High density Cannabis planting

F*ck big business they can figure their own shit out. This is to keep the small growers in business and making money.

Soil health across the world is rapidly declining. The southern US has nearly killed their soils same with many of the biggest producing states in the midwest US. Its happening out west also, but they tend to be ahead of the curve with social stuff. Essentially our current ag techniques are destroying the soil and the clock is ticking until your only option is to use synthetics.

I also feel this is an opportunity for the Cannabis community to put sustainability on their back and start showing everyone else up. Between rec, med, grain, fiber, and cannabinoid hemp the opportunities to be a model system and help small farmers is immense, and I have decided to take up that mantle.

If your state has homegrow, you can absolutely produce seed. You might not be able to grow 100 plants, but you can absolutely produce seed. If you are worried about selling and shipping, you can get a hemp license and legally have no problems, according to the government’s own interpretation and language.

Bud you don’t have to spend 200 on a pack of seeds. You can spend 25%

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Id argue that keeping clones is similar in spirit to producing seed. Both are propagation.

You might not be able to walk in somewhere and buy seed, but you can certainly order them online and there are more options now than ever. Same with US based seedbanks and seed companies.

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amen. tell you what, as an aspiring mutant breeder i really want to offer my seeds to the world at <$1/seed. i like the idea of a 20 pack for $10. for the life of me, i cannot figure out how i can sell my wares without losing money in shipping, time, etc. even with the wonderful plant it is, it’s insanely difficult with all the things i need to be in business. i’m a little guy just starting out, and i can’t see a way to do it without being at least $5/seed.

seed prices are purely supply and demand because it’s a free market imo. it’s just a small market with very particular customers because it’s a unique product. the market hasn’t yet seen a mover or shaker which disrupts the entire industry (think Blockbuster and Netflix).

in my eyes, at the end of the day it’s entirely too easy to take 1 male and 1 female and make 10,000 seeds for them to be $200/10 regs. if there’s customers willing to pay, there will be a product there for them to buy. enter designer cannabis and really dumb prices…

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I have my sights on being that mover and shaker.

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You can ship very cheaply, but would probably make more sense to do $15 for 30.

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the cost of seeds, materials, etc is nothing compared to the financial side. in my area i must have a $500 net cash flow in a business account or it’s a $150 fee every month. checking account is $50/mo. business po box is 5x more expensive than regular. it’s the little things that make business a nightmare.

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I cant remember what the limit is, but you can legally make money to supplement your income each year and not have to be a registered business. It would’ve been way more helpful if I knew what that cap was…sorry

i think in the U.S. it’s like $400 or $600, something small like that. IRS wants all forms of income even illegal :rofl:

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To be honest what is being discussed will only apply to licensed farms for the scale being discussed.
Second is that with high density planting, the main colas are all that will be sold for flower. The lowers will either be ground up for joints or grind package or go to oil production.


Just be rich enough its too hard to audit you! Lol

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@Emeraldgreen you get what I’m putting down! Really have enjoyed getting to talk here with you, you’ve brought a lot of good points

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I wouldn’t even say ‘off topic’ just that we have a very broad topic with a lot of sub points to look at :wink:

All that I am saying is your cannaseiur type and the farmers that serve them won’t go anywhere. Your bigger concern I think will not be related to grow style regarding density, but keeping big agribiz from throwing patents and gmo’s and chemicals etc at it as they do other big crops


Keep your regular seed lines clean. It might be good for everyone to look up what Monsanto did as a business model. I can summarize if interested


Thats what is great about my idea, it is intentionally designed to be insulated from Big Ag’s grubby little hands!

I’m not saying that what I’ve proposed is perfect by any stretch. But the ideas and thinking behind them have proven to be beneficial and in some cases life changing for small farms trying to avoid the pitfalls of Big Ag.

Always appreciate the input! We need counter arguments in these discussions so we can see each others point of view! And while I like to believe I know everything, my wife helpfully reminds me I dont, all the time. But I also believe if you are passionate and able to make enough noise, eventually people are gonna pay attention


Your definitely getting your counter points

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Lol I knew it was going to a fun discussion. Love seeing the passion people have for cannabis and can’t fault anyone.

I’ve worked with a lot of growers and farmers, and they believe 2 things: their eyes and fellow farmers. Ive made some claims and gotten some skepticism, completely understand why, but I plan on coming with receipts when I can :metal:

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I talked to a sales rep for growing systems. He said they stopped trying to sell to pot growers, because all they ever told him was it would not work.

The new farm bill, if unaltered before approval, would entirely change that

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