🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

good that the solution was that easy :wink:


I plucked all the bad leaves from the Pink Florida Ditch Weed and then when standing back and getting a good look at it I had no choice but to take about 9x cuts from the base of the plant in hopes of keeping this thing around.

It’s such a perfect plant for it’s type. I canr explain it in words as it’s too striking.

Will take pics with objext for scale later when its cooler


Here we grow again!!!

Florida Ditch Weed: Green Pheno: (20 gallon fabric pot)

Queen Mother Sativa: (30 gallon fabric pot; @US3RNAM3 )

Buddhas Cane S1: (25 gallon fabric pot; @ShitSeeds )

UK Cheese:


THIS BRANCH IS ONLY 1/2 WAY UP THE 12-15 FOOT TALL TREE!!! :exploding_head:

Cloning cuts are no chilling in the foodatorium with the espresso cups + Hummingbird Sage cuttings.

More and more I pluck these tree/bushes of :broccoli: the more and more I’m so happy now have the DEATHFAN!.


And in the front yard, folks are stopping and taking pictures of my other flowers… which keeps folks from seeing the previous flowers in my backyard! :rofl:

For perspective if you have never seen a Brugmansia up close they are not small flowers

And their nickname:

:angel: 's :trumpet:

:v: :rofl: :+1:


I like it. :sunglasses: :metal:


@ColeLennon thank you and me too!

I showed my buddy that gave me these beans, “The Butter Baron”; he’s been growing these open pollination in his yard for 10+ years and when I showed him what I’ve done with his genetics he kinda got sore as my plants are all flowers and he responded in the extreme: WHERE ARE THE LEAVES!?

I jokingly said: “I’m in the habit of growing flowers buddy, NOT leaves.”


I’m going to STS these cuts and have S1s FOREVER. If this plant handles the fall the way he describes I think I’ll dub this cut:

:arrow_right: Florida Ditch Weed: “Pink Eye of the Tiger” Cut. :arrow_left:

Because it’ll take the hits, and keep going the distance, because that’s how winners are made!

:boxing_glove: :eye: :tiger:




Them pink pistils are mesmerizing. :open_mouth:

Umm… spellcheck that^


Didnt see Texada Timewarp. Did she make the cut?
I love that Buddhas Cane is really filling out. Shes so beautiful.
That FDW looks like a load of fun. Very nice work as always.


You can grow those in Canada wow I’ve only seen in san Diego!

Scroll up and you’ll see it chopped! It’s at around 62 rh% in my drying tent so they’re hitting grove bags in hte next few days when I’m not at work.

The test smoke from a dry enough nug gave me and the missus some great headspace and energy.

Thanks @420noob , which strain you referring too? If you are just talking about big plants in general check out @NorthNorthNugs rooftop garden as he’s just a few KM down the road from me in a diff hood doing some mad green some amazing good!


The angel trumpet trees! Fell in love with them in Cali!

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You’re too kind bud! Your garden should win the ZEN Award of the century! Legendary status!!!

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AHHH!!! Gotcha! Yes they overwinter indoors behind the window that’ currently behind them! :rofl:

the week before the kill frost I hack off a chunk of the new growth and put them under lights indoors. By December/Jan I usually get a flower or two so the whole house smells amazing at sundown. :smiley:

Thanks for the love bruv! :blush: I’d love for both of us to do a mutual site visit if you’re down! But I also totally understand & accept if that’s also a no. :ok_hand:


How old are they? They are a real sight to see full grown in year long favorable conditions, but you have managed to capture in a smaller form well done!

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I got my 1st cutting as a stick on the late 90’s :rofl:
Stuck it into a pot of soil, watered it and a i dont remeber amount of time later it rooted and shot it’s first leaves. Its offspring shoot dark yellow flowers.

Most are from cuttimgs from that stcik, but i did buy a varigated leaf varity called “Snowbank” which shoots white flowers that turn yellow.

A work neighbour gave me one of his cuttings at the end of the season as he only had so much overwintering indoor space. He’s since passed away so im honored to have this tree as part of my movable grove. These flowers shoot pink.


That is quite the monster to be part of your


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My hobbies, job and ADHD keep me fit. :rofl:


Thats something cool to have a memory attached to. Especially something so pretty. Pink flowers huh are they the same 10-14 inches long and about 4-5 inches across at bottom of the bell? If I remember correctly those will close up every night as well right?

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I feel ya, my combined type ADHD has my mind and body training for Iron Man. In my mind. :rofl:

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Hey @ShitSeeds , these Texada Timewarps have so much pinene in it the house smells like there’s an xmas tree in here!

:rofl: :christmas_tree:

Up Close:

The “winner” of the 2 plants with both better bud structure and size goes to the 25 gallon fabric pot plant which yielded a whopping 350 grams of dried flower at 62% RH!

The smaller in-ground plant yielded 150 grams at 62% RH; it gave it a good shot but clearly this cultivar prefers select soil vs Ontario ground. :ok_hand: