HGLs Happy Box of Chocolates and other Goodies

Day #5 and showing appreciation to my favorite Box of Chocolates girl! She smells sweet with a chemical gassy smell i associate with Durban poison. I love her very much;), I wish this pheno had the look of yesterday’s but kept the smell.

I just fed them yesterday and plan to again in a few days.


Nice frosty AF :+1:


Looking good brother!

I feel your pain on that plant with no smell. I’ve got a pbb x Lebanese right now that is growing these fat, frosty, purple buds. But they don’t have any smell! My first plant like that. I almost culled it in veg because it didn’t have any veg stink. Shoulda followed my gut. This pretty bud probably ends up in the dump.


Im currently watching and learing all i can on making concentrates. Im wondering if the girls dont pass my smoke/smell test then shatter,badder or diamonds it is.


Day #6 and showing love to my WOMO X PBS girl.

She is a crazy grower, leaves going every which way. This sweet sweet skunk smelling girl has a scent of some Starburst;)


Day 7
Big T girl (Lemon Skunk)
I just don’t get this one right here lol
She’s my kids favorite :rofl: Smells like BO.

I’m not to sure were the time went today, the lights went out mid photo shoot :neutral_face:



Kinda wish my big stinky one wasn’t a dude :joy:


Tomorrow ill snag some pictures of her little sister :dancing_women:


Finally got around to setting up the new T6.


I’m liking the T6 got the same exhaust a little quieter than the S6

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I’m really liking this new toy! I can shut the door without the temps flying high.


Yeah it’s great isn’t it and you can also check the temps without opening the door or tent


My fault let me take that back didn’t notice the controller was inside the room. Please excuse me I be high sometimes :joy:

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No need to be sorry =). I have a camera on the inside to check temps from my phone :wink:

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Nice that was a very good idea I never thought of that. But gotta be careful with the infared when the camera is on night mode. That can cause your plants to herm

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Oh my goodness, i never thought about that? I did tape the blue motion light but i never see the infared on this set up. I will have to take a look at that.
Thank you

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My brother has a camera like that just turn off the infared setting when the camera is on night mode. No problem brother don’t gotta thank me. We are all here to help each other


I have been slacking with updates. My back is shot and I will need to find a new way to water.

Mixing 5 gals up then watering 1 by 1, the bending over is catching up with me.

Check out some pinkish colors coming in on this Box of Chocolates.

These are my two favorite girls.


My OG Family I need some help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Week 9 of flower
All the girls pistles are almost turned from white. The Lemon skunk still has lots of white pistils.
I am horrible with this scope , shouldn’t be any sug leaf in the snaps.

Say another week or two and chop ?


Are you going for more of a couch lock, sedative effect?
If so, yes, I would go a little longer. If it’s not the narcotic effect, but more energizing high. If so, it looks like you’re there to me unless those are sugar leaves that you’re showing that is.
I see some amber and many don’t go as deep into amber as I do. I’m all about medicine for my aches and tremors.
This time, however, I’m taking them a little earlier than before. I’m going for around 10% amber.

The problem with shaky trichome shots is that causes the trichomes to look cloudy when they are still mostly clear. That blur from movement or whatever makes them look cloudy.

That’s my take on it. But remember, I am quite the novice still yet. :slight_smile: Maybe some grow guru will chime in and tell me I’m wrong. lol
It wouldn’t be the first time. :laughing: