🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Just got caught back up with this amazing grow thread, thought I put on watching before but I didn’t . Now j am all set up.


That death fan is epic! I can’t afford one ATM but maybe for next year… Pulling some plants down tmrw, looking like we have similar harvest dates. Got rocked by the wind also!! Next year I’m staking a lot better than I did this year for sure.

Best of luck with the rest of harvest!!

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Thanks @NorthNorthNugs ! Hopefully your roof isn’t too seeded from that errant “Magic Plant” loaded with :eggplant: 's!

I just defoliated the living fuck out of the Buddhas Cane S1. The PM is ongoing since the heat-wave + RH% spike this last week and I consider it a win with making it a stalemate.

This though gives my gut a twist knowing that at best I’ll just be battling PM but at worst I’ve got a major budrot situation to come with the BCane…

The past 1hr was me outside fogging the plant down until soaking wet, then the defoliation followed by a secondary fog-soak with the other plants still up getting a fogging “just incase” of anything travelling during this process as it is windy today.


I’m thinking of cutting my losses literally and taking the plant down tomorrow afternoon/evening once there’s a clear patch… thankfully I have 3 racks open in the drying tent so that should work out for enough space… (yet another :crossed_fingers: moment).


:metal: :play_or_pause_button: :+1:

As mentioned in the last post the RH is near 100% today and has been high with the 25-27c weather for the freaking 1st week of October!? :man_facepalming:

Here’s the Buddhas Cane S1, a plant I can’t express enough that you need to grow at least once but NOT OUTSIDE IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO! :rofl:

@ShitSeeds , this is the most redonk pop-can cola plant I’ve ever grown outside and I see why so many folks have had budrot issues in the final weeks! :scream: .

Inside though with a controlled environment the plant I grew out produced solid rock buds!!! No issues what-so-ever in that case and even in this high RH check out these gems!

Sadly though, this is the stalemate I’m addressing with H0Cl.

As per my usual, I went extreme. (just like the song you may be listening to while reading this!)

Before reminder:

The other side of the plant; which is west facing so not as impressive as the other side. :wink:


The plant looks and feels better for it. It’ll also give the deathfan less to chew on tomorrow. :+1:
I mean just look at this! :ok_hand:

Not to ignore the other 2 plants still up and growing; here is the UK Cheese.

And finally the 10ft monster of a Queen Mother Sativa!

Thanks for dropping on by again! All the best to you, yours and your grows!

:metal: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


Damn, this make me feel all nice and warm inside, even though she got attacked with PM. She’s certainly a sensitive girl, but she loves to show off. That fade will be gorgeous now. I hope the weather doesnt cause more damage for you dude. Amazing work as always. The other ladies are lookin good too man.

I’m going to cross Buddhas Cane with some mold resistant strains next, see what we get for us Southern Ontario outdoor folk… and indoor folk alike!


@Oldtimerunderground hooked me up with Mighty Mite. Im looking forward to running that next summer.

I have UK cheese clones that are southern ontario bomb proof if your interested @ShitSeeds !


I am a big fan of Cheese, so yes, I think I am interested good sir haha


If your looking for PM and budrot resistance go check out @JohnnyPotseed He has a Cultivar names Frankenstien thats Bullet proof to PM and mold.This lady was laying in PM and budrot and is spotless to this day i was able to still keep her going everything elsed has to be chopped.Never had anything not get it here next to lake erie.Huge donkey dick buds makes a real monster


She was never sprayed with Dr zymes EVER i left her dry on purpose to see what she could do forgot to chime that in


lol thnx for that ringing endorsement, cuz! Glad she did ya right! Looks awesome, btw!


@JohnnyPotseed your the Man!!


Same here! … and thanks again OTUG! :+1:
I’ll try and coordinate my grow … for ‘fun and games’…



I saw Gary from Extreme sing for Van Halen it was a massacre of Van Halen. Only 2500 tickets were sold in venue that held 25K. :rofl: Bonus was Monster Magnet opened for them. Lead singer was so fucked up. Gowed out of his mind.


Thanks @CapnCannabis !

I have Frankie Fems and now looks like their is gonna be at least one more monster in the yard! :smiley:


BAHHAHAHA!!! Last time i saw MM in person he had a hot “fat chick” on stage topless swinging her titties while he puttered around all fucked up.


Dude was always fucked up. “one hit wonder”


I’m getting the same results here on my Frankenstein. Nothing is touching it… (yet)
The next week will be the ‘acid test’ as it is supposed to be cold and wet and she is almost done…

Even odds that I ‘wimp out’ and cut a branch for insurance… :wink:



Space Lord Mother Mother!


That’s a good deal I f you have a uncle wieners store near you!

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Im going to full Monty on this one and riding it out till the 9th at 65 days Frankies one tough Bitch and she can take care of herself thats is for sure im sure you will be just fine no worries Aint no shame in Putting up a bud or two thats just being careful