HiGrade Analyzing Scope

I wasn’t really sure where to post this, because it seems too good/cheap to be true. (feel free to move it, if there is a better spot)

HOW YOU TEST: Once you have the HiGrade testing kit, all you have to do is download our app, snap 3 photos of your flower and our secure servers will analyze them, sending results to your phone within seconds. Our app allows you to easily track the results for future reference.

Has anyone tried one of these?
Can potency really be accurately tested via camera?

I want to scream “Bulllllllshit!” and run the other way, but figured I would start a thread here, to see if anyone has tried this thing. The ratings/comments are very polarized, which usually makes me assume there are some BS comments supporting it, to try and dilute all the real reviewers.

Edit – I am starting to feel like there is no need to even ask these questions. This seems to just be a money grab for people who don’t know better, but that is also the reason I am not going to delete the thread. I will leave my shame here, if it stops someone from spending their money on this. Or, maybe someone will surprise me with some way this thing can actually beneficial.


I just saw another piece that (imo) tips the BS meter completely -

The subscription costs $79.99/year after the initial year is over.


Yup, I was just about to post that info…

So they sell the kit for $69.99, which includes the scope AND one year of the “HiGrade Pro App Subscription” (which provides the THC percentage), then get you for $79.99/year thereafter. I mean…if someone is gonna be foolish enough to buy this, are they smart enough to buy a new kit every year to save $10? :thinking:


Trust your bullshit detector!! :sunglasses: :+1:


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Yep, those seemed more honest than the 5 star reviews, to me. I’ve seen plenty of products in Amazon, ship with a card that offers free stuff for good reviews. I’ll look at them, but definitely don’t put much faith in the good ones when they are split like that.


I feel like when we find affordable home testing it will be from someone on a forum like this, and not on a subscription service.


But seriously I think someone mentioned on here before that there was somewhere that “craft grower’s” could get percentages and a couple of other things even showed some results I think if this is correct pm me I have a few questions for you

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There are labs that will do that for you. And, sometimes it’s relatively inexpensive.

Around here, <$100 for potency and terps.

Problem is, it really depends if you are near one of those labs.

Some examples can be found in:


Thanks for the tip @Northern_Loki I assumed it would be much pricier. Found a few labs in my area. First one did not have prices. The next one had some posted. $75-$150 (single vs triplicate test) for potency testing.



I want a quantum microscope for my plants. Hopefully it’ll be as revolutionary as they claim.


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Sounds to me like they are using some sort of machine learning techniques to estimate the THC percentage. In theory, it should get more and more accurate the more images they feed the algorithm.

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Well, this is a scam most likely. But with the properly calibrated scope that reads full spectrum, with the right lights/lenses and software, a small portable spectrograph devise isn’t too far fetched. But don’t those those spectroscopy tests basically just see what’s on the surface and in the tricrome? Not very accurate.

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