Hittin' the highminwin road.. my first grow!

the last of our ladies, tropical 1! and while she may be least in stature (19.5" tall), she is hardly least in the places where it counts. namely frost production!

also, if you’re a fan of stinky, her smells are the loudest of all my plants. she’s got this funky skunk berry thing going on, with a hint of nag champa or incense at the end. she’s really got this exotic weed smell to her, but it is most certainly skunky smelling weed.

the huge differences between tropical 1 and tropical 3 tell me that there’s a lot of interesting genetics hidden within those tropical mixes by mt zion. i hope other people take an opportunity to try them out.

seed wise, tropical 1 is doing alright. but unlike the other plants, she just doesn’t have the long extra branches that i can completely dust. here i had to find two or three little branches.


the only male left in my stable, durban 1.

poor sweet durban 1. all he ever wanted to do was grow and jizz. and he got to do both of those things thankfully, but now i hold onto him like some sort of old childhood safety blanket.

he continues to show female flowers popping up on some of his branches.

if i want to check out his progeny to see if they’re fire genetics, i’m going to have to keep him around for at least another 4-6 months minimum. maybe i can just stick him in the ac infinity veg box for now. that should at least limit his growth, as well as put him back on a veg cycle.


our final update takes us to our second grow, which we’ll be sending off to our san diego grower friend in about a month or so. although i will keep the nanan bouclou twins, shorty and taco, in order to keep an eye on them and document their growth and genetics. it’s gonna be a tough one there though, since they’re slated to be 15+ weeks flowering.

this will be my colorado sativas run (part 1 of probably many to come in the future) since all of the strains except for the viet black are sourced from there.

in the following photo we have nanan bouclou 1 and new caledonia 2.

nb1 has taken off as the most vigorous of this batch. very good strong growth. reminiscent of durban 1 from my first grow.

nc2 has pretty leaves with some fat fingers right now.

the twins! yea, it looks like they’re gonna make it after the surgery to split the two apart.

you can see shorty’s stem near where it exits the soil is very thin. i’ll probably bury her in a little more soil or starter mix. she had a very small rootball when i lifted her out.

taco has some spotting on his leaves (i don’t know why i wanna gender shorty a female and taco a male but it feels right), possibly from an early neem oil application to take care of some gnats where i hadn’t turned down the lights. his growth had also stalled until today, when i noticed some action again.

the queen mothers are looking good. nice fat leaves like new caledonia’s.

and here’s vb1, the most recently sprouted and ready to grow.

i moved the best growers into the main tent, where they’ll be under 12/12 lighting. they looked quite happy the next day when i checked on them. the rest are still in the ac infinity cardboard box, where they’ll continue to be babied until ready for the big tent. the box is under 18/6 lighting.

i really should get the twins into the tent under 12/12 as soon as possible i think, and then top top and more topping for those two. i really want to keep their growth under control as much as possible. it makes me glad i had the training experience with durban 3 and tropical 3 from my first go around.

just another week before i pop the seeds for my third grow! although i may wait another few extra days just to ensure that i’ll have adequate space as my flowering plants start to finish up. i’ll play it by ear.


i spoke too soon regarding new caledonia 4.

what i thought was the beginnings of a tail starting to emerge looks like it’s now a mold or fungal infection. also when i went to check on the ziplock baggie the seed was in, the towel was completely dried out. not sure how that happened, since i thought i had properly moistened it. damn, i think if it had been in a consistently warm spot the mold wouldn’t be an issue?

i re-moistened the towel, sprayed the seed with some h2o2 and put it back in its warm spot. nothing left to do but hope and pray i suppose. if it doesn’t make it, it’s not the end of the world.


Nice catch on that!! TheH2O2 is my go to for problems like PWM and I include like.1ml in small pill cups I use to soak seeds until tails form

I personally skip the paper towel/plastic bag stage for this very reason; moldy type surprises. I go straight to medium with tweezers and patience hoping to get the tail down.

All your girls look strong and happy; well done!!!


This is a really critical point I’ve not seen discussed a lot but perhaps someone will steer me to some info.

My guess is it’s because every tent or space has unique transpiration rates and that moisture can really clog up the carbon in the filter more than particulates. I could be wrong about this but I think it’s very hard to determine when the filter is ineffective. I thought about tagging the filter with a date but beyond that unless you have equipment to measure airflow in and out how tf would you measure effectiveness??

I do know with hindsight it can really screw up your yield AND even the health of your plants (not so in your space) and typically at the point some damage is done. I had never thought about water clogging the filter.

I am planning to use one 6” AC infinity with carbon filter for incoming air only. I plan to run the other 6” AC infinity fan inside the tent above the light and routing it outside via ducting in window. I have no nearby neighbors and it’s legal so I think I’ll be safe to use the outflow fan w/o a filter. I do have some really great material I bought for Covid masks that I think will work quite nicely and be much more cost effective than a carbon filter. I forgot it’s proper name but it’s used to autoclave surgical instruments in O/R settings and is typically tossed out. An ER doctor from Florida I think originally posted a hack for re-purposing this material to make masks when PPE was impossible to find. I bought a box of like 50 or 100 sheets (48”x48”) for like 65$ early Covid. I have used it for various other things. It’s got like 87% permeability? Damn near N95 specs anyway. I’m planning to try that as a filtering agent on the outflow air from my tent. I can easily check it visually and it’s washable. I have found DIY hacks for making activated carbon filters online as well but that’s a whole other venture. Hope this helps




the one thing i really like about the towel/ziplock bag combo is that it’s very easy to see when tails have popped. when they’re in soil, i have no way of knowing whether they’re just slow or they’re stuck and dying/dead or whatever. perhaps when i’m through my dozen-th grow and have popped a hundred or so beans, then i can sit back and be more cavalier. but for now, i think there’s a lot of learning to be had from being able to see things develop. that’s also why i really like the clear cups, it lets me see root growth. i need to find some clear 1gallon containers, so i can better understand root development during that phase of growth as well.

oh that’s interesting on that halyard h600 material. their website says this about their product.

“Halyard Health has six grades of wrap fabric – from H100 to H600 to offer precisely the right protection for your needs. Choosing is easy, the higher the number, the stronger the wrap.”

do you think that’s the most cost-effective material? i wonder if it might be overkill for odor-removal purposes. i think i’ve come across some posts discussing carbon filters and whatnot, but nothing i can recall off the top of my head.

for now, my inline filter is working very well. i would say it’s only been within the last two or three weeks that i’ve had to add it, and it’s really only when the lights are on that the odors are most fragrant.

thanks for sharing @PTron!

thinking of smells, i keep thinking back to my tropical 1 with her funky skunky berry smell. last night it made me think of blueberries. i’m going back in for more sniffs tonight.


:thinking: well the one ive got rite now has been running nonstop for 5 years its a rhino from when they were still good (ive heard they have gone down hill) its an 8" it was conected to a 8" rvk low power now its conected to a 6" high power with a reducer, it blows straight on the street and as i said to ya there are often coppers in the layby (wankers) but yeah no smell coming out

love the idea for the hygrometers cant belive i hadnt thought of it i even put one in my drying box ( i to use boxes for alsorts :wink: :laughing: ) didnt think ta cut a bit of card and hang it in the tent :man_facepalming:


I remember the phototron. We had a contraption that I think was called the wheel. Like 100 plant sites spinning around a bulb. Hydro. Dirt fell out.
So much BS back then. Counterculture vibes of peace and love replaced by marketing, crypto mining and all other manifestations of capitalism. Late stage, early, middle no matter. My Great Greats can tell you bout ‘early stage capitalism’.

Sorry for the rant @highminwin, will go black to my thread to whine about world history.


do you change out the carbon in your filter at all, lime? or has it been running with the same for those five years? i’ve been reading that these in-line filters (maybe just newer ones?) don’t last too heck of a long time, but five years is a good return i’d say for you.

man, i so like having multiple temp/humidity sensors sprinkled around the tent and my grow space. it gives me just that little bit more information which i wasn’t realizing i’d been missing before. obviously i have a sensor that came with the ac infinity tent kit, but that only gives one localized reading. it doesn’t give me an awareness of the slightly different conditions in each localized part of my tent. but now i can see that the humidity around my fans is lower than away from my fans (which makes sense, but seeing the numbers helps it to click in my mind) and that the temp/humidity is higher at the bottom of my tent (perhaps i need more air circulation down there?). maybe when i’m an experienced grower they won’t be as important, but for now, great purchase!

in the photo above, you can see the slightly different readings on the top of my led panel. when i’m germinating seeds, i like to use this area to keep my seeds warm, so it’s nice to have an idea of what the conditions are in slightly different areas. in this case, i’d probably put my seeds on top of the led driver, rather than on the panel itself (which is shaded from the fan, so it gets hotter).

i also wanted to show the top of my tent to point out a little tip that’s helping me get more additional height from my led panel.

i imagine when most people install their led panels, normally they’re going to hang their rope clips from the tent pole bars that are right above their panels. when you do this, i find you can only raise your led panel so far before the hanging hardware and the bracket which holds on to the led panel keep you from being able to raise the panel any higher, even though you’ve still got a few inches of space left.

if you move your rope clip attachment point from above the led panel to the side (or edge) of the tent instead, you’ll be able to raise your led panel those few extra precious inches so your stretchy plants don’t get burned.

