HGLs Happy Box of Chocolates and other Goodies

I’m right there with you bud :wink: . I think I may try skipping my next flush and feed the girls. I’m thinking ill roll on through and ride it out.
Thanks for all the input, I turned the light down 2 notches.

Thanks @BigMike55 . :slight_smile:
I’ll keep reading Happy. I may find something. First I have to read about those nutes before I can even guess since I have not found anything so far. I’m sure your hitting them with the right dosage.
BTW have you checked the ppm of your runoff?

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Thank you so much for tagging and helping me out! I glanced at the ppm last time feed. My forgetfulness forgot what it was. I want to say in the 1100s though. I think I’ll give a couple girls a haircut tomorrow.

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Not a problem at all man. We are supposed to be here for one another. Good luck. I would check those ppm’s before I went further. Just my opinion. lol. Might as well rule it out.

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Here are some horrible looking pictures but my back is killing me. Trimmed everything up but the 2 Angelica skunk up front and Womo 2nd row to the left.




This Angelica Skunk has that diesel gassy skunk smell :flushed: :ok_hand::ok_hand::boom:


@MoBilly my brother, I slapped the girls with nutes as in there days they were feeling dry.

Run off PPM was between 1586- 2030 all In between.
Run of PH was between 6.65 - 6.70
I typically shoot for 6.2 for PH going in.
I’m yet to figure out how to calibrate this bad boy. I bought the stuff to test but got lost on a YouTube video.


This guy’s delivery might put you to sleep, but he explains it well enough to understand what you need to do. Hope this helps!


That buds looking dank my friend! I can vicariously get behind that smell description :drooling_face:


You are awesome!! Thank you, i’m putting this on the big screen to watch :wink:

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I knew you would like that :wink: The second one is still gassy but not as much .
I can thank you for those!

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I forwarded them from @catapult because they were the only skunk genetics I had. So thanks belong there :wink:


@catapult Thank you for the genetics :wink: . Skunk has always been a old favorite along with Gassy.
Thank you 2 again.


Your welcome HGL! Great to see these these babies getting grown out, nice work.


When I get UFS #18 seeds from this pollination remember to holler at me. You’ll have some then if you want. :slight_smile:


Look good to me!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Im logging that into the back of my head as a reminder :wink: Thank you!

@G-paS - Thank you!!

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You are more than welcome my friend @HappyGoLucky21 .
:v: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Looks like the girls are doing much better :wink:


They are looking even better than before.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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