Hittin' the highminwin road.. my first grow!

looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the putang x tfm. there was a slight showdown between that and the satori when i was polling for which i should include in my third run. although satori came out in the end, there was enough interest in the putang x tfm that i thought i should include it.

right now i’m just waiting for the majority of my females to finish flowering in my main tent, or to finish collecting pollen from the male in my secondary tent, before i feel comfortable starting my third set of seeds. it’s been so long now waiting on my females to finish, i feel like i’m walking across a vast desert with only the glimpse of a flowering oasis in the distance to keep me going. patience they say, wait for it, it’ll be worth it. :stuck_out_tongue:


You have made excellent use of the space available to grow a nice variety, the part about not remembering veg and to busy to over nutrient the grow made me laugh :joy: for real. Growing any plant is boring with my attention focused on what’s it doing today, sometimes go 3 days without checking then water and keep doing other stuff.

I can definitely see why you were picked by a friend to win a sticker, fantastic buds, great attitude, outstanding communication of your grow with interesting pictures and your a OG… OverGrow the World. :sunglasses:


Here is a look at my first grow ever


it’s getting to be longer between updates than i’d like, but such is life i suppose. just know that i’m still around, i’m lurking, i’m liking posts and comments, and i’m still continuing to tend to my plants. i just might not post as much as i should, could, or would like to. life grows on!

@JPiper you’re doing a spectacular job for your first grow! your plants look extremely healthy and happy.

thanks so much for the positive and uplifting words @Heliosphear! you’re an inspiration in your own right.


Agreed, life’s a bitch no matter wherever you are and whoever you are lol…

I’m also not updating my log like i used to before…
I would rather hang out in the threads of others and learn something useful LoL…


you’ve been wondering where i’m at, i’ve been wondering where i’m at. well, i’ve been around… just busy with work and life and these plants, but finally i have a minute to get some updates posted.

all in all, things have been going very well if somewhat slower than i was anticipating. i ran into some small issues, but it was nothing major and we kept on trucking.

after harvesting the main cola, i’ve been keeping the bottom half of tropical 1 (the blueberry skunk) in flower and have noticed increased trichs on some of her older buds which haven’t been harvested yet. she’s still hanging in there, drinking a lot less water than she used to.

she might be the only plant i want to reveg, with the exception of durban 3 as well. but to make room in my tent, i’ll likely let go of cindy 2 and tropical 3 once they’re harvested.

while tending to the plants last week, i noticed a little seedling poking up. what’s going on little guy! lil tp1! it must have randomly dropped and germinated. i wasn’t planning on it and i wasn’t sure how i would juggle my space, but if life finds a way who am i not to support it? so i transplanted it into its own container.

i thought i had done a decent enough job with the transplant, but sadly after a few days i noticed the seedling was not doing well. it looked like it was slowly wilting. i wasn’t sure what was going on and unfortunately a day or two later it had wilted away like some wicked witch. in hindsight, maybe i should have put it under a humidity dome? such is life… i was sorta looking forward to seeing how that seedling would grow up.

after all this time growing these plants, i suppose the most important part of this whole thing is the smoke report. it’s only been 11 days since i officially harvested and started curing tropical 1, so it’s still a little early in the cure. and i think i dried the buds hotter and quicker than is recommended. but you know, it was my first cure, i was bound to make mistakes.

after a few days, the buds were smelling very grassy and hay-like, as well as being pretty dry and brittle. i suppose it didn’t help that i had placed it to dry above my active light panel. it was probably 90degrees and 50% humidity. i thought the heat and the small fan blowing across the panel would help for some reason.

anyways, after storing it for about a week in a glass jar with two boveda packs, the smells are starting to return with that sweet fruitiness, although not very strong or too distinct. i really have to get up on those buds to get that scent, shoving it halfway up my nose. i feel like i’m trying to snort those terpenes. maybe the aromas and terps will return with a longer cure, or maybe my next cure will be better.

breaking apart the nugs gives that skunky scent again and a very slight blueberry. but again, all quite faint and light.

as for the smoke, i threw it into my arizer extreme q and puffed on three bags of it. the first bag i vaped at 420, while the next two bags i vaped at 380. again, light on that blueberry flavor with the most dominant taste being that sort of standard vaped weed flavor, slightly green and brown and popcorn-y. i do like the smoke as it feels fairly upbeat while being chill and relaxed. it’s good, very decent. i hope i’m able to tease more flavor out of it.

we’ll revisit the bud again in a few weeks to see how it continues to cure. i’ve certainly had much stronger and more potent weed before. but i’m really happy to say i’ve finally smoked my own homegrown!

as a final cool note, i noticed that my flower mill grinder’s mesh is big enough so that the seeds i hadn’t thought about being in my bud safely passed through unscathed. nice!


speaking of those issues, i had been harvesting a decent number of seeds off of tropical 3. i’d been using the film canisters that i got in my great lakes genetics orders, since they were a really good size and seemed to be perfect. blacked out, so no light gets in. it shuts and seals nice and tightly.

my photos show i started harvesting and storing the seeds around 7/16. so the seeds had been sitting in the canisters for a little less than a month. well in the last few weeks, i had noticed one or two seeds showed a whiteness on the seeds, but i didn’t think much of it since it was really isolated. perhaps it was some sort of natural coating from the plant or the calyx that helps protect the seed. i wasn’t sure and shrugged it off.

but last week i was alarmed when i looked in my film canisters and saw a very sizeable mold/fungal outbreak across my seeds. i emptied out the film canisters and noticed that the mold had hit a decent amount of the seeds. doh! that’s what the whiteness was.

so i emptied them out and aired them out on a mesh screen. i then placed them in paper sleeves while i worried and thought about what to do. the next day i decided to lightly spritz them with hydrogen peroxide and then gently rubbed them down with hand towels.