i love how creative and ingenious growers have been! and nowadays with legalization, since knowledge and experience is being freely shared, i can’t imagine what new craziness and inventiveness will be in store for us. but i’m honestly looking forward to the day when instead of hiding inside and pouring money into electricity, we’ll all feel perfectly comfortable dropping plants outdoors and just helping mother nature do what she does best. we’re already in the midst of a revolution, but that would just be… well, that would be something else to me.

it’s no rant at all LBS. we gotta be comfortable to be ourselves a little bit on this forum. while we’re growers and passionate about this plant, that’s not all that we are. just like a good organic soil, there’s so much more richness to us which we can share with each other and the world. i love seeing peoples gardens and vegetables and pets. and part of who we are is also how we approach the world, and the world sometimes just doesn’t seem to be doing the right thing (although i agree no politics, even if we agree on those politics).


i wanted to show some long brewing FPJ (fermented plant juice) recipes i’ve had sitting around for weeks now. normally i’ve read that you’re only supposed to leave your ferments for 5-7 days at most. but i got super lazy with these particular FPJ’s and left them for 3-4 weeks. i was hoping they wouldn’t mold or go bad, and it seemed like whenever i would peek in on them every so often, they looked like they were still alright. so i just let them go.

keep in mind that i have zip lock bags filled with water weighing the contents down, which i think really helped keep mold at bay. i think this is a super important step. i was worried the ziplock bag would hinder any sort of microbial or biological activity or air exchange that might be necessary, but it all seemed fine.

in the end, i was surprised by the results, although i haven’t used the juices yet so i don’t really know how good it is yet. lets take a look.

the first one i started 25 days ago. i had noticed this really vigorous plant/vine at my friend’s place, so i harvested a bunch of the green shoots and fermented them. not sure what the plant is, but the leaves and stems ended up being fairly hardy in structure (unlike cannabis, which is softer).

when i went to finally strain out my juice, everything looked and smelled fine. it was sweet and not off at all, it was quite nice and pleasant smelling actually.

now here are the remains of tropical 1, the male which we chopped down early in his life. he was using up precious space in the earthbox junior, and was too far behind everyone else for me to consider letting him grow up and show us what he’s made of.

but at least now we have him (and his enzymes) in juice form. this fpj i was really surprised by since it had been sitting for a whole month! but like the other fpj, when i would occasionally peek in on the jar, it all seemed alright, or at least it didn’t look like i would have to grab my hazmat suit just yet.

the smell of this juice actually reminded me of an asian dessert known as grass jelly. the scent is soft and sweet, and has something of a pleasant grass smell to it. grass jelly’s consistency is like jello, or like a gelatin dessert. it’s normally added to those dessert drinks you see at new fangled asian tea or boba spots. anyways, i really liked the smell. and look at how dark that juice is! it’s hard to tell, but it’s almost a green-black color, whereas other fpj/ffj’s have been more golden brown in color (like brown sugar).

again, i was pleasantly surprised that mold hadn’t blossomed in either of my little biological experiments.

we’ll see in a few weeks whether the juices do much of anything.


I wonder if that was the Omega Garden? @LivingBlackSoil those were sure cool :sunglasses: I never could afford one though.


omg, this thing is real and it looks outrageous! it’s like some stargate / matrix type looking contraption. how the heck… ? i suppose it makes sense with herbs, but with our herb i can’t imagine that the top sections would do well since weed has to grow a bit larger than herbs do when the weed flowers. crazy!

here’s a picture of it with weed though!

it’s almost like a dyson sphere (i suppose dyson cylinder in this case) of weed, orbiting around the sole light source and absorbing its energy. or now i’m imagining it as like a flesh light for light sabers. yea! darth vader goin to town on mother nature!

hmm, i don’t think i’ve even hit my smoke yet, lol! :confused:


Yeah that thing was an an amazing design, it was before LED’s, I would imagine LED’s would be a game changer for it, plus a little more vertical space as you mentioned :sunglasses:


It’s a style called Vertical growing. There’s a couple ways. It’s definitely a way to maximize space. Two ways of it off hand are a vertical SCROG, or stadium seating. It’s an amazing way to pheno hunt and do perpetual. Here’s 2 pics, not mine btw.



Yup that’s the idea. We got it used and I don’t think we ever flowered with it. We was soil centered 20 plus years ago.
@Dr.VitaminGreen is that first pic from Ukraine?

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? I don’t get it @LivingBlackSoil

There is a thread about vertical on RIU and I forgot dudes name, but he’s doing the damn thing. Hope he’s well. That’s it.


Ahh, yeah, I think that pic was ICMAG tbh. I just gave it a Google.

I always wanted to grow some trees like that with a 1000w bulb just hanging, but I don’t have the patience for a 4 month veg or however long it would take :sweat_smile: