HGLs Happy Box of Chocolates and other Goodies

Thank you!! I was getting stressed for a little while.


Got skunk on the left and Box of Chocolates to the right.

I have not shown much love to the womo. She’s smelling like some sweet candy.

Great stank in Happys room, between Durban poison, skunk, diesel and now candy :wink:

I really don’t get this tall lemon skunk .


Hope you don’t mind Sir but I had to save that pic.
My new desktop pic.

Thanks :pray: :wink:


It’s beautiful :heart_eyes: don’t mind what so ever!!


I was going to ask who the tall broad was. :laughing:


She’s just growing to the sun not showing much as the others. At this point I’m letting it go for the fun of it lol :laughing:

I told my wife if something happens to me to continue my grow. I even left her a schedule.
She makes fun of my chicken scratch.


nice growing you got going there bro ! :fire:


Thanks brother! I have to hand it to all my OGers, if it wasnt for this place and the beautiful people here id be lost.


Great thread man! Really enjoyed reading through and seeing your hard work. So, I have a 350R and I ran into some of the same issues as you late in flower (apparent bleaching, questionable purpling and possible P deficiency, tips of leaves becoming necrotic and curling up). I cut N too early after flipping and thought that was a lot of my problem, but I also think it has to do with the power of the light and distance to canopy. My reasoning is, I had some areas that were nearly completely shaded and those maintained a lush green color. Those areas were near the top of the plant also. Your light is badass, and also very powerful. Another member @Osogreen is also running your light and saw some issues as well, but I believe he raised it 3ft. above canopy and problems stopped. I’m going to tinker with mine this run and judge results.

Wanted to give that perspective to ya. Honestly though, you’re doing a bang-up job. Well done bro!


Thanks man! I about ran to my room to raise the light more :rofl: spilled my drink everywhere.

I’m going to move her on up before it does that to the pretty buds.

Thanks again for that info for the safety of this and future runs!

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No stress, man! Still a bit of speculation on my part, but starting to see a pattern with those of us who use the HLG Diablo models. Food for thought, if nothing else.

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@anon20530495 moved it on up about 7’ from ground. 3’ from top of canoype. Expect for tall girl.

Here is a update with some bud shots with light adjustment.


From top to bottom

1.Best Angelica X Skunk
2.Box of Chocolates
3.#2 Angelica X Skunk
4.Tall lemon skunk
5.Best Box of Chocholates
7.Box of Chocholates
8.Lemon skunk
9.Box of Chocholates

Boy do I hope I labeled those correctly on here . :rofl:


Excellent work dude. You have a great mentor in @Eagles009. Your plants actually look like they’ve improved from the past pics!


A Merry Christmas/Holidays and happy New Year to all From Happy :blush: :sparkles: :heart:


My wife thought I was only getting these for the kids :rofl::joy:.

One will be in my grow room tomorrow :upside_down_face::wink:


Just a fantastic read @HappyGoLucky21, you got a new lurker on your grows! Your skill is evident in every one of those dank nugs! :smiley::+1:


I’m hitting all my buds that I can before heading out for the day to the family gathering so.

Merry Christmas my friend! :pray:
I hope you are beyond happy today. :wink:

And to all the others, Merry Christmas to you all!


Thank you so much! Believe it or not, most of everything I’ve learned is right here at OG :wink: .
Happy Holidays my friend!

Merry Christmas my brother! I hope you and the family have a happy and safe Christmas along with New Year !

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