šŸ¤Æ Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

I love this. I have a suppliment of Chitin I use for outdoors to beef up their insect resistance. For inside Iā€™ll top feed with frass.

Sounds like itā€™s time to block a plant side by side test to see if the same cut (2 clones) get different terp profiles with/without chitin!

On a bonus note my H0Cl generator is arriving today!



It was on my porch when I got home! Immediately opened it up, tossed in the goodies and ran it twice to get some high PPM H0Cl and the SPRAYED THE SHIT OUTA THE BUDDHAS CANE!

Gonna see what it looks like in the AM and if thereā€™s no weirdness (aka: i didnā€™t have such a high PPM H0Cl solution that something bad happens overnight) Iā€™ll hose down the rest!



I need more toys :disappointed_relieved::sob: lol

Caryophyllene seems to be a volatile one, and I keep hearing people drying in the fridge. Maybe worth exploring for when you find it :wink:

Edit, is this why that spicy mango on a stick on the beach in mexico was so good? Literally because I was high?


Anything on a stick really.

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Thatā€™s what she said?


Got it. Look for strains high in myrcene for a longer more potent high. This is what I got from that article.


cannabis-terpenes-boiling-points-chart.pdf (91.9 KB)

Itā€™s boiling point is like 50 degrees lower than some other terps. Refrigerated drying might be a way to hold on to it?

Maybe itā€™s as much in the cure as it is in the plant

(Maybe the same thing with the rks thiols?)


Didnt read the article yet but myrcene penatrates the blood brain barrier for better saturation!


Ooof if you want to send another envelope with one or more master primes Iā€™d be down to trade more beansā€¦ :grin:

Cool to see someone else here is in the video production realm. What kind of work do you do? Iā€™ve always wanted to try one of the Davinci controllers but never could justify it.

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Iā€™m the senior technician of the largest Canadian non-for-profit artist-run centre for motion picture and video production. Optical printers, wet/dry darkroom, digital edit & colour correction suites, animation stands, non-linear flatbed editing.

Basically your one-stop-chop-shop for all things involving motion picture for screen, web or gallery.

Iā€™m a big responsible child with expensive lego that has near infinite permutations allowing for near any form of creative expression.

:ok_hand: :grin: :+1:


Well now Iā€™m reaaal jealous. Iā€™ve been freelancing for a few years after a 5 year stint with CNET filming automotive material. Being near Detroit I get work from Ford, GM, Dodge, Chevrolet, Chrysler. Lots of content for internal use or new vehicle buyers. I enjoy it but that work is mostly for money. I love my film cameras and personal work is usually done on film. I havenā€™t touched them much this year but I recently pulled out my super 8 and geared her up with an anamorphic attachment lens. 4 rolls of Tri-X ready to burn


@ABushOfKush this makes me SOOO HAPPY as this is exactly the kind of shit I do at work!

The fact that youā€™re using a ā€œbelly-boiā€ Nizo for your S8 beyond the anamorphic attachment lets me know you know your shit.

My rig uses anamorphics for 16mm projectors; only 1 stop loss and much smaller as itā€™s less glass. First one used a 35mm theatrical scope :rofl: which was a workout!

Last fun ā€œtraditional training projectā€ I shot on super 8 was in a mosh pit, got it scanned as a 5k uncompressed image sequence and holy shart Iā€™m never doing that again. (105gb of JPEGs per 2.5min reel :rofl: )

The most fun experimental and screened work is this:

And I accidentally owned a workshop I was participating in where the technique involved applying resists to a single strip of film where through selective removals when processing results in either colour neg, colour pos, b&w pos, or B&w with Silver Hailide contamination.

Each participant shot a roll in advance to bring to the classā€¦ so what I did blew everyoneā€™s mind as most of the footage folks shot wasnā€™t actually planned outā€¦ and I shot 1.5x anamorphic 16mm. :rofl:



Love it! My anamorphic set up is a 2X 16mm projector lens housed in a FM focus adapter. Super sharp set up even wide open at f1.2. My digital set up for personal use is a trusty Blackmagic 4K Production camera. Canā€™t live without that global shutter!

Iā€™ll share some links later but we should definitely keep in touch.


LOL! We had one of these in our Telecine (film to digital) room for this exact reason!

It died on us so I contacted my buddy at Blackmagic Designs Canada and he talked to his boss, who happens to be the head of the Canada side of things and we got donated their demo URSA classic as a replacement in support of the film centre.

I was floored, but they were up front: ā€œthis camera was over designed, and WAY to heavy for folks these days so weā€™re just very happy itā€™s going to be used and appreciated instead of sitting in storage gathering dust.ā€

:rofl: :+1:


Where did you get your adapter? I made up mine for S8 before there was a shit tonne of support for all this stuff on the market.

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I bought mine about 7 years ago from a Lithuanian company called AnamorphicShop. Their website seems to be gone now. Was pricey but not for one moment have I regretted it. I also use the global shutter for film to video transfer. I need to get a better macro set up as an old 70-200 with diopters pointed straight into the projector without its lens is a bit rudimentary. Makes a really cool looking recording though.

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We have something similar set up.

Projector modded with dichoric filters behind the film gate with lens aimed at a front surface mirror which redirects the image through 1 diopter located near the mirror into the lens of the URSA which has yet another diopter.

The image focus is at the 1st diopter point so we match focus for the projection/camera lens at this point.

Itā€™s basically what happens when you have someone that designed aerial optical printers and translated that workflow to video :rofl:

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Whatever it takes to record it in real time! Sure beats the hell out of frame by frame scanning in both time and money. Boy do those frame by frame scans look amazing though. I had my first roll through that nizo sent out for a 4k scan and if I had done a better job focusing, wow is it sharp. Some of the 5k and 6k scans Iā€™ve seen on youtube are just gorgeous. Do you follow Adrian Cousins work on youtube? I could watch his uploads for hours.

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Nope, I follow NO ONE and have not enough online presence to be followed. But I know Adrian and many others :rofl:

We just hosted a film labs conference, was kinda surprised Adrian didnā€™t register. :man_shrugging:

Iā€™m the guy that when folks ask questions it eventually ends up to: ā€œGo to the back and ask for Karl.ā€

Iā€™ve put out so many fires I feel like a 1st responder some days.


Haha I guess by follow I mean Iā€™ve been subscribed to his channel for a long long time. My online presence is here and digging through cool niche stuff on youtube. Thatā€™s awesome that he submits work around. It certainly seems like youā€™ve more than dipped your feet into many aspects of the visual arts!

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