:

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All right got them all into 1 gal or bigger pots with amended soil. Only cooked the soil for 2 weeks but I kept it moist with blackstrap molasses water the whole time. Time will tell how they react. I also sprinkled some Mykos under each for extra root health :nerd_face:


Hey @Movement13 you had a chance to smoke any of that Long bottom leaf x Starfighter yet? If so… how is it?


I’d like to know too, I have a couple GLG freebies of LBL F1 x Strayfox Cake fighter I want to dip into this year similar genetic make up just has the wedding cake tossed in the mix

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The lbl Starfighter has a very subtle lemon candy smell and flavor. Really good for smoking before bed the stuff puts me to sleep every time.
I’d give it a 7.5/10 Was hoping for more flavor and smell.


That was just one plant you had right? Maybe there’s a better pheno.


Yea for sure …not to mention it got hit with way too much nitrogen from a bat guano overload.
I’m sure there are many different and better phenos to be found

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I mixed the remainder of the fox farms happy frog soil I’ve been cooking for the past 2 weeks with some pro mix soil and added some Gaia amendments among other things :test_tube:and watered it down with some de chlorinated molasses water. This will sit for a month while the plant veg and ultimately be the soil for the flowering phase when I repot into 5 gal pots.

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Been a day since I repotted using amended fox farms happy frog soil. So far they still look happy was kinda worried I hit em with it to early. Time will tell :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Willies Myst dried and cured


Red Leb x puck bx1



man! Your strains look incredibly healthy, Excited for your updates with this lil babies!

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