you can see the before/after in the photo above. i think it was a pretty good solution. i’ll have to do some germination tests on the seeds in the future before i can consider what to do with them.

i should have stored the seeds with some dessicant. lesson learned! as a note, the seeds i stored in small ziplock baggies do not show any mold issues, so maybe i’ll just go that route from now on for simplicity’s sake.


tropical 3, big beautiful bitter and starting to flop around now. i really wish i had some stakes in the earthbox so i could support her better. as it is, her branches as sub-optimally placed, but hey… such is life! (that’s my theme for the week, lol!) :stuck_out_tongue:

her smells… bitter, green, mint.

her colas… big, long, starting to fatten.

of all the females, her leaves are the driest, crunchiest, most yellowing and most problematic. but she’s definitely still hanging in there and has enough decent foliage still.

hopefully she’s only got another week and a half or two to fatten up. i want this lady out of my tent already, she takes up so much room! i hope i don’t regret that later on if she turns out to be killer smoke.


my current favorite flowering plant, durban 3.

her growth is awesome! 50-ish inches tall and look at that main cola! and in only 3 gallons of soil.

her scents… sweet, tropical fruity, delicious. her sweetness sort of over-rides the other smells in the tent. it’s very tantalizing, in a way like the blueberry tropical 1 enticed me, but there’s no skunky-ness with durban 3. i’m curious if the mango and banana FFJ’s played a part in contributing to her smells. there’s a mild exotic flavor to the scent as well. the stem rub is mildly acrid still.

she looks like she still has two or three weeks left. i think she’ll be the last female of the first grow to fully ripen.

still some dying and yellowing leaves. i feel like i keep fluctuating between over and under-watering these plants. one day i’m sure it will all feel more intuitive and natural.


the one that should be next to finish and harvest, cindy 2!

she has one long main cola which has filled out nicely, as well as a secondary smaller cola. maybe 1/4 of the smaller colas are seeded by cindy 3.

it looks close, maybe another week?

also some yellowing leaves with cindy 2. again, nothing major and since i expect to chop and drop her once she’s harvested, i’ll let her be and ride it out to the end.


Rice is the easy way to go to keep them dry. You should drop a couple to determine if they are still viable. Good catch.


i was worried about the rice because i’ve read that if the rice gets wet or moldy, that’s worse than having dessicant get moist because the rice will feed the mold. do you think that would be an issue?

i was definitely going to do this. i just feel bad about popping seeds just to germinate and then killing them off once they pop. maybe i’ll use them to test whether it was fungus gnats (or their larvae) which ate my lil tp1 seedling, rather than just bad moisture control. because now that i think about it, none of the seedlings from my second batch of plants needed a dome. this would make me feel better since they’re serving more of a purpose.

tonight though, i should finally be popping seeds for my third grow, which i had hoped to do like weeks and weeks ago! man, these plants just have their own timelines which i either respect or i screw myself and all of my plants over by getting greedy and growing too many plants at once.


I put my fresh seeds on a plate and put it in a cool, dry area for a couple of weeks before I put them in a sealed container or baggie and that is usually with rice. I haven’t had any issues with mold or anything else funky. I use rice because I don’t have desiccants paid.


That Durban 3 looks killer stoked for the reports your pictures and detailing of your grow is inspiring gotta step up my game and get my thread going or might even make a 2.0 and try to get more detailed


that makes a lot of sense @Tejas. i just ordered a container of silica, but i think i’ll have my seeds sit with rice from now on since that’s very cheap and seems like it would be effective.

i appreciate the thoughts, dhg! don’t get too sucked into the photos and presentation though. it can be a pain in the butt when i just want to throw a quick update up and keep things moving. my updates aren’t ever quick, lol. it can be great for learning though, when you can go back over a nicely detailed grow journal.


update from sunny san diego.

looks like my buddy’s tomatoes are coming in.

also, the cindy 1 that i dropped off with him a few months back seems to be doing very well. he says he gives compost teas every so often (maybe every two or three weeks?). last time i checked up on her about a month ago, her lower leaves were yellowing, so i top dressed with alfalfa meal and some build-a-bloom. she’s looking very healthy now.

she was originally germinated on 4/20, so she’s about four months old now, with about a month and a half since days started getting shorter outdoors. i imagine she’s still got at least 4-6 weeks of flowering left, if not more. she looks like she’s about 6’, maybe 7’ tall now (although she’s in an above ground container and not in the ground, so maybe subtract 1.5’ for the container). she’s only in 3 gallons of soil (ff ocean forest).

the three new ones i dropped of with him as part of my second batch of plants are also looking pretty good. leaves seem a little yellow, so i recommended he add some nitrogen.

the viet black has a nice candelabra type structure. tallest of the second batch. looks to be about 4’ tall.

new caledonia with a more classic christmas tree shape. quite bushy.

and the queen mother is keeping a really tight, narrow shape. the nc2 and qm6 seem to be about 3’-3.5’.

i believe i had fimmed all three before dropping them off. the new caledonia and queen mother were germinated on 6/18, and the viet black was germinated on 6/26. so about two months for them now. these three are in five gallons of soil. the vb i believe is in happy frog and the other two are in bu’s blend?


i picked up some color changing silica from ebay to help dry out my pollen and seeds and whatnot.

after just 30 minutes in a tupperware container with just 1/2" of silica and the relative humidity has already dropped in half. it’s maintained that same rh over the last two days. pretty good purchase i think.


Very nice grow.,

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Too Funny
Thanks for that

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True stoner brilliance, I love it. If you told a pot grower that there was a lost strain on the moon they’d make a spacesuit out of Gorilla tape and panda film and go take a look, we’ll do anything and make it work!