🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Gotcha that makes perfect sense it works great for a frame of reference to see how big your monsters really are!

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Starting from the front yard the wildflowers on the curb are doing their job.

Datura Metal and Tomatos stop the garbage neighbour’s garbage.

I love these flowers!

As I was in the front Frankie heard me and came running down the street for treats.

He walked right pass me* because he knows the keeper of the treats will be in the backyard. :rofl:

Across from the Datura Metal is the row of Dinosaur Kale.


Butterfly Bush

Espalier Apple tree

Front rain barrel array.

Front porch, aka home for the :cat2: 's and the Brugmansia plants.

I tidied up the living fence, aka: Wild Grapes and Mugwort growing along the side path.

At the end of this path is the only actual grape in the yard, it’s a White Grape of some sort a friend gave to me last year and it survived both the transplant and winter. @CADMAN it’s from Kingston. :rofl:

Here we find Frankie all plorped after he’s gotten his treats. :rofl:

And above us the gang.

In and around the porch are the tropical plants that love to take the heat with all the brick and concrete cooking in the afternoon sun.

Hummingbird Sage, Guava Tree, Scotch Bonnet Pepper

Sochi Tea Plant & Black Olive Tree

Dwarf Date Palm

Plumerias surrounding my new Miracle Berry

Night Blooming Jasmine

Cold Hardy Prickly Pear & Euphorbia milii, (aka: the crown of thorns)

Red & Purple Hibiscus, the cluster in ground are Garlic Chives.

Top row left to right: Sea Onions, Rose of Sharon, Dwarf Pomegranate, Orange Hibiscus.
Bottom row left to right: 42 year old Christmas Cactus, Mosquito Geranium, Cardamon,Rescue Plant.

Some Sunflowers, forgotten Tomatos, & Jasmine.

The Water Lillies in 1908 clawfoot bathtub.

Funny enough, the cats do get along because no one fights for treats! :rofl:

Our PawPaw tree’s are finally paying off!

Check this out! FRUIT!!!

Makrut Lime Tree

Ruby Red Grapefruit

I thought I killed my Bay Lariel tree when I forgot to water it over the winter… BUT IT’S TRYING TO LIVE!

This PawPaw isn’t producing yet but I have hopes for next year. :crossed_fingers:

Calamondin Orange

We just left this sunflower grow and holy carp!

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

30+ year old White Grapefruit

Goji Berry Bush

Garden Huckleberries

Hops & a White Mulberry Tree

Florida Ditch Weed

Texada Timewarp

RocBud Freebie Auto Mix 2022

This plant is so impressive I hit up a branch with Blood Orange Haze S1 pollen.

Buddhas Cane S1

Queen Mother Sativa

These Hazelnuts are gonna take a while considering all the sun stolen from my neighbours grapes :rofl: .

Gotta love a clean compost heap shot.

With an old kettle and rain water, I’m slowly winning by BOILING THE WEEDS AWAY FROM THE POND’S BOARDER ROCKS!. :hot_face:

Butternut Squash forced to climb.

Just sayin’ it’s clearly working.

Cat shelter bench. Yes we could use it too but it’s usually got a cat on it. :man_shrugging:

Take a look through our arbour at the cuties eating on the feeders.

UK Cheese

Texada Timewarp (in ground)

RocBud Freebie Auto Mix 2022 (in ground)

Florida Ditch Weed (in ground)

Elder Berry

Here’s the other side of the arbour.

Currants, all cut back as they are done producing for the year.

Hugelkultur pile, I just cut back the Egyptian Onions so they will establish as a patch here now.

The friend that gave me the White Grape also gave me 2 frames for 2 gazebos. So I got creative.

Here’s the 1st one which will now be trained with berries for next year. (Raspberries, Tayberries, & Blackberries)

And the other one is becoming a “boat house” :rofl: :+1:

This all started with our fist gazebo framed with camo netting resulting in a cozy spot to sit and relax.

Joe Pye Weed and Stinging Nettle grows around the cat feeding station in the far back.

Raspberries, Kale and Collard Greens

The other side of the same patch.

The small pond is going strong and still keeps many a critter watered despite the addition of the waterfall in the large pond.

Can’t forget about the Tomatos.

The backyard watering station. There’s another 55 gallon drum uphill that feeds all this via a valve.



Your yard is stunning and the scroll wheel on my mouse broke.


You forgot to mention the strain name of this one :slight_smile:



Amazing! Love it sooooo much!


I rarely comment, I am more of a lurker these days, but I have to say I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into making these posts.
You have a very lovely garden, all around, and a nice home. I am sure all the neighborhood cats love you. :+1: :v: :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s one hell of a yard wow :ok_hand: nice job.


I love it. :grin:


Lol, I love this.

I gotta admit, I pretty much scrolled right past the cannabis plant pics. I’m all to interested in much of the other foliage that you have back there. Rather envious of the yard as a whole too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So green and beautiful. I want some of your plants!


My thought exactly when I saw that first picture, but by the end I’d forgotten all about it! HA!


Awesome garden…and thanks for the cramp in my scrolling finger! :laughing:


Delicious garden @Pigeonman You took good opportunity of all the space you have there.

Happy to see the queen mother in gardens, this is a great strain.


Same here :sweat_smile:

@Pigeonman you have the best damn outdoor grow log on OG period!! Incredible work!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


@Andrane , @chronix , @CADMAN , @ColeLennon , @blowdout2269 , @mota , @CanuckistanPete , @funkyfunk .& @Oldtimerunderground

Thank you so very much!!! :blush:

For all y’all with finger cramps; this is why I use the :arrow_down: on my keyboard to scroll OG :rofl:


I had to replace the the AA battery in my mouse. I got stuck half scroll. :rofl:


That’s what she said?..



Damn, Dude. Your garden is pretty much a full time job, ain’t it. Awesome stuff, bruddah.


The missus and i redid the porch and installed the cat doors!!!



Looks great :grinning:
I need to build one of those for the cat that comes around my house if she doesn’t start coming in by winter. Last month after a full year of living at my new place the cat finally let my wife and I actually pet her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Took a TON of treats and catnip but she finally dropped her guard and loves to play with me every morning.


Those cat doors just for them to get into their own little house or does it let them into the house acting like a breeze way? Looks good.