High density Cannabis planting

i didn’t say that, i said you can’t have it both ways now. if you grow hemp for fiber you want to maximize the fiber. if you want to smoke it, you maximize the flower or cannaboids. not sure you’ll ever be maximizing both since they are opposing parts of the plant. i may be wrong but it’s intuitive and needs investigated. don’t put all your eggs in one basket so to speak. like the way i planned on planting my hemp for example. i was gonna put up a moving pen for the goats to graze the pasture off and then plant by hand leaving the cover pasture there except for small circles of hemp which will be hoed until they are tall enough to choke out the weeds. the pasture has been there for 2 decades so should be adapted to the soil. it seems the best way but i will have a control area to make sure. i’d also like to put a few terraces on the hill to see if that makes a difference. maybe if i have enough area or time.


Yep i’m still my country in 1800 was the biggest hemp producer of EU

Theyve already got multiple purpose cannabis varieties on the market right now.

they may, but until it’s federally legalized i can’t grown any of it.


All the actual authorized strain in EU came from US

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This is true and one of the worst over reaches of our country and government. Feel that one.

Thats insane because the US definitely buys a ton of hemp seed from Europe. Now that more domestic hemp companies are opening that is starting to change though.

Before the prohibition and DrugWar
The best productive strains for fiber and seeds were US old heirloom
Then the Gov confiscated all the best seeds
in order to establish and maintain power over the ownership of the most productive Varieties and to make farmers dependent on much less productive seeds

any way i could get some of those? i’m about to start making paper.

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Not wrong.
Lot of great stuff lost to time because of racist laws and money hungry politicians.

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hey now, you’re getting awfully close to the truth with that…

that’s political.


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I would absolutely be liking those posts but turns out I went a little click happy earlier!

Great contributions to the discussion yall! Pretty fun way to start a Saturday morning!!


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that’s about $350 for 1kg seeds from what i can tell, my french is google, or in this case firefox, which is to say non-existent. my german is passable for reading, but old. thanx for the links, i have some reading to do.

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what’s a hectare compared to an acre? i just saw the recommended plant count for fiber is 3.5 to 4 million per hectare but have no concept of it. they also recommend 60kg of seed for it. i have an acre and plan on getting about 50lbs but i’m gonna try a few different planting methods to see what works best.

A hectare is approximately 2.5 acres. So if @Ras-T thinks that’s reasonable for one person (which I agree with) then there is still hope for my wild idea!

Masanobu Fukuoka “Seedbomb” my friend


That pic is awesome! When was that taken if you don’t mind my asking? @PiffElement

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