HGLs Happy Box of Chocolates and other Goodies

Wow, I have a humidifier going on mine trying to get to 60. Full out 45-50


Living in a spot that can be all four seasons in one day :rofl:. With winter coming you never know which to turn on :upside_down_face:


Damn looking good :+1:
My weather this week has been 23f to 78f, I understand


Thanks bro, you feel my pain as well :wink:
Hope all is well and had a great Holiday!

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As promised day # 2.

Shouting out my favorite Angelica X Skunk girl.

She smells of that strong :fuelpump: with :muscle: :skunk: .


@MoBilly I forgot to mention, they came . :speak_no_evil: :santa:


Love the structure of this lady. How much longer do you think she has before she meets her demise?

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Thank you bud! I’m hoping on or near Jan 15th.

I’m really bad at figuring that put :confused:. I have a wired microscop that hooks into my phone. I’m way to shakey to get a good picture. I have to find my looper, I typically like the strongest with some amber.

Also I never know if I got sug leaf or bud :sweat_smile: :thinking: @TreeTops


Haha I’m the same. I have to rest my elbow and sometimes entire arm on something in order to remotely be able to get a clear view. That requires placing the pot in some interesting places also. Also, like you, I need some decent amber coverage.

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If I figure a better way out I will let you know my friend!
I’m sure a lot of people are in the same boat. I hope to get better at it.

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Found my looper, mostly cloudy with a few clear. No Amber yet, if i had to guess 2-3 Weeks. Ill be posting pictures for help when that time comes :wink:
Thanks man!


Daily Check up on one of our girls!

Angelica X Skunk second favorite out of the two.

Light gassy nose with a very light underton of skunk. Not as strong as Female # 1.


Damn, those are frosting up nicely!


Im debating on which girl wants to show off her buds tomorrow. Its a tose up, the next two girls i post. I wish i could take and squish together lol, the one has the looks but the other has the smell!


Same here!

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I think you will like them. :thinking::v::cowboy_hat_face:

I shake too so I mounted mine on a microphone boom. It works great.

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Happy New Year all my OGers!

Day # four of showing some love for the girls.

The best looking Box of Chocolates by far. My only wish is it gets some smell. Very low low light BO scent but would you just look at her!


She is a thing of beauty.


Thank you!! Im already looking forward to for some Festive Cherry next :wink:

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