HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

Maybe not :thinking:

Check it out my man @tamimes was saying that is exactly what he has been doing.
The virus has been a non issue for him.
It is all there for those who wish to read it.

@I.am.human Please stop into the thread above and give your 2 cents when you have the time, please and thank you.


This is the best thread going…unstoppable :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


So, viruses eh? The worst.

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Another add to ignore due to ignorance. It’s not what you think but the asinine and childish way you approach the subject and comment without a real point.

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I have seen farmers in southern France (Northern Catalunya) and in Catalunya apply these principles and they do confront a lot less problems, if any, with pests, fungus, and viruses.

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@Hemp All they need to do is diligently test the mother stalk to make sure they don’t have the viroid. But for some reason some companies just don’t care/don’t believe in it or it just costs to much🤷‍♂️

If everyone that sells seeds and clones would do proper testing this shit would not be this big of a problem. Unfortunately some growers/breeders don’t believe its actually real for some stupid reason. Until everyone gets on the same page it’s not going anywhere.

Best thing you can do is buy your seeds/clones from people who believe in testing the plants they have and any plants they bring in.
That’s what I do and it’s going good now after getting the viroid last year.
I won’t get clones from anyone who doesn’t root test for hlv.
I test all my mothers for hlv, seems like it should be mandatory for anyone who keeps mothers for cloning to test.


It’s on the east coast for sure. It might be better in Canada, but definitely east coast of USA has it


If you trade clones you’re putting yourself at risk no matter where you live. There’s also a vicious strain of PM hiding in some cuts going around the Michigan area this year


That’s it. I am never buying another clone every again. Say goodbye to this. I don’t pheno hunt. Fuck That!!!

If you look closely around the taint of this clone you can see the HPV.
Yes this is facetiousness.


Fucking plague bro we’re so screwed. Just hope someone can find a solution

I just today dropped tests in mail to send back to Tumi. 5 strains in my small mom box. 2more things I want but at least one will be tested before I get it and I still have 5 tests yet to use and send in. Then I seal the door on anything coming in.


The plant is very nice at least ^^
You’re talking about the hues i take for a sunset reflection ?

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Are you 100% sure of my friend? The tobacco virus I didn’t have too much of a problem with. Are you sure that’s what it is? Whatever you just called.It?

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I’m talking about the HPV growing cauliflower around her vagina. @Hemp


You get me every time. Lol

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This guy…




So if we have a contaminated plant then we can sterilizer it if it has HPLVD with H2O2 and that will kill the virus. Seems a logical deduction here

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Perhaps someone in say Michigan started this thread so they could sell more clones.